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  • Save raspi/045612870efad8d69b2a47279efa49a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save raspi/045612870efad8d69b2a47279efa49a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
List Windows advanced power settings as MarkDown
# List Windows advanced power settings as MarkDown
# Use:
# this-script.ps1 | Out-File
# Use powercfg to show hidden settings:
# powercfg -attributes <Group GUID> <GUID> -ATTRIB_HIDE
# example:
# powercfg -attributes 54533251-82be-4824-96c1-47b60b740d00 06cadf0e-64ed-448a-8927-ce7bf90eb35d -ATTRIB_HIDE
# (c) Pekka "raspi" Järvinen 2017-
$powerSettingSubgroubTable = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\cimv2\power -Class Win32_PowerSettingSubgroup | Where-Object {$_.ElementName -ne $null}
$powerSettingInSubgroubTable = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\cimv2\power -Class Win32_PowerSettingInSubgroup
$powerSettingTable = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\cimv2\power -Class Win32_PowerSetting
$powerSettingDefinitionPossibleValueTable = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\cimv2\power -Class Win32_PowerSettingDefinitionPossibleValue
$powerSettingDefinitionRangeDataTable = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\cimv2\power -Class Win32_PowerSettingDefinitionRangeData
$powerSettingSubgroubTable | foreach {
$gname = $_.ElementName
$gdescr = $_.Description
$tmp = $_.InstanceId
$tmp = $tmp.Remove(0, $tmp.LastIndexOf('{') + 1)
$tmp = $tmp.Remove($tmp.LastIndexOf('}'))
$gguid = $tmp
Write-Output ('# {0}' -f $gname)
Write-Output ('{0}' -f $gdescr)
Write-Output ('Group GUID: `{0}`' -f $gguid)
Write-Output ""
$settings = $powerSettingInSubgroubTable | Where-Object GroupComponent -Match "$gguid"
$settings | foreach {
$tmp = $_.PartComponent
$tmp = $tmp.Remove(0, $tmp.LastIndexOf('{') + 1)
$tmp = $tmp.Remove($tmp.LastIndexOf('}'))
$guid = $tmp
$s = $powerSettingTable -Match "$guid"
Write-Output ('* {0}' -f $s.ElementName)
Write-Output (' * GUID: `{0}`' -f $guid)
if ($s.Description) {
Write-Output (' * {0}' -f $s.Description)
$possible = ($powerSettingDefinitionPossibleValueTable | Where-Object InstanceId -Match "$guid" | select -ExpandProperty ElementName) -join ", "
if ($possible) {
Write-Output (' * Possible values: {0}' -f $possible)
$units = $powerSettingDefinitionRangeDataTable | Where-Object InstanceId -Match "$guid"
if ($units)
$u = $units[0].Description
$tmp = @()
$units | foreach {
$tmp += '{0}: {1} {2}' -f $_.ElementName, $_.SettingValue, $u
Write-Output (' * {0}' -f ($tmp -join " | "))
Copy link

raspi commented Jun 14, 2017

Example output:

Hard disk

Specify power management settings for your hard disk.
Group GUID: 0012ee47-9041-4b5d-9b77-535fba8b1442

  • AHCI Link Power Management - HIPM/DIPM
    • GUID: 0b2d69d7-a2a1-449c-9680-f91c70521c60
    • Configures the LPM state.
    • Possible values: Active, HIPM, HIPM+DIPM, DIPM, Lowest
  • Maximum Power Level
    • GUID: 51dea550-bb38-4bc4-991b-eacf37be5ec8
    • Specifies the the power consumption level storage devices should not exceed.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Turn off hard disk after
    • GUID: 6738e2c4-e8a5-4a42-b16a-e040e769756e
    • Specify how long your hard drive is inactive before the disk turns off.
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Seconds | ValueMin: 0 Seconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Seconds
  • Hard disk burst ignore time
    • GUID: 80e3c60e-bb94-4ad8-bbe0-0d3195efc663
    • Ignore a burst of disk activity up to the specified time when determining if the disk is idle.
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Seconds | ValueMin: 0 Seconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Seconds
  • NVMe Idle Timeout
    • GUID: d639518a-e56d-4345-8af2-b9f32fb26109
    • Specifies the amount of time the NVMe device must be idle before transitioning to a non-operational power state.
    • ValueMax: 60000 milliseconds | ValueMin: 0 milliseconds | ValueIncrement: 1 milliseconds
  • AHCI Link Power Management - Adaptive
    • GUID: dab60367-53fe-4fbc-825e-521d069d2456
    • Automatically transit from Partial to Slumber.
    • ValueMax: 300000 millisecond | ValueMin: 0 millisecond | ValueIncrement: 1 millisecond
  • NVMe Power State Transition Latency Tolerance
    • GUID: fc95af4d-40e7-4b6d-835a-56d131dbc80e
    • When the NVMe device has been idle for a certain amount of time, transition to the lowest non-operational power state whose ENLAT+EXLAT value is less than or equal to the value specified by this setting.
    • ValueMax: 60000 milliseconds | ValueMin: 0 milliseconds | ValueIncrement: 1 milliseconds

Internet Explorer

Specify Internet Explorer power management settings.
Group GUID: 02f815b5-a5cf-4c84-bf20-649d1f75d3d8

  • JavaScript Timer Frequency
    • GUID: 4c793e7d-a264-42e1-87d3-7a0d2f523ccd
    • Possible values: Maximum Power Savings, Maximum Performance

Desktop background settings

Change power management settings for your desktop background.
Group GUID: 0d7dbae2-4294-402a-ba8e-26777e8488cd

  • Slide show
    • GUID: 309dce9b-bef4-4119-9921-a851fb12f0f4
    • Specify when you want the desktop background slide show to be available.
    • Possible values: Available, Paused

Wireless Adapter Settings

Configure wireless adapter power settings.
Group GUID: 19cbb8fa-5279-450e-9fac-8a3d5fedd0c1

  • Power Saving Mode
    • GUID: 12bbebe6-58d6-4636-95bb-3217ef867c1a
    • Control the power saving mode of wireless adapters.
    • Possible values: Maximum Performance, Low Power Saving, Medium Power Saving, Maximum Power Saving


Specify sleep settings.
Group GUID: 238c9fa8-0aad-41ed-83f4-97be242c8f20

  • Allow Away Mode Policy
    • GUID: 25dfa149-5dd1-4736-b5ab-e8a37b5b8187
    • Allow away mode to be enabled for your computer
    • Possible values: No, Yes
  • Sleep after
    • GUID: 29f6c1db-86da-48c5-9fdb-f2b67b1f44da
    • Specify how long your computer is inactive before going to sleep.
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Seconds | ValueMin: 0 Seconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Seconds
  • System unattended sleep timeout
    • GUID: 7bc4a2f9-d8fc-4469-b07b-33eb785aaca0
    • Idle timeout before the system returns to a low power sleep state after waking unattended.
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Seconds | ValueMin: 0 Seconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Seconds
  • Allow hybrid sleep
    • GUID: 94ac6d29-73ce-41a6-809f-6363ba21b47e
    • Allow Windows to save your work and enter a low-power state so that you can resume working almost immediately.
    • Possible values: Off, On
  • Hibernate after
    • GUID: 9d7815a6-7ee4-497e-8888-515a05f02364
    • Specify how long your computer is inactive before hibernating.
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Seconds | ValueMin: 0 Seconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Seconds
  • Allow system required policy
    • GUID: a4b195f5-8225-47d8-8012-9d41369786e2
    • Allow programs to prevent machine from going to sleep automatically
    • Possible values: No, Yes
  • Allow Standby States
    • GUID: abfc2519-3608-4c2a-94ea-171b0ed546ab
    • Allow Windows to use the standby states when sleeping your computer.
    • Possible values: Off, On
  • Allow wake timers
    • GUID: bd3b718a-0680-4d9d-8ab2-e1d2b4ac806d
    • Specify if timed events should be allowed to wake the computer from sleep.
    • Possible values: Disable, Enable, Important Wake Timers Only
  • Allow sleep with remote opens
    • GUID: d4c1d4c8-d5cc-43d3-b83e-fc51215cb04d
    • Allow your machine to go to sleep when files opened remotely have not been written to.
    • Possible values: Off, On

USB settings

Specify USB power settings for the USB hub driver
Group GUID: 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3

  • Hub Selective Suspend Timeout
    • GUID: 0853a681-27c8-4100-a2fd-82013e970683
    • This value will be used as idle timeouts for all USB hubs
    • ValueMax: 100000 Millisecond | ValueMin: 0 Millisecond | ValueIncrement: 1 Millisecond
  • USB selective suspend setting
    • GUID: 48e6b7a6-50f5-4782-a5d4-53bb8f07e226
    • Specify whether USB selective suspend is turned on or off
    • Possible values: Disabled, Enabled
  • Setting IOC on all TDs
    • GUID: 498c044a-201b-4631-a522-5c744ed4e678
    • Should IOC be set for all TDs
    • Possible values: Disabled, Enabled
  • USB 3 Link Power Mangement
    • GUID: d4e98f31-5ffe-4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009
    • Specifies the power management policy to use for USB 3 links when they are idle
    • Possible values: Off, Minimum power savings, Moderate power savings, Maximum power savings

Idle Resiliency

Idle resiliency settings.
Group GUID: 2e601130-5351-4d9d-8e04-252966bad054

  • Execution Required power request timeout
    • GUID: 3166bc41-7e98-4e03-b34e-ec0f5f2b218e
    • Specifies Execution Required power request timeout
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Seconds | ValueMin: 0 Seconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Seconds
  • IO coalescing timeout
    • GUID: c36f0eb4-2988-4a70-8eee-0884fc2c2433
    • Specifies IO coalescing timeout
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Milliseconds | ValueMin: 0 Milliseconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Milliseconds
  • Processor Idle Resiliency Timer Resolution
    • GUID: c42b79aa-aa3a-484b-a98f-2cf32aa90a28
    • Specifies Processor Idle Resiliency Timer Resolution
    • ValueMax: 65000 Milliseconds | ValueMin: 0 Milliseconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Milliseconds
  • Deep Sleep Enabled/Disabled
    • GUID: d502f7ee-1dc7-4efd-a55d-f04b6f5c0545
    • Specifies if Deep Sleep is Enabled
    • Possible values: Deep Sleep Disabled, Deep Sleep Enabled

Interrupt Steering Settings

Interrupt Steering Settings
Group GUID: 48672f38-7a9a-4bb2-8bf8-3d85be19de4e

  • Interrupt Steering Mode
    • GUID: 2bfc24f9-5ea2-4801-8213-3dbae01aa39d
    • Interrupt Steering Mode
    • Possible values: Default, Any processor, Any unparked processor with time delay, Any unparked processor, Lock Interrupt Routing, Processor 0, Processor 1
  • Target Load
    • GUID: 73cde64d-d720-4bb2-a860-c755afe77ef2
    • Target Load for each Processor
    • ValueMax: 10000 Tenths of a percent | ValueMin: 0 Tenths of a percent | ValueIncrement: 1 Tenths of a percent
  • Unparked time trigger
    • GUID: d6ba4903-386f-4c2c-8adb-5c21b3328d25
    • Time a processor must remain unparked before interrupts are moved onto it
    • ValueMax: 100000 Milliseconds | ValueMin: 0 Milliseconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Milliseconds

Power buttons and lid

Specify what your computer does when you close the lid and press the power buttons.
Group GUID: 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347

  • Lid close action
    • GUID: 5ca83367-6e45-459f-a27b-476b1d01c936
    • Specify the action that your computer takes when you close the lid on your mobile PC.
    • Possible values: Do nothing, Sleep, Hibernate, Shut down
  • Power button action
    • GUID: 7648efa3-dd9c-4e3e-b566-50f929386280
    • Specify the action to take when you press the power button.
    • Possible values: Do nothing, Sleep, Hibernate, Shut down, Turn off the display
  • Enable forced button/lid shutdown
    • GUID: 833a6b62-dfa4-46d1-82f8-e09e34d029d6
    • Enable forced shutdown for button and lid actions
    • Possible values: Off, On
  • Sleep button action
    • GUID: 96996bc0-ad50-47ec-923b-6f41874dd9eb
    • Specify the action to take when you press the sleep button.
    • Possible values: Do nothing, Sleep, Hibernate, Shut down, Turn off the display
  • Lid open action
    • GUID: 99ff10e7-23b1-4c07-a9d1-5c3206d741b4
    • Specify the action to take when the lid is opened.
    • Possible values: Do nothing, Turn on the display
  • Start menu power button
    • GUID: a7066653-8d6c-40a8-910e-a1f54b84c7e5
    • Specify the action to take when you press the Start menu power button.
    • Possible values: Sleep, Hibernate, Shut down

PCI Express

PCI Express Power Management Settings
Group GUID: 501a4d13-42af-4429-9fd1-a8218c268e20

  • Link State Power Management
    • GUID: ee12f906-d277-404b-b6da-e5fa1a576df5
    • Specifies the Active State Power Management (ASPM) policy to use for capable links when the link is idle.
    • Possible values: Off, Moderate power savings, Maximum power savings

Processor power management

Specify power management settings for your computer’s processor.
Group GUID: 54533251-82be-4824-96c1-47b60b740d00

  • Processor performance increase threshold
    • GUID: 06cadf0e-64ed-448a-8927-ce7bf90eb35d
    • Specify the upper busy threshold that must be met before increasing the processor's performance state (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance increase threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 06cadf0e-64ed-448a-8927-ce7bf90eb35e
    • Specify the upper busy threshold that must be met before increasing the processor's performance state (in percentage) for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance core parking min cores
    • GUID: 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583
    • Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages allowed (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance core parking min cores for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318584
    • Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages allowed for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance decrease threshold
    • GUID: 12a0ab44-fe28-4fa9-b3bd-4b64f44960a6
    • Specify the lower busy threshold that must be met before decreasing the processor's performance state (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance decrease threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 12a0ab44-fe28-4fa9-b3bd-4b64f44960a7
    • Specify the lower busy threshold that must be met before decreasing the processor's performance state (in percentage) for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Initial performance for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 when unparked
    • GUID: 1facfc65-a930-4bc5-9f38-504ec097bbc0
    • Initial performance state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 when woken from a parked state.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance core parking concurrency threshold
    • GUID: 2430ab6f-a520-44a2-9601-f7f23b5134b1
    • Specify the busy threshold that must be met when calculating the concurrency of a node.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance core parking increase time
    • GUID: 2ddd5a84-5a71-437e-912a-db0b8c788732
    • Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals that must elapse before more cores/packages can be unparked.
    • ValueMax: 100 Time check intervals | ValueMin: 1 Time check intervals | ValueIncrement: 1 Time check intervals
  • Processor energy performance preference policy
    • GUID: 36687f9e-e3a5-4dbf-b1dc-15eb381c6863
    • Specify how much processors should favor energy savings over performance when operating in autonomous mode.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Allow Throttle States
    • GUID: 3b04d4fd-1cc7-4f23-ab1c-d1337819c4bb
    • Allow processors to use throttle states in addition to performance states.
    • Possible values: Off, On, Automatic
  • Processor performance increase time for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 4009efa7-e72d-4cba-9edf-91084ea8cbc3
    • Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be increased for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
    • ValueMax: 100 Time check intervals | ValueMin: 1 Time check intervals | ValueIncrement: 1 Time check intervals
  • Processor performance decrease policy
    • GUID: 40fbefc7-2e9d-4d25-a185-0cfd8574bac6
    • Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is lower than the current performance state.
    • Possible values: Ideal, Single, Rocket
  • Processor performance decrease policy for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 40fbefc7-2e9d-4d25-a185-0cfd8574bac7
    • Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is lower than the current performance state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
    • Possible values: Ideal, Single, Rocket
  • Processor performance core parking parked performance state
    • GUID: 447235c7-6a8d-4cc0-8e24-9eaf70b96e2b
    • Specify what performance state a processor enters when parked.
    • Possible values: No Preference, Deepest Performance State, Lightest Performance State
  • Processor performance core parking parked performance state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 447235c7-6a8d-4cc0-8e24-9eaf70b96e2c
    • Specify what performance state a Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor enters when parked.
    • Possible values: No Preference, Deepest Performance State, Lightest Performance State
  • Processor performance boost policy
    • GUID: 45bcc044-d885-43e2-8605-ee0ec6e96b59
    • Specify how much processors may opportunistically increase frequency above maximum when allowed by current operating conditions.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance increase policy
    • GUID: 465e1f50-b610-473a-ab58-00d1077dc418
    • Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is higher than the current performance state.
    • Possible values: Ideal, Single, Rocket, IdealAggressive
  • Processor performance increase policy for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 465e1f50-b610-473a-ab58-00d1077dc419
    • Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is higher than the current performance state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
    • Possible values: Ideal, Single, Rocket, IdealAggressive
  • Processor idle demote threshold
    • GUID: 4b92d758-5a24-4851-a470-815d78aee119
    • Specify the upper busy threshold that must be met before demoting the processor to a lighter idle state (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance core parking distribution threshold
    • GUID: 4bdaf4e9-d103-46d7-a5f0-6280121616ef
    • Specify the percentage utilization used to calculate the distribution concurrency (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance time check interval
    • GUID: 4d2b0152-7d5c-498b-88e2-34345392a2c5
    • Specify the amount that must expire before processor performance states and parked cores may be reevaluated (in milliseconds).
    • ValueMax: 5000 Milliseconds | ValueMin: 1 Milliseconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Milliseconds
  • Processor duty cycling
    • GUID: 4e4450b3-6179-4e91-b8f1-5bb9938f81a1
    • Specify whether the processor may use duty cycling.
    • Possible values: Disabled, Enabled
  • Processor idle disable
    • GUID: 5d76a2ca-e8c0-402f-a133-2158492d58ad
    • Specify if idle states should be disabled.
    • Possible values: Enable idle, Disable idle
  • Latency sensitivity hint min unparked cores/packages
    • GUID: 616cdaa5-695e-4545-97ad-97dc2d1bdd88
    • Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages when a latency hint is active (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Latency sensitivity hint min unparked cores/packages for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 616cdaa5-695e-4545-97ad-97dc2d1bdd89
    • Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages when a latency hint is active for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Latency sensitivity hint processor performance
    • GUID: 619b7505-003b-4e82-b7a6-4dd29c300971
    • Specify the processor performance in response to latency sensitivity hints.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Latency sensitivity hint processor performance for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 619b7505-003b-4e82-b7a6-4dd29c300972
    • Specify the processor performance in response to latency sensitivity hints for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor idle threshold scaling
    • GUID: 6c2993b0-8f48-481f-bcc6-00dd2742aa06
    • Specify if idle state promotion and demotion values should be scaled based on the current performance state.
    • Possible values: Disable scaling, Enable scaling
  • Processor performance core parking decrease policy
    • GUID: 71021b41-c749-4d21-be74-a00f335d582b
    • Specify the number of cores/packages to park when fewer cores are required.
    • Possible values: Ideal number of cores, Single core, All possible cores, One eighth cores
  • Maximum processor frequency
    • GUID: 75b0ae3f-bce0-45a7-8c89-c9611c25e100
    • Specify the approximate maximum frequency of your processor (in MHz).
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 MHz | ValueMin: 0 MHz | ValueIncrement: 1 MHz
  • Maximum processor frequency for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 75b0ae3f-bce0-45a7-8c89-c9611c25e101
    • Specify the approximate maximum frequency of your Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor (in MHz).
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 MHz | ValueMin: 0 MHz | ValueIncrement: 1 MHz
  • Processor idle promote threshold
    • GUID: 7b224883-b3cc-4d79-819f-8374152cbe7c
    • Specify the lower busy threshold that must be met before promoting the processor to a deeper idle state (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance history count
    • GUID: 7d24baa7-0b84-480f-840c-1b0743c00f5f
    • Specify the number of processor performance time check intervals to use when calculating the average utility.
    • ValueMax: 128 Time check intervals | ValueMin: 1 Time check intervals | ValueIncrement: 1 Time check intervals
  • Processor performance history count for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 7d24baa7-0b84-480f-840c-1b0743c00f60
    • Specify the number of processor performance time check intervals to use when calculating the average utility for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
    • ValueMax: 128 Time check intervals | ValueMin: 1 Time check intervals | ValueIncrement: 1 Time check intervals
  • Processor performance decrease time for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 7f2492b6-60b1-45e5-ae55-773f8cd5caec
    • Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be decreased for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
    • ValueMax: 100 Time check intervals | ValueMin: 1 Time check intervals | ValueIncrement: 1 Time check intervals
  • Heterogeneous policy in effect
    • GUID: 7f2f5cfa-f10c-4823-b5e1-e93ae85f46b5
    • Specify what policy to be used on systems with at least two different Processor Power Efficiency Classes.
    • Possible values: Use heterogeneous policy 0, Use heterogeneous policy 1, Use heterogeneous policy 2, Use heterogeneous policy 3, Use heterogeneous policy 4
  • Minimum processor state
    • GUID: 893dee8e-2bef-41e0-89c6-b55d0929964c
    • Specify the minimum performance state of your processor (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Minimum processor state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 893dee8e-2bef-41e0-89c6-b55d0929964d
    • Specify the minimum performance state of your Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance autonomous mode
    • GUID: 8baa4a8a-14c6-4451-8e8b-14bdbd197537
    • Specify whether processors should autonomously determine their target performance state.
    • Possible values: Disabled, Enabled
  • Processor performance core parking overutilization threshold
    • GUID: 943c8cb6-6f93-4227-ad87-e9a3feec08d1
    • Specify the busy threshold that must be met before a parked core is considered overutilized (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 5 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • System cooling policy
    • GUID: 94d3a615-a899-4ac5-ae2b-e4d8f634367f
    • Specify the cooling mode for your system
    • Possible values: Passive, Active
  • Processor performance increase time
    • GUID: 984cf492-3bed-4488-a8f9-4286c97bf5aa
    • Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be increased.
    • ValueMax: 100 Time check intervals | ValueMin: 1 Time check intervals | ValueIncrement: 1 Time check intervals
  • Processor performance increase time for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: 984cf492-3bed-4488-a8f9-4286c97bf5ab
    • Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be increased for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
    • ValueMax: 100 Time check intervals | ValueMin: 1 Time check intervals | ValueIncrement: 1 Time check intervals
  • Processor idle state maximum
    • GUID: 9943e905-9a30-4ec1-9b99-44dd3b76f7a2
    • Specify the deepest idle state that should be used by Hyper-V.
    • ValueMax: 20 State Type | ValueMin: 0 State Type | ValueIncrement: 1 State Type
  • Processor performance level increase threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count increase
    • GUID: b000397d-9b0b-483d-98c9-692a6060cfbf
    • Specifies the performance level increase threshold at which the Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count is increased (in units of Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 processor performance).
  • Maximum processor state
    • GUID: bc5038f7-23e0-4960-96da-33abaf5935ec
    • Specify the maximum performance state of your processor (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Maximum processor state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: bc5038f7-23e0-4960-96da-33abaf5935ed
    • Specify the maximum performance state of your Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance boost mode
    • GUID: be337238-0d82-4146-a960-4f3749d470c7
    • Specify how processors select a target frequency when allowed to select above maximum frequency by current operating conditions.
    • Possible values: Disabled, Enabled, Aggressive, Efficient Enabled, Efficient Aggressive, Aggressive At Guaranteed, Efficient Aggressive At Guaranteed
  • Processor idle time check
    • GUID: c4581c31-89ab-4597-8e2b-9c9cab440e6b
    • Specify the time that elapsed since the last idle state promotion or demotion before idle states may be promoted or demoted again (in microseconds).
    • ValueMax: 200000 Microseconds | ValueMin: 1 Microseconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Microseconds
  • Processor performance core parking increase policy
    • GUID: c7be0679-2817-4d69-9d02-519a537ed0c6
    • Specify the number of cores/packages to unpark when more cores are required.
    • Possible values: Ideal number of cores, Single core, All possible cores, One eighth cores
  • Processor autonomous activity window
    • GUID: cfeda3d0-7697-4566-a922-a9086cd49dfa
    • Specify the time period over which to observe processor utilization when operating in autonomous mode.
    • ValueMax: 1270000000 Microseconds | ValueMin: 0 Microseconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Microseconds
  • Processor performance decrease time
    • GUID: d8edeb9b-95cf-4f95-a73c-b061973693c8
    • Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be decreased.
    • ValueMax: 100 Time check intervals | ValueMin: 1 Time check intervals | ValueIncrement: 1 Time check intervals
  • Processor performance decrease time for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: d8edeb9b-95cf-4f95-a73c-b061973693c9
    • Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be decreased for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
    • ValueMax: 100 Time check intervals | ValueMin: 1 Time check intervals | ValueIncrement: 1 Time check intervals
  • Processor performance core parking decrease time
    • GUID: dfd10d17-d5eb-45dd-877a-9a34ddd15c82
    • Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals that must elapse before more cores/packages can be parked.
    • ValueMax: 100 Time check intervals | ValueMin: 1 Time check intervals | ValueIncrement: 1 Time check intervals
  • Processor performance core parking utility distribution
    • GUID: e0007330-f589-42ed-a401-5ddb10e785d3
    • Specify whether the core parking engine should distribute utility across processors.
    • Possible values: Disabled, Enabled
  • Processor performance core parking max cores
    • GUID: ea062031-0e34-4ff1-9b6d-eb1059334028
    • Specify the maximum number of unparked cores/packages allowed (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance core parking max cores for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
    • GUID: ea062031-0e34-4ff1-9b6d-eb1059334029
    • Specify the maximum number of unparked cores/packages allowed for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 (in percentage).
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance core parking concurrency headroom threshold
    • GUID: f735a673-2066-4f80-a0c5-ddee0cf1bf5d
    • Specify the busy threshold that must be met by all cores in a concurrency set to unpark an extra core.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Processor performance level decrease threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count decrease
    • GUID: f8861c27-95e7-475c-865b-13c0cb3f9d6b
    • Specifies the performance level decrease threshold at which the Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count is decreased (in units of Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 processor performance).
  • A floor performance for Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 when there are Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processors unparked
    • GUID: fddc842b-8364-4edc-94cf-c17f60de1c80
    • Performance state floor for Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 when Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 is woken from a parked state.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %


Specify power management settings for your display.
Group GUID: 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99

  • Dim display after
    • GUID: 17aaa29b-8b43-4b94-aafe-35f64daaf1ee
    • Specify how long your computer is inactive before your display dims.
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Seconds | ValueMin: 0 Seconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Seconds
  • Turn off display after
    • GUID: 3c0bc021-c8a8-4e07-a973-6b14cbcb2b7e
    • Specify how long your computer is inactive before your display turns off.
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Seconds | ValueMin: 0 Seconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Seconds
  • NVIDIA-näytön virransäästöteknologia
    • GUID: 89cc76a4-f226-4d4b-a040-6e9a1da9b882
    • Säätää virkistystaajuuden virransäästöä ja näyttölaadun säilyttämistä varten.
    • Possible values: Ei käytössä, Käytössä
  • Console lock display off timeout
    • GUID: 8ec4b3a5-6868-48c2-be75-4f3044be88a7
    • Specifies console lock display off timeout
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Seconds | ValueMin: 0 Seconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Seconds
  • Adaptive display
    • GUID: 90959d22-d6a1-49b9-af93-bce885ad335b
    • Extends the time that Windows waits to turn off the display if you repeatedly turn on the display with the keyboard or mouse.
    • Possible values: Off, On
  • Allow display required policy
    • GUID: a9ceb8da-cd46-44fb-a98b-02af69de4623
    • Allow programs to prevent display from turning off automatically
    • Possible values: No, Yes
  • Display brightness
    • GUID: aded5e82-b909-4619-9949-f5d71dac0bcb
    • Specify the normal brightness level of your display.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Mukautuva taustavalo
    • GUID: aded5e82-b909-4619-9949-f5d71dac0bcc
    • Optimoi värien ja taustavalon käytön siten, että akun kestoikä paranee eikä kuvan kirkkaus muutu.
    • Possible values: Ei mitään, 1 (Pieni), 2, 3 (Keski), 4, 5 (Suuri)
  • Dimmed display brightness
    • GUID: f1fbfde2-a960-4165-9f88-50667911ce96
    • Specify the brightness level for when your display is dimmed.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Enable adaptive brightness
    • GUID: fbd9aa66-9553-4097-ba44-ed6e9d65eab8
    • Monitors ambient light sensors to detect changes in ambient light and adjust the display brightness.
    • Possible values: Off, On

Presence Aware Power Behavior

Presence Aware Power Behavior Settings
Group GUID: 8619b916-e004-4dd8-9b66-dae86f806698

  • Standby Reserve Time
    • GUID: 468fe7e5-1158-46ec-88bc-5b96c9e44fd0
    • Specifies the minimun active usage time that the battery charge level should allow before taking an adaptive action
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Seconds | ValueMin: 0 Seconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Seconds
  • Standby Reset Percentage
    • GUID: 49cb11a5-56e2-4afb-9d38-3df47872e21b
    • Specifies percentage of battery charge which resets the adaptive budget
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Non-sensor Input Presence Timeout
    • GUID: 5adbbfbc-074e-4da1-ba38-db8b36b2c8f3
    • Specifies Non-sensor Input Presence Timeout
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Seconds | ValueMin: 0 Seconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Seconds
  • Standby Budget Grace Period
    • GUID: 60c07fe1-0556-45cf-9903-d56e32210242
    • Specifies the grace period before taking an adaptive action when the system has exceeded its standby budget
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Seconds | ValueMin: 0 Seconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Seconds
  • User Presence Prediction mode
    • GUID: 82011705-fb95-4d46-8d35-4042b1d20def
    • Specify User Presence Prediction mode for your computer
    • Possible values: Disabled, Enabled
  • Standby Budget Percent
    • GUID: 9fe527be-1b70-48da-930d-7bcf17b44990
    • Specifies percentage of battery per unit of time allowed to be consumed by the system while it is in standby
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Standby Reserve Grace Period
    • GUID: c763ee92-71e8-4127-84eb-f6ed043a3e3d
    • Specifies the grace period before taking an adaptive action when the system is below the reserve battery charge level
    • ValueMax: 4294967295 Seconds | ValueMin: 0 Seconds | ValueIncrement: 1 Seconds

Multimedia settings

Configure power settings for when devices and computers are playing media from your computer.
Group GUID: 9596fb26-9850-41fd-ac3e-f7c3c00afd4b

  • When sharing media
    • GUID: 03680956-93bc-4294-bba6-4e0f09bb717f
    • Specify what your computer does when a device or computer is playing media from your computer.
    • Possible values: Allow the computer to sleep, Prevent idling to sleep, Allow the computer to enter Away Mode
  • Video playback quality bias.
    • GUID: 10778347-1370-4ee0-8bbd-33bdacaade49
    • Specify the policy to bias video playback quality.
    • Possible values: Video playback power-saving bias., Video playback performance bias.
  • When playing video
    • GUID: 34c7b99f-9a6d-4b3c-8dc7-b6693b78cef4
    • The power optimization mode used by your computer's video playback pipeline
    • Possible values: Optimize video quality, Balanced, Optimize power savings

Energy Saver settings

Energy Saver settings.
Group GUID: de830923-a562-41af-a086-e3a2c6bad2da

  • Display brightness weight
    • GUID: 13d09884-f74e-474a-a852-b6bde8ad03a8
    • Specifies the percentage value to scale brightness when Energy Saver is on.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Energy Saver Policy
    • GUID: 5c5bb349-ad29-4ee2-9d0b-2b25270f7a81
    • Specifies the policy to control Energy Saver.
    • Possible values: User, Aggressive
  • Charge level
    • GUID: e69653ca-cf7f-4f05-aa73-cb833fa90ad4
    • Specifies battery charge level at which Energy Saver is turned on.
    • ValueMax: 100 Percent battery charge | ValueMin: 0 Percent battery charge | ValueIncrement: 1 Percent battery charge


Configure notification and alarm settings for your battery.
Group GUID: e73a048d-bf27-4f12-9731-8b2076e8891f

  • Critical battery action
    • GUID: 637ea02f-bbcb-4015-8e2c-a1c7b9c0b546
    • Specify the action to take when the battery capacity reaches the critical level.
    • Possible values: Do nothing, Sleep, Hibernate, Shut down
  • Low battery level
    • GUID: 8183ba9a-e910-48da-8769-14ae6dc1170a
    • Percentage of battery capacity remaining that initiates the low battery action.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Critical battery level
    • GUID: 9a66d8d7-4ff7-4ef9-b5a2-5a326ca2a469
    • Percentage of battery capacity remaining that initiates the critical battery action.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %
  • Low battery notification
    • GUID: bcded951-187b-4d05-bccc-f7e51960c258
    • Specify whether a notification is shown when the battery capacity reaches the low level.
    • Possible values: Off, On
  • Low battery action
    • GUID: d8742dcb-3e6a-4b3c-b3fe-374623cdcf06
    • Specify the action that your computer takes when battery capacity reaches the low level.
    • Possible values: Do nothing, Sleep, Hibernate, Shut down
  • Reserve battery level
    • GUID: f3c5027d-cd16-4930-aa6b-90db844a8f00
    • Percentage of battery capacity remaining that initiates reserve power mode.
    • ValueMax: 100 % | ValueMin: 0 % | ValueIncrement: 1 %

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gulsoy83 commented Jun 6, 2023

Any idea about what does this do?

User Presence Prediction mode
GUID: 82011705-fb95-4d46-8d35-4042b1d20def
Specify User Presence Prediction mode for your computer
Possible values: Disabled, Enabled

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Argimko commented Jun 4, 2024

By the way, you may be interested in GUI PowerSettingsExplorer - the app allows edit Power settings including hiddens

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