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# Sync Data From sasthrolsavamDB to KalolsavamDB
# ==============================================
# Insert school details from another db
INSERT INTO `kalolsavam_2013`.`school_details`
(`school_code`, `class_start`, `class_end`, `school_phone`, `school_email`,
`hm_name`, `hm_phone`, `principal_name`, `principal_phone`,
`teachers`, `strength_lp`, `strength_up`, `strength_hs`,
`strength_hss`, `strength_vhss`, `total_strength`,
rashivkp / sasthrolsavam.sql
Created November 28, 2013 16:24
list of participants by appeal, who got ranks 1, 2, 3
SELECT pid.participant_name, sm.school_name, pid.item_code, im.item_name, rm.rank
FROM result_master AS rm
JOIN participant_item_details AS pid ON pid.participant_id = rm.participant_id
JOIN school_master AS sm ON sm.school_code = pid.school_code
JOIN item_master as im on im.item_code = rm.item_code
WHERE rm.`spo_id` > 0
AND rm.`rank` in (1, 2, 3)
order by rm.rank;
#1 schools
count(CASE WHEN SD.class_end IN (4, 5) and S.school_type='G' THEN SD.school_code END ) AS GovPrimarySchools,
count(CASE WHEN SD.class_end IN (4, 5) and S.school_type='A' THEN SD.school_code END ) AS AidPrimarySchools,
count(CASE WHEN SD.class_end IN (4, 5) and S.school_type='U' THEN SD.school_code END ) AS AidPrimarySchools,
count(CASE WHEN SD.class_end =7 and S.school_type='G' THEN SD.school_code END ) AS GovUpperPrimarySchools,
count(CASE WHEN SD.class_end =7 and S.school_type='A' THEN SD.school_code END ) AS AidUpperPrimarySchools,
count(CASE WHEN SD.class_end =7 and S.school_type='U' THEN SD.school_code END ) AS AidUpperPrimarySchools,
count(CASE WHEN SD.class_end IN (8, 9, 10) and S.school_type='G' THEN SD.school_code END ) AS GovSecondarySchools,
class User_model extends CI_Model {
function __construct()
* authenticate user login
rashivkp /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
rename files based on parent directory
# change docRoot
for semester in */;
cd "$docRoot/$semester/"
for branch in */;
rashivkp /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09 — forked from cal/
TABLES=`mysql $credentials -B -N -e "select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='$database'"`
for table in $TABLES; do
echo -n "dumping $database.$table... "
if [[ $table == cache* ]]; then
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am rashivkp on github.
* I am rashivkp ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is D11F 7E91 320B 8862 F266 4987 85A3 0001 E0EC 2C29
To claim this, I am signing this object:
rashivkp / make-it-mysql-compatible.keys
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
Make a oracle sql compatible with mysql by removing unwanted lines
:g/\v^Insert into DISE2K_|^Insert into STEPS_R|^Insert into CHK_TABLE|^Insert into RTE_COMPLAINT|^Insert into SCH_TEMP|^Insert into SCH_TEMP1|^Insert into STEPS_AUTH|^Insert into STEPS_CWSNCHILDDB|^Insert into STEPS_DATE|^Insert into STEPS_DBINFO|^Insert into STEPS_DCF2PRINT|^Insert into STEPS_DISTPHASE|^Insert into STEPS_PIVOT|^Insert into STEPS_POP4COMPRATE|^Insert into STEPS_POPULATION_ALL|^Insert into STEPS_PRINTDCF|^Insert into STEPS_QUERY|^Insert into STEPS_RMSASUBJECTS|^Insert into STEPS_R_ANAREPBYMCR|^Insert into STEPS_R_ANAREPINFO|^Insert into STEPS_R_ENRBYMCR_SCR|^Insert into STEPS_R_EREPBYMCR|^Insert into STEPS_R_REPINFO|^Insert into STEPS_R_SCHGRADE|^Insert into STEPS_R_SREPBYMCR|^Insert into STEPS_R_TREPBYMCR|^Insert into STEPS_SCHBYCATMGT|^Insert into STEPS_SCHGRADING|^Insert into STEPS_TEACHER_RTE|^Insert into STEPS_TEHSIL|^Insert into STEPS_TOTDISABILITY|^Insert into STEPS_TOTENROLMENT|^Insert into STEPS_TOTPINCENTIVES|^Insert into STEPS_TOTUINCENTIVES/d
:g/^ UNI
select distinct student, date, sum(if(ifnull(k1.hour, 0)>0, 1, 0)) as fornoon,
sum(if(ifnull(k2.hour, 0)>0, 1, 0)) as afternoon from t1
left join t1 k1 on k1.student=t1.student, and hour between 1, 4
left join t1 k2 on k2.student=t1.student, and hour between 5, 7
; another approach, not tested
SELECT student, date
count(CASE WHEN t1.hour between 1,4 THEN 1 END ) AS fornoon,
rashivkp / presentation-jupyter.ipynb
Created December 17, 2015 18:17
presentation notebook on jupyter. Install to show it as presentation within the notebook itself.
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