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Created April 21, 2012 16:51
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Classico - mini lib for creating classes in JS/Coffeescript
"use strict"
# Classico lib - go down for examples
Classico = {}
Classico.prototype =
super: (propertyName) ->
Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(@))[propertyName].call @
Classico.include = (hash) ->
for key, value of hash
match = key.match(/^get([A-Z]{1}.*)$/)
if match && typeof(value) == 'function'
propertyName = match[1].replace /.{1}/, (v) -> v.toLowerCase()
Object.defineProperty this.prototype, propertyName, { get: value }
this.prototype[key] = hash[key]
Classico.extend = (hash) ->
klass = ->
klass.prototype = Object.create this.prototype
includeModules = hash.include
delete hash.include klass, value for value in includeModules if includeModules klass, hash
klass.extend = this.extend
klass.create = ->
object = Object.create klass.prototype
object.constructor.apply(object, arguments) if object.constructor
object.constructor = klass
# Defining a module
Seeing =
getCanSee: -> true
# Defining a super class
Person = Classico.extend
include: [Seeing]
constructor: (@name, @age) ->
identify: ->
'My name is ' + + ', I am a ' + this.age + ' yearold ' + + '!'
getSex: ->
if this.sexCode == 0 then 'male' else 'female'
# Subclassing Person
Man = Person.extend
sexCode: 0
size: -> 'big'
# Subclassing Man
Boy = Man.extend
size: ->
@super('size') + ', at least for my age'
# Creating instance of Boy
johnny = Boy.create 'Johnny', 25
# Now for testing that everything works.
# The classes talk nicely together
console.log(johnny.identify() == 'My name is Johnny, I am a 25 yearold male!')
# Instance operator works as expected
console.log(johnny instanceof Man)
console.log(johnny instanceof Person)
# getSex was converted to sex propery
console.log( == 'male')
console.log(johnny.constructor == Boy)
# canSee is from an included module (Seeing) - also using a getter btw
# Object.getPrototypeOf works as expected
console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(johnny) == Boy.prototype)
# Using super
console.log(johnny.size() == 'big, at least for my age')
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