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Created September 21, 2019 06:18
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iphelix/PACK hashcat rulegen for Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# - Advanced automated password rule and wordlist generator for the
# Hashcat password cracker using the Levenshtein Reverse Path
# algorithm and Enchant spell checking library.
# This tool is part of PACK (Password Analysis and Cracking Kit)
# VERSION 0.0.3
# Copyright (C) 2013 Peter Kacherginsky
# All rights reserved.
# Please see the attached LICENSE file for additional licensing information.
import sys
import re
import time
import operator
import enchant
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
from collections import Counter
import subprocess
import multiprocessing
VERSION = "0.0.4"
# Testing rules with hashcat --stdout
HASHCAT_PATH = "hashcat/"
# Rule Generator class responsible for the complete cycle of rule generation
class RuleGen:
# Initialize Rule Generator class
def __init__(self,language="en",providers="aspell,myspell",basename='analysis',threads=multiprocessing.cpu_count()):
self.threads = threads
self.enchant_broker = enchant.Broker()
self.enchant = enchant.Dict(language, self.enchant_broker)
# Output options
self.basename = basename
# Finetuning word generation
self.max_word_dist = 10
self.max_words = 10
self.more_words = False
self.simple_words = False
# Finetuning rule generation
self.max_rule_len = 10
self.max_rules = 10
self.more_rules = False
self.simple_rules = False
self.brute_rules = False
# Debugging options
self.verbose = False
self.debug = False
self.word = None # Custom word to use.
self.quiet = False
# Word and Rule Statistics
self.numeric_stats_total = 0
self.special_stats_total = 0
self.foreign_stats_total = 0
# Preanalysis Password Patterns
self.password_pattern = dict()
self.password_pattern["insertion"] = re.compile('^[^a-z]*(?P<password>.+?)[^a-z]*$', re.IGNORECASE)
self.password_pattern["email"] = re.compile('^(?P<password>.+?)@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}', re.IGNORECASE)
self.password_pattern["alldigits"] = re.compile('^(\d+)$', re.IGNORECASE)
self.password_pattern["allspecial"]= re.compile('^([^a-z0-9]+)$', re.IGNORECASE)
# Hashcat Rules Engine
self.hashcat_rule = dict()
# Dummy rule
self.hashcat_rule[':'] = lambda x: x # Do nothing
# Case rules
self.hashcat_rule["l"] = lambda x: x.lower() # Lowercase all letters
self.hashcat_rule["u"] = lambda x: x.upper() # Capitalize all letters
self.hashcat_rule["c"] = lambda x: x.capitalize() # Capitalize the first letter
self.hashcat_rule["C"] = lambda x: x[0].lower() + x[1:].upper() # Lowercase the first found character, uppercase the rest
self.hashcat_rule["t"] = lambda x: x.swapcase() # Toggle the case of all characters in word
self.hashcat_rule["T"] = lambda x,y: x[:y] + x[y].swapcase() + x[y+1:] # Toggle the case of characters at position N
self.hashcat_rule["E"] = lambda x: " ".join([i[0].upper()+i[1:] for i in x.split(" ")]) # Upper case the first letter and every letter after a space
# Rotation rules
self.hashcat_rule["r"] = lambda x: x[::-1] # Reverse the entire word
self.hashcat_rule["{"] = lambda x: x[1:]+x[0] # Rotate the word left
self.hashcat_rule["}"] = lambda x: x[-1]+x[:-1] # Rotate the word right
# Duplication rules
self.hashcat_rule["d"] = lambda x: x+x # Duplicate entire word
self.hashcat_rule["p"] = lambda x,y: x*y # Duplicate entire word N times
self.hashcat_rule["f"] = lambda x: x+x[::-1] # Duplicate word reversed
self.hashcat_rule["z"] = lambda x,y: x[0]*y+x # Duplicate first character N times
self.hashcat_rule["Z"] = lambda x,y: x+x[-1]*y # Duplicate last character N times
self.hashcat_rule["q"] = lambda x: "".join([i+i for i in x]) # Duplicate every character
self.hashcat_rule["y"] = lambda x,y: x[:y]+x # Duplicate first N characters
self.hashcat_rule["Y"] = lambda x,y: x+x[-y:] # Duplicate last N characters
# Cutting rules
self.hashcat_rule["["] = lambda x: x[1:] # Delete first character
self.hashcat_rule["]"] = lambda x: x[:-1] # Delete last character
self.hashcat_rule["D"] = lambda x,y: x[:y]+x[y+1:] # Deletes character at position N
self.hashcat_rule["'"] = lambda x,y: x[:y] # Truncate word at position N
self.hashcat_rule["x"] = lambda x,y,z: x[:y]+x[y+z:] # Delete M characters, starting at position N
self.hashcat_rule["@"] = lambda x,y: x.replace(y,'') # Purge all instances of X
# Insertion rules
self.hashcat_rule["$"] = lambda x,y: x+y # Append character to end
self.hashcat_rule["^"] = lambda x,y: y+x # Prepend character to front
self.hashcat_rule["i"] = lambda x,y,z: x[:y]+z+x[y:] # Insert character X at position N
# Replacement rules
self.hashcat_rule["o"] = lambda x,y,z: x[:y]+z+x[y+1:] # Overwrite character at position N with X
self.hashcat_rule["s"] = lambda x,y,z: x.replace(y,z) # Replace all instances of X with Y
self.hashcat_rule["L"] = lambda x,y: x[:y]+chr(ord(x[y])<<1)+x[y+1:] # Bitwise shift left character @ N
self.hashcat_rule["R"] = lambda x,y: x[:y]+chr(ord(x[y])>>1)+x[y+1:] # Bitwise shift right character @ N
self.hashcat_rule["+"] = lambda x,y: x[:y]+chr(ord(x[y])+1)+x[y+1:] # Increment character @ N by 1 ascii value
self.hashcat_rule["-"] = lambda x,y: x[:y]+chr(ord(x[y])-1)+x[y+1:] # Decrement character @ N by 1 ascii value
self.hashcat_rule["."] = lambda x,y: x[:y]+x[y+1]+x[y+1:] # Replace character @ N with value at @ N plus 1
self.hashcat_rule[","] = lambda x,y: x[:y]+x[y-1]+x[y+1:] # Replace character @ N with value at @ N minus 1
# Swappping rules
self.hashcat_rule["k"] = lambda x: x[1]+x[0]+x[2:] # Swap first two characters
self.hashcat_rule["K"] = lambda x: x[:-2]+x[-1]+x[-2] # Swap last two characters
self.hashcat_rule["*"] = lambda x,y,z: x[:y]+x[z]+x[y+1:z]+x[y]+x[z+1:] if z > y else x[:z]+x[y]+x[z+1:y]+x[z]+x[y+1:] # Swap character X with Y
# Common numeric and special character substitutions (1337 5p34k)
self.leet = dict()
self.leet["1"] = "i"
self.leet["2"] = "z"
self.leet["3"] = "e"
self.leet["4"] = "a"
self.leet["5"] = "s"
self.leet["6"] = "b"
self.leet["7"] = "t"
self.leet["8"] = "b"
self.leet["9"] = "g"
self.leet["0"] = "o"
self.leet["!"] = "i"
self.leet["|"] = "i"
self.leet["@"] = "a"
self.leet["$"] = "s"
self.leet["+"] = "t"
# Preanalysis rules to bruteforce for each word
self.preanalysis_rules = []
self.preanalysis_rules.append(([],self.hashcat_rule[':'])) # Blank rule
self.preanalysis_rules.append((['r'],self.hashcat_rule['r'])) # Reverse rule
#self.preanalysis_rules.append((['{'],self.hashcat_rule['}'])) # Rotate left
#self.preanalysis_rules.append((['}'],self.hashcat_rule['{'])) # Rotate right
# Calculate Levenshtein edit path matrix
def levenshtein(self,word,password):
matrix = []
# Generate and populate the initial matrix
for i in range(len(password) + 1):
for j in range(len(word) + 1):
if i == 0:
elif j == 0:
# Calculate edit distance for each substring
for i in range(1,len(password) + 1):
for j in range(1,len(word) + 1):
if password[i-1] == word[j-1]:
matrix[i][j] = matrix[i-1][j-1]
insertion = matrix[i-1][j] + 1
deletion = matrix[i][j-1] + 1
substitution = matrix[i-1][j-1] + 1
matrix[i][j] = min(insertion, deletion, substitution)
return matrix
def levenshtein_distance(self, s1, s2):
"""Calculate the Levenshtein distance between two strings.
This is straight from Wikipedia.
if len(s1) < len(s2):
return self.levenshtein_distance(s2, s1)
if not s1:
return len(s2)
previous_row = range(len(s2) + 1)
for i, c1 in enumerate(s1):
current_row = [i + 1]
for j, c2 in enumerate(s2):
insertions = previous_row[j + 1] + 1
deletions = current_row[j] + 1
substitutions = previous_row[j] + (c1 != c2)
current_row.append(min(insertions, deletions, substitutions))
previous_row = current_row
return previous_row[-1]
def levenshtein_print(self,matrix,word,password):
""" Print word X password matrix """
print(" %s" % " ".join(list(word)))
for i,row in enumerate(matrix):
if i == 0: print(" ", end=' ')
else: print(password[i-1], end=' ')
print(" ".join("%2d" % col for col in row))
def generate_levenshtein_rules(self, word, password):
""" Generates levenshtein rules. Returns a list of lists of levenshtein rules. """
# 1) Generate Levenshtein matrix
matrix = self.levenshtein(word, password)
# 2) Trace reverse paths through the matrix.
paths = self.levenshtein_reverse_recursive(matrix,len(matrix)-1,len(matrix[0])-1,0)
# 3) Return a collection of reverse paths.
return [path for path in paths if len(path) <= matrix[-1][-1]]
def levenshtein_reverse_recursive(self,matrix,i,j,path_len):
""" Calculate reverse Levenshtein paths.
Recursive, Depth First, Short-circuited algorithm by Peter Kacherginsky
Generates a list of edit operations necessary to transform a source word
into a password. Edit operations are recorded in the form:
(operation, password_offset, word_offset)
Where an operation can be either insertion, deletion or replacement.
if i == 0 and j == 0 or path_len > matrix[-1][-1]:
return [[]]
paths = list()
cost = matrix[i][j]
# Calculate minimum cost of each operation
cost_delete = cost_insert = cost_equal_or_replace = sys.maxsize
if i > 0: cost_insert = matrix[i-1][j]
if j > 0: cost_delete = matrix[i][j-1]
if i > 0 and j > 0: cost_equal_or_replace = matrix[i-1][j-1]
cost_min = min(cost_delete, cost_insert, cost_equal_or_replace)
# Recurse through reverse path for each operation
if cost_insert == cost_min:
insert_paths = self.levenshtein_reverse_recursive(matrix,i-1,j,path_len+1)
for insert_path in insert_paths: paths.append(insert_path + [('insert',i-1,j)])
if cost_delete == cost_min:
delete_paths = self.levenshtein_reverse_recursive(matrix,i,j-1,path_len+1)
for delete_path in delete_paths: paths.append(delete_path + [('delete',i,j-1)])
if cost_equal_or_replace == cost_min:
if cost_equal_or_replace == cost:
equal_paths = self.levenshtein_reverse_recursive(matrix,i-1,j-1,path_len)
for equal_path in equal_paths: paths.append(equal_path)
replace_paths = self.levenshtein_reverse_recursive(matrix,i-1,j-1,path_len+1)
for replace_path in replace_paths: paths.append(replace_path + [('replace',i-1,j-1)])
return paths
def load_custom_wordlist(self,wordlist_file):
self.enchant = enchant.request_pwl_dict(wordlist_file)
def generate_words(self,password):
""" Generate source word candidates."""
if self.debug: print("[*] Generating source words for %s" % password)
words = list()
words_collection = list()
# Let's collect best edit distance as soon as possible to prevent
# less efficient pre_rules like reversal and rotation from slowing
# us down with garbage
best_found_distance = 9999
# Generate words for each preanalysis rule
if not self.brute_rules:
self.preanalysis_rules = self.preanalysis_rules[:1]
for pre_rule, pre_rule_lambda in self.preanalysis_rules:
pre_password = pre_rule_lambda(password)
# Generate word suggestions
if self.word: suggestions = [self.word]
elif self.simple_words: suggestions = self.generate_simple_words(pre_password)
else: suggestions = self.generate_advanced_words(pre_password)
# HACK: Perform some additional expansion on multi-word suggestions
# TODO: May be I should split these two and see if I can generate
# rules for each of the suggestions
for suggestion in suggestions[:self.max_words]:
suggestion = suggestion.replace(' ','')
suggestion = suggestion.replace('-','')
if not suggestion in suggestions:
if len(suggestions) != len(set(suggestions)):
for suggestion in suggestions:
distance = self.levenshtein_distance(suggestion,pre_password)
word = dict()
word["suggestion"] = suggestion
word["distance"] = distance
word["password"] = pre_password
word["pre_rule"] = pre_rule
word["best_rule_length"] = 9999
# Perform Optimization
for word in sorted(words, key=lambda word: word["distance"], reverse=False):
# Optimize for best distance
if not self.more_words:
if word["distance"] < best_found_distance:
best_found_distance = word["distance"]
elif word["distance"] > best_found_distance:
if self.verbose:
print("[-] %s => {edit distance suboptimal: %d (%d)} => %s" % \
(word["suggestion"], word["distance"], best_found_distance, word["password"]))
# Filter words with too big edit distance
if word["distance"] <= self.max_word_dist:
if self.debug:
print("[+] %s => {edit distance: %d (%d)} = > %s" % \
(word["suggestion"], word["distance"],best_found_distance, word["password"]))
if self.verbose:
print("[-] %s => {max distance exceeded: %d (%d)} => %s" % \
(word["suggestion"], word["distance"], self.max_word_dist, word["password"]))
if self.max_words:
words_collection = words_collection[:self.max_words]
return words_collection
def generate_simple_words(self,password):
""" Generate simple words. A simple spellcheck."""
return self.enchant.suggest(password)
def generate_advanced_words(self,password):
""" Generate advanced words.
Perform some additional non-destructive cleaning to help spell-checkers:
1) Remove non-alpha prefixes and appendixes.
2) Perform common pattern matches (e.g. email).
3) Replace non-alpha character substitutions (1337 5p34k)
# Remove non-alpha prefix and/or appendix
insertion_matches = self.password_pattern["insertion"].match(password)
if insertion_matches:
password ='password')
# Pattern matches
email_matches = self.password_pattern["email"].match(password)
if email_matches:
password ='password')
# Replace common special character replacements (1337 5p34k)
preanalysis_password = ''
for c in password:
if c in self.leet: preanalysis_password += self.leet[c]
else: preanalysis_password += c
password = preanalysis_password
if self.debug: "[*] Preanalysis Password: %s" % password
return self.enchant.suggest(password)
# Hashcat specific offset definition 0-9,A-Z
def int_to_hashcat(self,N):
if N < 10: return N
else: return chr(65+N-10)
def hashcat_to_int(self,N):
if N.isdigit(): return int(N)
else: return ord(N)-65+10
def generate_hashcat_rules(self, suggestion, password):
""" Generate hashcat rules. Returns a length sorted list of lists of hashcat rules."""
# 2) Generate Levenshtein Rules
lev_rules = self.generate_levenshtein_rules(suggestion, password)
# 3) Generate Hashcat Rules
hashcat_rules = []
hashcat_rules_collection = []
# Generate hashcat rule for each levenshtein rule
for lev_rule in lev_rules:
if self.simple_rules:
hashcat_rule = self.generate_simple_hashcat_rules(suggestion, lev_rule, password)
hashcat_rule = self.generate_advanced_hashcat_rules(suggestion, lev_rule, password)
if hashcat_rule == None:
print("[!] Processing FAILED: %s => ;( => %s" % (suggestion,password))
print(" Sorry about that, please report this failure to")
print(" the developer: iphelix [at]")
best_found_rule_length = 9999
# Perform Optimization
for hashcat_rule in sorted(hashcat_rules, key=lambda hashcat_rule: len(hashcat_rule)):
rule_length = len(hashcat_rule)
if not self.more_rules:
if rule_length < best_found_rule_length:
best_found_rule_length = rule_length
elif rule_length > best_found_rule_length:
if self.verbose:
print("[-] %s => {best rule length exceeded: %d (%d)} => %s" % \
(suggestion, rule_length, best_found_rule_length, password))
if rule_length <= self.max_rule_len:
return hashcat_rules_collection
def generate_simple_hashcat_rules(self,word,rules,password):
""" Generate basic hashcat rules using only basic insert,delete,replace rules. """
hashcat_rules = []
if self.debug: print("[*] Simple Processing %s => %s" % (word,password))
# Dynamically apply rules to the source word
# NOTE: Special case were word == password this would work as well.
word_rules = word
for (op,p,w) in rules:
if self.debug: print("\t[*] Simple Processing Started: %s - %s" % (word_rules, " ".join(hashcat_rules)))
if op == 'insert':
hashcat_rules.append("i%s%s" % (self.int_to_hashcat(p),password[p]))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['i'](word_rules,p,password[p])
elif op == 'delete':
hashcat_rules.append("D%s" % self.int_to_hashcat(p))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['D'](word_rules,p)
elif op == 'replace':
hashcat_rules.append("o%s%s" % (self.int_to_hashcat(p),password[p]))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['o'](word_rules,p,password[p])
if self.debug: print("\t[*] Simple Processing Ended: %s => %s => %s" % (word_rules, " ".join(hashcat_rules),password))
# Check if rules result in the correct password
if word_rules == password:
return hashcat_rules
if self.debug: print("[!] Simple Processing FAILED: %s => %s => %s (%s)" % (word," ".join(hashcat_rules),password,word_rules))
return None
def generate_advanced_hashcat_rules(self,word,rules,password):
""" Generate advanced hashcat rules using full range of available rules. """
hashcat_rules = []
if self.debug: print("[*] Advanced Processing %s => %s" % (word,password))
# Dynamically apply and store rules in word_rules variable.
# NOTE: Special case where word == password this would work as well.
word_rules = word
# Generate case statistics
password_lower = len([c for c in password if c.islower()])
password_upper = len([c for c in password if c.isupper()])
for i,(op,p,w) in enumerate(rules):
if self.debug: print("\t[*] Advanced Processing Started: %s - %s" % (word_rules, " ".join(hashcat_rules)))
if op == 'insert':
hashcat_rules.append("i%s%s" % (self.int_to_hashcat(p),password[p]))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['i'](word_rules,p,password[p])
elif op == 'delete':
hashcat_rules.append("D%s" % self.int_to_hashcat(p))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['D'](word_rules,p)
elif op == 'replace':
# Detecting global replacement such as sXY, l, u, C, c is a non
# trivial problem because different characters may be added or
# removed from the word by other rules. A reliable way to solve
# this problem is to apply all of the rules the source word
# and keep track of its state at any given time. At the same
# time, global replacement rules can be tested by completing
# the rest of the rules using a simplified engine.
# The sequence of if statements determines the priority of rules
# This rule was made obsolete by a prior global replacement
if word_rules[p] == password[p]:
if self.debug: print("\t[*] Advanced Processing Obsolete Rule: %s - %s" % (word_rules, " ".join(hashcat_rules)))
# Swapping rules
elif p < len(password)-1 and p < len(word_rules)-1 and word_rules[p] == password[p+1] and word_rules[p+1] == password[p]:
# Swap first two characters
if p == 0 and self.generate_simple_hashcat_rules( self.hashcat_rule['k'](word_rules), rules[i+1:],password):
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['k'](word_rules)
# Swap last two characters
elif p == len(word_rules)-2 and self.generate_simple_hashcat_rules( self.hashcat_rule['K'](word_rules), rules[i+1:],password):
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['K'](word_rules)
# Swap any two characters (only adjacent swapping is supported)
elif self.generate_simple_hashcat_rules( self.hashcat_rule['*'](word_rules,p,p+1), rules[i+1:],password):
hashcat_rules.append("*%s%s" % (self.int_to_hashcat(p),self.int_to_hashcat(p+1)))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['*'](word_rules,p,p+1)
hashcat_rules.append("o%s%s" % (self.int_to_hashcat(p),password[p]))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['o'](word_rules,p,password[p])
# Case Toggle: Uppercased a letter
elif word_rules[p].islower() and word_rules[p].upper() == password[p]:
# Toggle the case of all characters in word (mixed cases)
if password_upper and password_lower and self.generate_simple_hashcat_rules( self.hashcat_rule['t'](word_rules), rules[i+1:],password):
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['t'](word_rules)
# Capitalize all letters
elif self.generate_simple_hashcat_rules( self.hashcat_rule['u'](word_rules), rules[i+1:],password):
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['u'](word_rules)
# Capitalize the first letter
elif p == 0 and self.generate_simple_hashcat_rules( self.hashcat_rule['c'](word_rules), rules[i+1:],password):
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['c'](word_rules)
# Toggle the case of characters at position N
hashcat_rules.append("T%s" % self.int_to_hashcat(p))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['T'](word_rules,p)
# Case Toggle: Lowercased a letter
elif word_rules[p].isupper() and word_rules[p].lower() == password[p]:
# Toggle the case of all characters in word (mixed cases)
if password_upper and password_lower and self.generate_simple_hashcat_rules( self.hashcat_rule['t'](word_rules), rules[i+1:],password):
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['t'](word_rules)
# Lowercase all letters
elif self.generate_simple_hashcat_rules( self.hashcat_rule['l'](word_rules), rules[i+1:],password):
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['l'](word_rules)
# Lowercase the first found character, uppercase the rest
elif p == 0 and self.generate_simple_hashcat_rules( self.hashcat_rule['C'](word_rules), rules[i+1:],password):
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['C'](word_rules)
# Toggle the case of characters at position N
hashcat_rules.append("T%s" % self.int_to_hashcat(p))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['T'](word_rules,p)
# Special case substitution of 'all' instances (1337 $p34k)
elif word_rules[p].isalpha() and not password[p].isalpha() and self.generate_simple_hashcat_rules( self.hashcat_rule['s'](word_rules,word_rules[p],password[p]), rules[i+1:],password):
# If we have already detected this rule, then skip it thus
# reducing total rule count.
# BUG: Elisabeth => sE3 sl1 u o3Z sE3 => 31IZAB3TH
#if not "s%s%s" % (word_rules[p],password[p]) in hashcat_rules:
hashcat_rules.append("s%s%s" % (word_rules[p],password[p]))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['s'](word_rules,word_rules[p],password[p])
# Replace next character with current
elif p < len(password)-1 and p < len(word_rules)-1 and password[p] == password[p+1] and password[p] == word_rules[p+1]:
hashcat_rules.append(".%s" % self.int_to_hashcat(p))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['.'](word_rules,p)
# Replace previous character with current
elif p > 0 and w > 0 and password[p] == password[p-1] and password[p] == word_rules[p-1]:
hashcat_rules.append(",%s" % self.int_to_hashcat(p))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule[','](word_rules,p)
# ASCII increment
elif ord(word_rules[p]) + 1 == ord(password[p]):
hashcat_rules.append("+%s" % self.int_to_hashcat(p))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['+'](word_rules,p)
# ASCII decrement
elif ord(word_rules[p]) - 1 == ord(password[p]):
hashcat_rules.append("-%s" % self.int_to_hashcat(p))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['-'](word_rules,p)
# SHIFT left
elif ord(word_rules[p]) << 1 == ord(password[p]):
hashcat_rules.append("L%s" % self.int_to_hashcat(p))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['L'](word_rules,p)
# SHIFT right
elif ord(word_rules[p]) >> 1 == ord(password[p]):
hashcat_rules.append("R%s" % self.int_to_hashcat(p))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['R'](word_rules,p)
# Position based replacements.
hashcat_rules.append("o%s%s" % (self.int_to_hashcat(p),password[p]))
word_rules = self.hashcat_rule['o'](word_rules,p,password[p])
if self.debug: print("\t[*] Advanced Processing Ended: %s %s" % (word_rules, " ".join(hashcat_rules)))
# Prefix rules
last_prefix = 0
prefix_rules = list()
for hashcat_rule in hashcat_rules:
if hashcat_rule[0] == "i" and self.hashcat_to_int(hashcat_rule[1]) == last_prefix:
prefix_rules.append("^%s" % hashcat_rule[2])
last_prefix += 1
elif len(prefix_rules):
hashcat_rules = prefix_rules[::-1]+hashcat_rules[len(prefix_rules):]
hashcat_rules = prefix_rules[::-1]+hashcat_rules[len(prefix_rules):]
# Appendix rules
last_appendix = len(password) - 1
appendix_rules = list()
for hashcat_rule in hashcat_rules[::-1]:
if hashcat_rule[0] == "i" and self.hashcat_to_int(hashcat_rule[1]) == last_appendix:
appendix_rules.append("$%s" % hashcat_rule[2])
last_appendix-= 1
elif len(appendix_rules):
hashcat_rules = hashcat_rules[:-len(appendix_rules)]+appendix_rules[::-1]
hashcat_rules = hashcat_rules[:-len(appendix_rules)]+appendix_rules[::-1]
# Truncate left rules
last_precut = 0
precut_rules = list()
for hashcat_rule in hashcat_rules:
if hashcat_rule[0] == "D" and self.hashcat_to_int(hashcat_rule[1]) == last_precut:
elif len(precut_rules):
hashcat_rules = precut_rules[::-1]+hashcat_rules[len(precut_rules):]
hashcat_rules = precut_rules[::-1]+hashcat_rules[len(precut_rules):]
# Truncate right rules
last_postcut = len(password)
postcut_rules = list()
for hashcat_rule in hashcat_rules[::-1]:
if hashcat_rule[0] == "D" and self.hashcat_to_int(hashcat_rule[1]) >= last_postcut:
elif len(postcut_rules):
hashcat_rules = hashcat_rules[:-len(postcut_rules)]+postcut_rules[::-1]
hashcat_rules = hashcat_rules[:-len(postcut_rules)]+postcut_rules[::-1]
# Check if rules result in the correct password
if word_rules == password:
return hashcat_rules
if self.debug: print("[!] Advanced Processing FAILED: %s => %s => %s (%s)" % (word," ".join(hashcat_rules),password,word_rules))
return None
def check_reversible_password(self, password):
""" Check whether the password is likely to be reversed successfuly. """
# Skip all numeric passwords
if password.isdigit():
if self.verbose and not self.quiet: print("[!] %s => {skipping numeric} => %s" % (password,password))
self.numeric_stats_total += 1
return False
# Skip passwords with less than 25% of alpha character
# TODO: Make random word detection more reliable based on word entropy.
elif len([c for c in password if c.isalpha()]) < len(password)/4:
if self.verbose and not self.quiet:print("[!] %s => {skipping alpha less than 25%%} => %s" % (password,password))
self.special_stats_total += 1
return False
# Only check english ascii passwords for now
# TODO: Add support for more languages.
elif [c for c in password if ord(c) < 32 or ord(c) > 126]:
if self.verbose and not self.quiet: print("[!] %s => {skipping non ascii english} => %s" % (password,password))
self.foreign_stats_total += 1
return False
return True
def analyze_password(self,password, rules_queue=multiprocessing.Queue(), words_queue=multiprocessing.Queue()):
""" Analyze a single password. """
if self.verbose: print("[*] Analyzing password: %s" % password)
words = []
# Short-cut words in the dictionary
if self.enchant.check(password) and not self.word:
word = dict()
word["password"] = password
word["suggestion"] = password
word["hashcat_rules"] = [[],]
word["pre_rule"] = []
word["best_rule_length"] = 9999
# Generate rules for words not in the dictionary
# Generate source words list
words = self.generate_words(password)
# Generate levenshtein reverse paths for each suggestion
for word in words:
# Generate a collection of hashcat_rules lists
word["hashcat_rules"] = self.generate_hashcat_rules(word["suggestion"],word["password"])
self.print_hashcat_rules(words, password, rules_queue, words_queue)
def print_hashcat_rules(self, words, password, rules_queue, words_queue):
best_found_rule_length = 9999
# Sorted list based on rule length
for word in sorted(words, key=lambda word: len(word["hashcat_rules"][0])):
for hashcat_rule in word["hashcat_rules"]:
rule_length = len(hashcat_rule)
if not self.more_rules:
if rule_length < best_found_rule_length:
best_found_rule_length = rule_length
elif rule_length > best_found_rule_length:
if self.verbose:
print("[-] %s => {best rule length exceeded: %d (%d)} => %s" % \
(word["suggestion"], rule_length, best_found_rule_length, password))
if rule_length <= self.max_rule_len:
hashcat_rule_str = " ".join(hashcat_rule + word["pre_rule"] or [':'])
if self.verbose: print("[+] %s => %s => %s" % (word["suggestion"], hashcat_rule_str, password))
def password_worker(self,i, passwords_queue, rules_queue, words_queue):
if self.debug: print("[*] Password analysis worker [%d] started." % i)
while True:
password = passwords_queue.get()
# Interrupted by a Death Pill
if password == None: break
self.analyze_password(password, rules_queue, words_queue)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
if self.debug: print("[*] Password analysis worker [%d] terminated." % i)
if self.debug: print("[*] Password analysis worker [%d] stopped." % i)
def rule_worker(self, rules_queue, output_rules_filename):
""" Worker to store generated rules. """
print("[*] Saving rules to %s" % output_rules_filename)
f = open(output_rules_filename, 'w')
if self.debug: print("[*] Rule worker started.")
while True:
rule = rules_queue.get()
# Interrupted by a Death Pill
if rule == None: break
f.write("%s\n" % rule)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
if self.debug: print("[*] Rule worker terminated.")
if self.debug: print("[*] Rule worker stopped.")
def word_worker(self, words_queue, output_words_filename):
""" Worker to store generated rules. """
print("[*] Saving words to %s" % output_words_filename)
f = open(output_words_filename, 'w')
if self.debug: print("[*] Word worker started.")
while True:
word = words_queue.get()
# Interrupted by a Death Pill
if word == None: break
f.write("%s\n" % word)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
if self.debug: print("[*] Word worker terminated.")
if self.debug: print("[*] Word worker stopped.")
# Analyze passwords file
def analyze_passwords_file(self,passwords_file):
""" Analyze provided passwords file. """
print("[*] Analyzing passwords file: %s:" % passwords_file)
print("[*] Press Ctrl-C to end execution and generate statistical analysis.")
# Setup queues
passwords_queue = multiprocessing.Queue(self.threads)
rules_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
words_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
# Start workers
for i in range(self.threads):
multiprocessing.Process(target=self.password_worker, args=(i, passwords_queue, rules_queue, words_queue)).start()
multiprocessing.Process(target=self.rule_worker, args=(rules_queue, "%s.rule" % self.basename)).start()
multiprocessing.Process(target=self.word_worker, args=(words_queue, "%s.word" % self.basename)).start()
# Continue with the main thread
f = open(passwords_file,'r')
password_count = 0
analysis_start = time.time()
segment_start = analysis_start
for password in f:
password = password.rstrip('\r\n')
if len(password) > 0:
# Provide analysis time feedback to the user
if not self.quiet and password_count != 0 and password_count % 5000 == 0:
segment_time = time.time() - segment_start
print("[*] Processed %d passwords in %.2f seconds at the rate of %.2f p/sec" % \
(password_count, segment_start - analysis_start, 5000/segment_time ))
segment_start = time.time()
password_count += 1
# Perform preliminary checks and add password to the queue
if self.check_reversible_password(password):
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
print("\n[!] Rulegen was interrupted.")
# Signal workers to stop.
for i in range(self.threads):
# Wait for all of the queued passwords to finish.
while not passwords_queue.empty():
# Signal writers to stop.
analysis_time = time.time() - analysis_start
print("[*] Finished processing %d passwords in %.2f seconds at the rate of %.2f p/sec" % (password_count, analysis_time, float(password_count)/analysis_time ))
print("[*] Generating statistics for [%s] rules and words." % self.basename)
print("[-] Skipped %d all numeric passwords (%0.2f%%)" % \
(self.numeric_stats_total, float(self.numeric_stats_total)*100.0/float(password_count)))
print("[-] Skipped %d passwords with less than 25%% alpha characters (%0.2f%%)" % \
(self.special_stats_total, float(self.special_stats_total)*100.0/float(password_count)))
print("[-] Skipped %d passwords with non ascii characters (%0.2f%%)" % \
(self.foreign_stats_total, float(self.foreign_stats_total)*100.0/float(password_count)))
# TODO: Counter breaks on large files. uniq -c | sort -rn is still the most
# optimal way.
rules_file = open("%s.rule" % self.basename,'r')
rules_sorted_file = open("%s-sorted.rule" % self.basename, 'w')
rules_counter = Counter(rules_file)
rule_counter_total = sum(rules_counter.values())
print("\n[*] Top 10 rules")
rules_i = 0
for (rule, count) in rules_counter.most_common():
if rules_i < 10: print("[+] %s - %d (%0.2f%%)" % (rule.rstrip('\r\n'), count, count*100/rule_counter_total))
rules_i += 1
words_file = open("%s.word" % self.basename,'r')
words_sorted_file = open("%s-sorted.word" % self.basename,'w')
words_counter = Counter(words_file)
word_counter_total = sum(rules_counter.values())
print("\n[*] Top 10 words")
words_i = 0
for (word, count) in words_counter.most_common():
if words_i < 10: print("[+] %s - %d (%0.2f%%)" % (word.rstrip('\r\n'), count, count*100/word_counter_total))
words_i += 1
def verify_hashcat_rules(self,word, rules, password):
f = open("%s/test.rule" % HASHCAT_PATH,'w')
f.write(" ".join(rules))
f = open("%s/test.word" % HASHCAT_PATH,'w')
p = subprocess.Popen(["%s/hashcat-cli64.bin" % HASHCAT_PATH,"-r","%s/test.rule" % HASHCAT_PATH,"--stdout","%s/test.word" % HASHCAT_PATH], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
out = out.strip()
if out == password:
hashcat_rules_str = " ".join(rules or [':'])
if self.verbose: print("[+] %s => %s => %s" % (word, hashcat_rules_str, password))
print("[!] Hashcat Verification FAILED: %s => %s => %s (%s)" % (word," ".join(rules or [':']),password,out))
if __name__ == "__main__":
header = " _ \n"
header += " RuleGen %s | |\n" % VERSION
header += " _ __ __ _ ___| | _\n"
header += " | '_ \ / _` |/ __| |/ /\n"
header += " | |_) | (_| | (__| < \n"
header += " | .__/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\\\n"
header += " | | \n"
header += " |_|\n"
header += "\n"
parser = OptionParser("%prog [options] passwords.txt", version="%prog "+VERSION)
parser.add_option("-b","--basename", help="Output base name. The following files will be generated: basename.words, basename.rules and basename.stats", default="analysis",metavar="rockyou")
parser.add_option("-w","--wordlist", help="Use a custom wordlist for rule analysis.", metavar="wiki.dict")
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, help="Don't show headers.")
parser.add_option("--threads", type="int", default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), help="Parallel threads to use for processing.")
wordtune = OptionGroup(parser, "Fine tune source word generation:")
wordtune.add_option("--maxworddist", help="Maximum word edit distance (Levenshtein)", type="int", default=10, metavar="10")
wordtune.add_option("--maxwords", help="Maximum number of source word candidates to consider", type="int", default=5, metavar="5")
wordtune.add_option("--morewords", help="Consider suboptimal source word candidates", action="store_true", default=False)
wordtune.add_option("--simplewords", help="Generate simple source words for given passwords", action="store_true", default=False)
ruletune = OptionGroup(parser, "Fine tune rule generation:")
ruletune.add_option("--maxrulelen", help="Maximum number of operations in a single rule", type="int", default=10, metavar="10")
ruletune.add_option("--maxrules", help="Maximum number of rules to consider", type="int", default=5, metavar="5")
ruletune.add_option("--morerules", help="Generate suboptimal rules", action="store_true", default=False)
ruletune.add_option("--simplerules", help="Generate simple rules insert,delete,replace",action="store_true", default=False)
ruletune.add_option("--bruterules", help="Bruteforce reversal and rotation rules (slow)",action="store_true", default=False)
spelltune = OptionGroup(parser, "Fine tune spell checker engine:")
spelltune.add_option("--providers", help="Comma-separated list of provider engines", default="aspell,myspell", metavar="aspell,myspell")
debug = OptionGroup(parser, "Debuggin options:")
debug.add_option("-v","--verbose", help="Show verbose information.", action="store_true", default=False)
debug.add_option("-d","--debug", help="Debug rules.", action="store_true", default=False)
debug.add_option("--password", help="Process the last argument as a password not a file.", action="store_true", default=False)
debug.add_option("--word", help="Use a custom word for rule analysis", metavar="Password")
debug.add_option("--hashcat", help="Test generated rules with hashcat-cli", action="store_true", default=False)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Print program header
if not options.quiet:
if len(args) < 1:
parser.error("no passwords file specified")
rulegen = RuleGen(language="en", providers=options.providers, basename=options.basename, threads=options.threads)
# Finetuning word generation
# Finetuning rule generation
if rulegen.brute_rules: print("[!] Bruteforcing reversal and rotation rules. (slower)")
# Debugging options
rulegen.word = options.word
rulegen.debug = options.debug
rulegen.hashcat = options.hashcat
rulegen.quiet = options.quiet
# Custom wordlist
if not options.word:
if options.wordlist: rulegen.load_custom_wordlist(options.wordlist)
print("[*] Using Enchant '%s' module. For best results please install" %
print(" '%s' module language dictionaries." %
# Analyze a single password or several passwords in a file
if options.password:
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