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Last active October 30, 2020 23:03
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The tidyverse documentation into a DT table
package_names <- tidyverse:::core
tidyverse_functions <- map_dfr(package_names, function(package_name) {
Package = package_name,
Function = as.character(lsf.str(glue("package:{Package}"))),
Arguments = map_chr(Function, function(function_name) {
capture.output(str(get(function_name))) %>%
str_squish() %>%
str_c(collapse = " ") %>%
str_remove("^function ")
# plucking out non-exported Rd helper functions from the tools package
Rd_get_metadata <- tools:::.Rd_get_metadata
Rd_contents <- tools:::Rd_contents
Rd_get_example_code <- tools:::.Rd_get_example_code
Rd_get_section <- tools:::.Rd_get_section
Rd_get_text <- tools:::.Rd_get_text
# Extracts the text of the named section from the rd_doc
Rd_get_section_text <- function(rd_doc, section) {
Rd_get_section(rd_doc, section) %>%
Rd_get_text() %>%
discard(~ .x == "")
rd_info <- map_dfr(package_names, function(package_name) {
# A list with the parsed package documentation
rd_list <- tools::Rd_db(package_name)
rd_list %>%
# Turn the documentation contents into a data frame, one doc page per row.
Rd_contents() %>%
as_tibble() %>%
# Remove all documentation of datasets and "internal" functions. We need to use
# map_lgl here as Keywords is a list of character vectors.
filter(map_lgl(Keywords, ~ length(.x) == 0 || ! .x %in% c("datasets", "internal"))) %>%
select(File, Name, Title, Aliases, Keywords) %>%
mutate(Package = package_name) %>%
# For each row/doc page we're going to extract some information
rowwise() %>%
rd_doc = list(rd_list[[File]]),
# The function examples. We're using the paste0("", x) trick as x might be a
# 0-length vector, but we still want to get back an empty (1-length) character vector.
Examples = str_trim(paste0("", Rd_get_example_code(rd_doc))),
Description = paste(Rd_get_section_text(rd_doc, "description"), collapse = " "),
# A single doc page can document many function we here make a list of all functions
# documented by the doc page.
names_and_aliases = list(unique(c(Name, Aliases)))) %>%
# A page can document many functions and this will get us one row per function instead of
# one row per doc page. All row values, except those in names_and_aliases, will be duplicated.
tidyverse_functions_info <- inner_join(
tidyverse_functions, rd_info,
by = c("Package" = "Package", "Function" = "names_and_aliases"))
tidyverse_functions_info %>%
select(Package, Function, Arguments, Title, Description) %>%
# Show a datatable with five visible rows
datatable(options = list(pageLength = 5))
formatted_functions_info <- tidyverse_functions_info %>%
# The package and function name links to the documentation
Function = glue("<a href='https://{Package}{Name}.html'>{Function}</a>"),
Package = glue("<a href='https://{Package}'>{Package}</a>"),
# Let's replace all space in the arguments with non-breaking space (&nbsp;)
# except after a comma, so that text only wraps between arguments.
Arguments = str_replace_all(Arguments, "(?<!,) " , "&nbsp;"),
# Join the Title and Description, and format the examples
Description = glue("<b>{Title}</b><br>{Description}"),
Examples = glue("<b>Examples</b><pre><code>{Examples}</pre></code>"),
# A mystery column consisting only of pluses (&oplus;), read on for explanation!
" " = '&oplus;') %>%
select(Package, Function, Arguments, Description, Examples, ` `)
datatable_callback <- JS("
var format = function(d) {
return '<div style=\"padding: .5em;\">' +
'<p>' + d[4] + '</p>' +
'<p>' + d[5] + '</p>' +
table.on('click', 'td.details-control', function() {
var td = $(this), row = table.row(td.closest('tr'));
if (row.child.isShown()) {
} else {
tidyverse_in_a_table <- datatable(
# Render HTML in the table
escape = FALSE,
# Add search boxes for each column at the "top" of the table
filter = "top",
# Register the javascript code we wrote above as a callback
callback = datatable_callback,
# To shorten the descriptions we're going to use the datatable ellipsis plugin
# which adds ... when the text in a cell is too long.
plugins = "ellipsis",
options = list(
# Show 5 rows by default
pageLength = 5,
# But it will be possible to show up to a 100 rows!
lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 20, 100),
# Some column specific settings
columnDefs = list(
# column 0 (row numbers) and 6 (Examples) are hidden
list(visible = FALSE, targets = c(0, 5)),
# The special column with (+) gets the details-control class so that it
# triggers the callback code
list(orderable = FALSE, className = 'details-control', targets = 6),
# Adds an ellipsis (...) when the Description (in column 4) is
# longer than 300 characters
list(render = JS("$.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(300, true)"), targets = 4)))) %>%
# Column specific formatting
formatStyle("Package", `vertical-align` = "top", `font-family` = "monospace") %>%
formatStyle("Function", `vertical-align` = "top", `font-family` = "monospace") %>%
formatStyle("Arguments", `vertical-align` = "top", `font-family` = "monospace") %>%
formatStyle("Description", `vertical-align` = "top") %>%
formatStyle(6, `font-size` = "20px", cursor = "pointer")
DT::saveWidget(tidyverse_in_a_table, "tidyverse_in_a_table_standalone.html")
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