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Created May 12, 2014 12:51
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Desktop configs
title_transmit_fg_color = "#f2f0ec"
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font = Droid Sans Mono 10
background_color = "#2d2d2d"
scrollback_infinite = True
type = Terminal
parent = window0
type = Window
parent = ""
# Sets Prezto options.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# General
# Set case-sensitivity for completion, history lookup, etc.
# zstyle ':prezto:*:*' case-sensitive 'yes'
# Color output (auto set to 'no' on dumb terminals).
zstyle ':prezto:*:*' color 'yes'
# Set the Zsh modules to load (man zshmodules).
# zstyle ':prezto:load' zmodule 'attr' 'stat'
# Set the Zsh functions to load (man zshcontrib).
# zstyle ':prezto:load' zfunction 'zargs' 'zmv'
# Set the Prezto modules to load (browse modules).
# The order matters.
zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule \
'environment' \
'terminal' \
'editor' \
'history' \
'directory' \
'spectrum' \
'utility' \
'completion' \
'prompt' \
'git' \
'python' \
'rsync' \
'ssh' \
'yum' \
'syntax-highlighting' \
# Editor
# Set the key mapping style to 'emacs' or 'vi'.
zstyle ':prezto:module:editor' key-bindings 'emacs'
# Auto convert .... to ../..
# zstyle ':prezto:module:editor' dot-expansion 'yes'
# Git
# Ignore submodules when they are 'dirty', 'untracked', 'all', or 'none'.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:git:status:ignore' submodules 'all'
# GNU Utility
# Set the command prefix on non-GNU systems.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:gnu-utility' prefix 'g'
# History Substring Search
# Set the query found color.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:history-substring-search:color' found ''
# Set the query not found color.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:history-substring-search:color' not-found ''
# Set the search globbing flags.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:history-substring-search' globbing-flags ''
# Pacman
# Set the Pacman frontend.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:pacman' frontend 'yaourt'
# Prompt
# Set the prompt theme to load.
# Setting it to 'random' loads a random theme.
# Auto set to 'off' on dumb terminals.
zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'sorin'
# Screen
# Auto start a session when Zsh is launched in a local terminal.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:screen:auto-start' local 'yes'
# Auto start a session when Zsh is launched in a SSH connection.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:screen:auto-start' remote 'yes'
# Set the SSH identities to load into the agent.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:ssh:load' identities 'id_rsa' 'id_rsa2' 'id_github'
# Syntax Highlighting
# Set syntax highlighters.
# By default, only the main highlighter is enabled.
zstyle ':prezto:module:syntax-highlighting' highlighters \
'main' \
'pattern' \
'brackets' \
# 'cursor' \
# Set syntax highlighting styles.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:syntax-highlighting' styles \
# 'builtin' 'bg=blue' \
# 'command' 'bg=blue' \
# 'function' 'bg=blue'
# Terminal
# Auto set the tab and window titles.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:terminal' auto-title 'yes'
# Set the window title format.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:terminal:window-title' format '%n@%m: %s'
# Set the tab title format.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:terminal:tab-title' format '%m: %s'
# Tmux
# Auto start a session when Zsh is launched in a local terminal.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:tmux:auto-start' local 'yes'
# Auto start a session when Zsh is launched in a SSH connection.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:tmux:auto-start' remote 'yes'
export PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH
# Executes commands at the start of an interactive session.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Source Prezto.
if [[ -s "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto/init.zsh" ]]; then
source "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto/init.zsh"
# Customize to your needs...
bindkey '^[[1;5D' emacs-backward-word
bindkey '^[[1;5C' emacs-forward-word
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/kenny/.local/bin:/home/kenny/bin:/home/kenny/go/bin
export EDITOR=vim
export GOPATH="/home/kenny/go"
zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs true
alias rake="noglob rake"
alias pep257="python3 /usr/lib/python3.3/site-packages/"
alias p3="python3"
zstyle ':completion:*' accept-exact '*(N)'
PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting
"auto_complete_delay": 0,
"color_scheme": "Packages/User/base16-eighties.dark (SL).tmTheme",
"ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true,
"font_face": "Droid Sans Mono",
"font_size": 10,
"Theme - Flatland",
"Jedi - Python autocompletion"
"soda_folder_icons": true,
"tab_size": 4,
"theme": "Spacegray Eighties.sublime-theme",
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true
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