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Last active July 5, 2016 18:51
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Suunto app. Name: GPS Lapr 400, Activity: Running, Category: Counter
/* */
/* Suunto app. Name: GPS Lapr 400, Activity: Running, Category: Counter*/
/* Description:
Count laps using your start GPS point.
When you reach the point once again the counter will automatically count a lap.
The counter is optimized for running and will work for laps from 200 meters and up.
It cannot increase the laps in the watch - e.g. press the lap button.
So what you get it only the number of laps run - not all the lap details.
To qualify for a lap 3 conditions must be met:
- 33 seconds must have past
- Runner must have been at least 75 meters from the startline in beeline
- Runner must have run 150 meters in distance from the startline
When the runner approaches the startline a lap will be counted if he enters a into an area with radius 30 meters from the start.
The lap will be counted, when the runner reaches the closest point to the center of that circle.
/* Initialize own vars - set in app
postfix = "laps";
timerHasBeenStarted = 0;
startHasBeenSet = 0;
laps = 0; //No of laps
latStart = -90;
lonStart = -180;
lapDuration = 0; //sec. How long has the lap been so far?
lapDistance = 0; //sec. How long has been run on this lap so far?
lapStartDuration = 0; //sec. How long time passed, when this lap started?
lapStartDistance = 0; //m. How long was run, when this lap started?
lapStartDistanceBeeline = 0; //m. How far is it to start - beeline?
lapDurationNotCountingThreshold = 33; //800m time/3 = 100s/3. To avoid double counting of same lap
lapDistanceNotCountingThreshold = 150; //If runner has not been this distance away from start, then don't inc laps
lapDistanceBeelineNotCountingThreshold = 75; //If runner has not been this distance away from start, then don't inc laps
lapDurationThresholdOk = 0; //When lapDurationNotCountingTreshold then ok
lapDistanceThresholdOk = 0; //When lapDistanceNotCountingThreshold then ok
lapDistanceBeelineThresholdOk = 0; //When lapDistanceBeelineNotCountingThreshold then ok
lapThresholdOk = 0; //When all Tresholds ok then ok => listen for new lap
lapStartZone1Radius = 30; //m. Zone around start (start area), where lap will be counted
lapShortestToStart = lapStartZone1Radius + 1; //When within latStartZone1 then use this to see when runner gets closest to center
doCountLap = 0; //if 1 then increment lap
lapStartZone1Entered = 0; //Has Zone1 been entered in this lap?
/* While in sport mode do this once per second*/
if (timerHasBeenStarted == 0) {
/* check if timer has been started*/
if ((SUUNTO_DURATION > 0)){ /* || (SUUNTO_DISTANCE > 0)) {*/
timerHasBeenStarted = 1;
/* set some constants */
lapStartZone1Radius = 30;
lapDurationNotCountingThreshold = 33;
lapDistanceNotCountingThreshold = 150;
lapDistanceBeelineNotCountingThreshold = 75;
/* get start position if not read, yet */
if ((startHasBeenSet == 0) && (SUUNTO_GPS_STATE > 4)) {
startHasBeenSet = 1;
/* read position continuesly until timerHasBeenStarted. In this way we have the startpos from before 1 sec had passed*/
startHasBeenSet = 1;
/* only calculate laps, when GPS is on and timer is started */
if ((timerHasBeenStarted == 1) && (SUUNTO_GPS_STATE > 4)) {
/* get start position if not read, yet */
if (startHasBeenSet == 0) {
startHasBeenSet = 1;
if (startHasBeenSet == 1) {
/* reset lap data*/
laps = 0;
lapStartDuration = SUUNTO_DURATION;
lapStartDistance = SUUNTO_DISTANCE * 1000;
lapStartDistanceBeeline = 0;
lapThresholdOk = 0;
lapShortestToStart = lapStartZone1Radius + 1;
lapStartZone1Entered = 0;
doCountLap = 0;
startHasBeenSet = 2;
/* calculate laps - start position is now known */
if (startHasBeenSet == 2) {
/* look for start in decimal meters */
lapStartDistanceBeeline = Suunto.distance(latStart, lonStart, SUUNTO_GPS_LATITUDE, SUUNTO_GPS_LONGITUDE);
if (lapThresholdOk == 0) {
/* get values for calculate lapThresholdOk */
lapDuration = SUUNTO_DURATION - lapStartDuration;
lapDistance = SUUNTO_DISTANCE * 1000 - lapStartDistance;
if (lapDuration > lapDurationNotCountingThreshold) {
lapDurationThresholdOk = 1;
if (lapDistance > lapDistanceNotCountingThreshold) {
lapDistanceThresholdOk = 1;
if (lapStartDistanceBeeline > lapDistanceBeelineNotCountingThreshold) {
lapDistanceBeelineThresholdOk = 1;
if ((lapDurationThresholdOk == 1) && (lapDistanceBeelineThresholdOk == 1) && (lapDistanceThresholdOk == 1) ) {
lapThresholdOk = 1;
if (lapThresholdOk == 1) {
/* Thresholds has been met - look for Zone1 */
/* detect if we entered Zone1 */
if (lapStartDistanceBeeline < lapStartZone1Radius) {
/* If Zone1 has not yet been entered in this lap */
if (lapStartZone1Entered == 0) {
lapStartZone1Entered = 1;
if (lapStartZone1Entered == 1) {
/* if within Zone1 */
if (lapStartDistanceBeeline < lapStartZone1Radius) {
/* if passed shortest distance (with ½ m)- meaning going away from center
or if distance-to-center < 3 then count lap */
if ((lapStartDistanceBeeline < 3) || ((lapStartDistanceBeeline + 1/2) > lapShortestToStart)) {
doCountLap = 1;
/* else set a shorter distance */
if ((doCountLap == 0) && (lapStartDistanceBeeline < lapShortestToStart)){
lapShortestToStart = lapStartDistanceBeeline;
/* we have exited Zone1 again */
/* if we first entered zone1 then exited without counting then force counting*/
doCountLap = 1;
/* doCountLap() */
if (doCountLap == 1) {
/* inc lap data*/
laps = laps + 1;
lapStartDuration = SUUNTO_DURATION;
lapStartDistance = SUUNTO_DISTANCE * 1000;
/* reset flags */
lapDurationThresholdOk = 0;
lapDistanceThresholdOk = 0;
lapDistanceBeelineThresholdOk = 0;
lapThresholdOk = 0;
lapShortestToStart = lapStartZone1Radius + 1;
lapStartZone1Entered = 0;
doCountLap = 0;
RESULT = laps;
RESULT = laps;
RESULT = (100000 * (lapDistanceBeelineThresholdOk+2*lapDistanceThresholdOk+4*lapStartZone1Entered)) + (10000 * laps) + (100 * lapShortestToStart) + Suunto.distance(latStart, lonStart, SUUNTO_GPS_LATITUDE, SUUNTO_GPS_LONGITUDE);
RESULT = (100000 * (lapDurationThresholdOk+2*lapDistanceBeelineThresholdOk+4*lapDistanceThresholdOk)) + (10000 * laps) + (100 * lapShortestToStart) + Suunto.distance(latStart, lonStart, SUUNTO_GPS_LATITUDE, SUUNTO_GPS_LONGITUDE);
RESULT = (100000 * lapStartZone1Entered) + (10000 * laps) + (100 * lapShortestToStart) + Suunto.distance(latStart, lonStart, SUUNTO_GPS_LATITUDE, SUUNTO_GPS_LONGITUDE);
RESULT = (100000 * (lapDurationThresholdOk+2*lapDistanceBeelineThresholdOk+4*lapDistanceThresholdOk)) + (10000 * laps) + (100 * lapShortestToStart) + Suunto.distance(latStart, lonStart, SUUNTO_GPS_LATITUDE, SUUNTO_GPS_LONGITUDE);
RESULT = (100000 * (lapDurationThresholdOk+2*lapDistanceBeelineThresholdOk+4*lapDistanceThresholdOk)) + (10000 * lapThresholdOk) + (1000 * laps) + Suunto.distance(latStart, lonStart, SUUNTO_GPS_LATITUDE, SUUNTO_GPS_LONGITUDE);
RESULT = (100000 * (lapDurationThresholdOk+2*lapDistanceBeelineThresholdOk+4*lapDistanceThresholdOk)) + (10000 * lapThresholdOk) + Suunto.distance(latStart, lonStart, SUUNTO_GPS_LATITUDE, SUUNTO_GPS_LONGITUDE);
RESULT = (100000 * startHasBeenSet) + (10000 * lapDurationThresholdOk) + (1000 * lapDistanceBeelineThresholdOk) + (100 * lapDistanceThresholdOk) + laps;
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