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Last active January 7, 2021 09:50
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core.async agents experiment
(ns scratch
(:require [clojure.core.async :as a]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]))
(def core-async-agent-state (atom 0))
(def core-async-agent-ch (a/chan 1))
(def p2
;To (black hole)
(a/chan (a/sliding-buffer 1) (map (fn [task-finished]
(timbre/spy task-finished))))
(map (fn [task]
(timbre/spy task)
;TODO do something...
(swap! core-async-agent-state (fn [x] (inc x)))
(defn run-go [wait-ms]
(let [task-status (a/alts! [[core-async-agent-ch :a-task] (a/timeout wait-ms)])
submit-ok? (first task-status)]
(timbre/spy submit-ok?)
#_(timbre/spy task-status))))
(let [wait-ms 20]
#(run-go wait-ms))))
;check state
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