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Created October 30, 2015 08:25
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deg2rad <- function(deg) {
# Calculates the geodesic distance between two points specified by radian latitude/longitude using the
# Haversine formula
gcd <- function(long1, lat1, long2, lat2) {
long1 = deg2rad(long1)
lat1 = deg2rad(lat1)
long2 = deg2rad(long2)
lat2 = deg2rad(lat2)
R <- 6371 # Earth mean radius [km]
delta_long <- (long2 - long1)
delta_lat <- (lat2 - lat1)
a <- sin(delta_lat/2)^2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(delta_long/2)^2
c <- 2 * asin(min(1, sqrt(a)))
d = R * c
return(d) # Distance in km
load_distance_matrix <- function() {
location_data <- read.csv('NFL_Stadium_Locations.csv')
distance_matrix <- matrix(rep(NA, times=32^2), ncol=32)
rownames(distance_matrix) <- location_data$Team
colnames(distance_matrix) <- location_data$Team
for (row_team in location_data$Team) {
for (col_team in location_data$Team) {
row_team_lat <- location_data$latitude[location_data$Team == row_team]
row_team_long <- location_data$longitude[location_data$Team == row_team]
col_team_lat <- location_data$latitude[location_data$Team == col_team]
col_team_long <- location_data$longitude[location_data$Team == col_team]
dist <- gcd(row_team_long, row_team_lat, col_team_long, col_team_lat)
distance_matrix[row_team, col_team] <- dist
rownames(distance_matrix) <- 1:32
colnames(distance_matrix) <- 1:32
return(list(distance_matrix, location_data$Team))
# be sure to have NFL_Stadium_Locations.csv and load_data.R
# in same directory
out <- load_distance_matrix()
cost_matrix <- matrix(unlist(out[1]), ncol=32, byrow=T)
team_names <- out[2]
num_teams <- 32
num_weeks <- 16
num_cities <- 32
#### for now ###
cost_matrix <- cost_matrix[1:num_teams, 1:num_teams]
num_teams <- 4
num_weeks <- num_teams/2
num_cities <- num_teams
nfl.obj <- vector(length = (num_cities^2 * num_teams * num_weeks +
num_teams * num_cities * num_weeks +
num_cities^2 * num_teams * num_weeks))
# fill in objective function values
index <- 1
for (L in 1:num_cities) {
for (M in 1:num_cities) {
for (W in 1:num_weeks) {
C <- cost_matrix[L, M]
for (team in 1:num_teams) {
nfl.obj[index] <- C
index <- index + 1
start_index_x <- num_cities^2 * num_teams * num_weeks + 1
start_index_y <- num_cities^2 * num_teams * num_weeks +
num_cities * num_teams * num_weeks + 1
# add x values to objective function
# (adding zeros because x doesn't play into cost)
# start at number of v values + 1
for (i in start_index_x:(start_index_y - 1)) {
nfl.obj[i] <- 0
# add y values to objective function
# (adding zeros because y doesn't play into cost)
# start at number of v values + number of x values + 1
for (i in start_index_y:(start_index_y + num_cities * num_teams^2 * num_weeks - 1)) {
nfl.obj[i] <- 0
# build function that maps (L, M, W, team) to an index.
# ranges: 1-32, 1-32, 1-16, 1-32
# 1, 1, 1, 1 --> 1,
# 1 ,1, 1, 2 --> 2,
# 1, 1, 2, 1 --> 32 + 1 = 33,
# 1, 2, 1, 1 --> 16*32 + 1 = 513,
# (L-1)*32*16*32 + (M-1)*16*32 + (W-1)*32 + team
v_index_map <- function(team, L, M, W) {
index <- (team-1)*num_cities*num_teams*num_weeks +
(L-1)*num_teams*num_weeks +
(M-1)*num_weeks +
# Same map as before, but stick x values below v
# values in rhs vector. Hence offset by the number
# of v values.
x_index_map <- function(team, L, week) {
index <- (team-1)*num_cities*num_weeks +
(L-1)*num_weeks +
week +
v_index_map(num_teams, num_cities, num_cities, num_weeks) # start where v's left off
# Again, same map as before, but stick y values below x
# values in rhs vector. Hence offset by the number of x
# and v values.
y_index_map <- function(i, j, L, week) {
index <- (i-1)*num_teams*num_cities*num_weeks +
(j-1)*num_cities*num_weeks +
(L-1)*num_weeks +
week +
x_index_map(num_teams, num_cities, num_weeks) # start where x's left off
rhs_length <- y_index_map(num_teams, num_teams, num_cities, num_weeks)
### constraint 1 ###
# V_tlmw - x_tlw - x_tm(w+1) >= -1
# For all teams, city from, city to, and all but last week.
# Number of rows is 32*32*32*15.
const_1.mat <- matrix(rep(0, times=num_teams*num_cities^2*(num_weeks-1)*rhs_length),
row <- 1
for (team in 1:num_teams) {
for (L in 1:num_cities) {
for (M in 1:num_cities) {
for (W in 1:(num_weeks - 1)) {
const_1.mat[row, v_index_map(team, L, M, W)] <- 1
const_1.mat[row, x_index_map(team, L, W)] <- -1
const_1.mat[row, x_index_map(team, L, W + 1)] <- -1
row <- row + 1
const_1.dir <- rep('>=', times=nrow(const_1.mat))
const_1.rhs <- rep(-1, times=nrow(const_1.mat))
### constraint 2 ###
# V_tlmw - x_tlw <= 0
# For all teams, city from, city to, and all weeks.
# Number of rows is 32*32*32*16.
const_2.mat <- matrix(rep(0, times=num_teams*num_cities^2*num_weeks*rhs_length),
row <- 1
for (team in 1:num_teams) {
for (L in 1:num_cities) {
for (M in 1:num_cities) {
for (W in 1:num_weeks) {
const_2.mat[row, v_index_map(team, L, M, W)] <- 1
const_2.mat[row, x_index_map(team, L, W)] <- -1
row <- row + 1
const_2.dir <- rep('<=', times=nrow(const_2.mat))
const_2.rhs <- rep(0, times=nrow(const_2.mat))
### constraint 3 ###
# V_tlmw - x_tmw <= 0
# For all teams, city from, city to, and all weeks.
# Number of rows is 32*32*32*16.
const_3.mat <- matrix(rep(0, times=num_teams*num_cities^2*num_weeks*rhs_length),
row <- 1
for (team in 1:num_teams) {
for (L in 1:num_cities) {
for (M in 1:num_cities) {
for (W in 1:num_weeks) {
const_3.mat[row, v_index_map(team, L, M, W)] <- 1
const_3.mat[row, x_index_map(team, M, W)] <- -1
row <- row + 1
const_3.dir <- rep('<=', times=nrow(const_3.mat))
const_3.rhs <- rep(0, times=nrow(const_3.mat))
### constraint 4 ###
# 16 constraints
# for all 1<=W<=16
# sum over m of x_mmw = 16
const_4.mat <- matrix(rep(0, times=num_weeks*rhs_length),
row <- 1
for (W in 1:num_weeks) {
for (team in 1:num_teams) {
const_4.mat[row, x_index_map(team, team, W)] <- 1
row <- row + 1
const_4.dir <- rep('=', times=num_weeks)
const_4.rhs <- rep(num_weeks, times=num_weeks)
### constraint 5 ###
# (1)
# y_ijmw - x_imw - x_jmw >= -1
const_5.mat_1 <- matrix(rep(0, times=num_teams*(num_teams-1)*num_cities*num_weeks*rhs_length),
row <- 1
for (i in 1:num_teams) {
for (j in 1:num_teams) {
if (i != j) {
for (M in 1:num_cities) {
for (W in 1:num_weeks) {
const_5.mat_1[row, y_index_map(i, j, M, W)] <- 1
const_5.mat_1[row, x_index_map(i, M, W)] <- -1
const_5.mat_1[row, x_index_map(j, M, W)] <- -1
row <- row + 1
const_5.dir_1 <- rep('>=', times=nrow(const_5.mat_1))
const_5.rhs_1 <- rep(-1, times=nrow(const_5.mat_1))
# (2)
# y_ijmw - x_imw <= 0
const_5.mat_2 <- matrix(rep(0, times=num_teams*(num_teams-1)*num_cities*num_weeks*rhs_length),
row <- 1
for (i in 1:num_teams) {
for (j in 1:num_teams) {
if (i != j) {
for (M in 1:num_cities) {
for (W in 1:num_weeks) {
const_5.mat_2[row, y_index_map(i, j, M, W)] <- 1
const_5.mat_2[row, x_index_map(i, M, W)] <- -1
row <- row + 1
const_5.dir_2 <- rep('<=', times=nrow(const_5.mat_2))
const_5.rhs_2 <- rep(0, times=nrow(const_5.mat_2))
# (3)
# y_ijmw - x_jmw <= 0
const_5.mat_3 <- matrix(rep(0, times=num_teams*(num_teams-1)*num_cities*num_weeks*rhs_length),
row <- 1
for (i in 1:num_teams) {
for (j in 1:num_teams) {
if (i != j) {
for (M in 1:num_cities) {
for (W in 1:num_weeks) {
const_5.mat_3[row, y_index_map(i, j, M, W)] <- 1
const_5.mat_3[row, x_index_map(j, M, W)] <- -1
row <- row + 1
const_5.dir_3 <- rep('<=', times=nrow(const_5.mat_3))
const_5.rhs_3 <- rep(0, times=nrow(const_5.mat_3))
# (4)
# the constraint with the sum over x_imw && x_jmw
const_5.mat_4 <- matrix(rep(0, times=num_teams*(num_teams-1)*num_cities*num_weeks*rhs_length),
row <- 1
for (i in 1:num_teams) {
for (j in 1:num_teams) {
if (i != j) {
for (M in 1:num_cities) {
for (W in 1:num_weeks) {
const_5.mat_4[row, y_index_map(i, j, M, W)] <- 1
row <- row + 1
const_5.dir_4 <- rep('<=', times=nrow(const_5.mat_4))
const_5.rhs_4 <- rep(1, times=nrow(const_5.mat_4))
# glue all of the constraint 5 matrices and vectors together
const_5.mat <- rbind(const_5.mat_1, const_5.mat_2, const_5.mat_3, const_5.mat_4)
const_5.dir <- c(const_5.dir_1, const_5.dir_2, const_5.dir_3, const_5.dir_4)
const_5.rhs <- c(const_5.rhs_1, const_5.rhs_2, const_5.rhs_3, const_5.rhs_4)
### constraint 6 ###
# 32 constraints
# for all 1<=i<=32
# sum over weeks of x_iiw = 16
const_6.mat <- matrix(rep(0, times=num_cities*rhs_length),
row <- 1
for (team in 1:num_teams) {
for (W in 1:num_weeks) {
const_6.mat[row, x_index_map(team, team, W)] <- 1
row <- row + 1
const_6.dir <- rep('=', times=num_cities)
const_6.rhs <- rep(num_weeks / 2, times=num_cities)
### constraint 7 ###
# 32 constraints
# for each team 1<=T<=32
# some over months and weeks of x_tmw = 16
const_7.mat <- matrix(rep(0, times=num_teams*rhs_length),
row <- 1
for (team in 1:num_teams) {
for (M in 1:num_cities) {
for (W in 1:num_weeks) {
const_7.mat[row, x_index_map(team, M, W)] <- 1
row <- row + 1
const_7.dir <- rep('=', times=num_teams)
const_7.rhs <- rep(num_weeks, times=num_teams)
### constraint 8 ###
# 32*16 constraints
# for team, and for each week
# sum over city m of x_tmw = 1
const_8.mat <- matrix(rep(0, times=num_teams*num_weeks*rhs_length),
row <- 1
for (team in 1:num_teams) {
for (W in 1:num_weeks) {
for (M in 1:num_cities) {
const_8.mat[row, x_index_map(team, M, W)] <- 1
row <- row + 1
const_8.dir <- rep('=', times=num_teams*num_weeks)
const_8.rhs <- rep(1, times=num_teams*num_weeks)
# glue together results from each constraint
nfl.const_mat <- rbind(const_1.mat, const_2.mat, const_3.mat,
const_4.mat, const_5.mat, const_6.mat,
const_7.mat, const_8.mat)
nfl.dir <- c(const_1.dir, const_2.dir, const_3.dir, const_4.dir,
const_5.dir, const_6.dir, const_7.dir, const_8.dir)
nfl.rhs <- c(const_1.rhs, const_2.rhs, const_3.rhs, const_4.rhs,
const_5.rhs, const_6.rhs, const_7.rhs, const_8.rhs)
# run the lp solver
nfl.lp = lp(direction='min',, const.mat=nfl.const_mat,
const.dir=nfl.dir, const.rhs=nfl.rhs, all.bin=TRUE)
solution = nfl.lp[['solution']]
# This method is not necessary for organize results, but it's here just in case
index_to_x <- function(index) {
new_index <- index - num_cities^2 * num_teams * num_weeks
week <- new_index %% num_weeks
new_index <- (new_index - week) / num_weeks
location <- (new_index %% num_cities) + 1
new_index <- (new_index - location) / num_cities
team <- new_index + 1
return(list(team, location, week))
# For reference, the above function is the inverse of x_index_map, shown below
# x_index_map <- function(team, L, week) {
# index <- (team-1)*num_cities*num_weeks +
# (L-1)*num_weeks +
# week +
# v_index_map(num_teams, num_cities, num_cities, num_weeks) # start where v's left off
# return(index)
# }
# start_index_x <- num_cities^2 * num_teams * num_weeks + 1
organize_results <- function(solution) {
results_matrix <- matrix(rep(0, times=num_teams*num_teams*num_cities), ncol=num_teams)
# Each team gets num_weeks number of rows to itself. Element (i, j) of this submatrix indicates
# whether or not that team played in city i in week j
row <- 1
for (team in 1:num_teams) {
for (city in 1:num_cities) {
for (week in 1:num_weeks) {
yes_or_no <- solution[x_index_map(team, city, week)]
i <- (team-1)*num_cities + city
j <- week
results_matrix[i,j] <- yes_or_no
#return (solution)
# for (x in solution[start_index_x:start_index_y - 1]) {
# # if (x != 0) {
# # }
# }
#results_df <- data.frame(results_matrix, )
results <- organize_results(solution)
# try printing lp to file
the.lp <- make.lp(nrow(nfl.const_mat), ncol(nfl.const_mat))
set.objfn(the.lp, nfl.obj)
for (i in 1:nrow(nfl.const_mat)) {
add.constraint(the.lp, nfl.const_mat[i,], nfl.dir[i], nfl.rhs[i])
write.lp(the.lp, 'nfl.lp')
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