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Forked from phughes/
Last active December 12, 2015 01:38
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Save rastersize/4692196 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate an `UIImage`/`NSImage` category for each image in the supplied directory. (Differs from the original in that it generates a category with methods instead of a list of `#define`s.)
import os.path as path
import string
import argparse
import glob
import re
def basename(filename):
base = filename
if filename.find('@2x') > 0:
base = filename[:filename.find('@2x')]
elif filename.find('~') > 0:
base = filename[:filename.find('~')]
elif filename.find('.') > 0:
base = filename[:filename.find('.')]
return base
def file_type(filename):
isRetina = False
isIpad = False
if filename.find('@2x') > 0:
isRetina = True
if filename.find('~ipad') > 0:
isIpad = True
if isRetina:
if isIpad:
return 'ipad2x'
return 'iphone2x'
if isIpad:
return 'ipad'
return 'iphone'
def munged_name(basename):
parts = re.split('[-_\s]', basename)
capitalized = [word.capitalize() for word in parts]
capitalized[0] = parts[0]
return string.join(capitalized, '')
def image_class():
return PLATFORM_IMAGE_CLASS_IOS if args.platform.lower() != 'osx' else PLATFORM_IMAGE_CLASS_OS_X;
def output_to_file(output, file_path):
### Florian Bruger ensures the file isn't updated needlessly.
original_output = ''
if path.exists(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
original_output +=
if original_output == output:
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
class ImageGroup:
iphone = None
iphone2x = None
ipad = None
ipad2x = None
extras = []
def __init__(self, file_name):
setattr(self, file_type(file_name), file_name)
def add_file(self, file_name):
type = file_type(file_name)
if getattr(self, type) is not None:
setattr(self, type, file_name)
def warnings(self, iPhone=True, iPad=True, retina=True, duplicates=True):
definition = ''
if iPhone and self.iphone is None:
definition += '#warning image formatted for iPhone %s not found\n' % filename
if iPhone and retina and self.iphone2x is None:
definition += '#warning image formatted for retina iPhone %s not found\n' % filename
if iPad and self.ipad is None:
definition += '#warning image formatted for iPad %s not found\n' % filename
if iPad and retina and self.ipad2x is None:
definition += '#warning image formatted for retina iPad %s not found\n' % filename
if duplicates:
for file in self.extras:
definition += '#warning duplicate image %s found in project. Verify proper capitalization.\n' % file
return definition
def output_header(self, filename, prefix):
return args.format_header % {'prefix':prefix, 'method':munged_name(filename)}
def output_impl(self, filename, prefix):
return args.format_impl % {'prefix':prefix, 'method':munged_name(filename), 'filename':filename}
DEFAULT_IMPL_FORMAT = '+ (instancetype)%(prefix)s%(method)s {\
id image = [[self class] imageNamed:@"%(filename)s"];\
ZAssert(image, @"Image %(filename)s not found");\
return image;\
DEFAULT_HEADER_FORMAT = '+ (instancetype)%(prefix)s%(method)s;\n'
### cmd folder outputFile
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create a header file with contants for each image file in the given folder.')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--source', type=str, default='./', help='A folder which contains images.')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--destination', type=str, default='./images', help='The filename to write to (two files will be written with the extenstions .{h,m}.')
parser.add_argument('--platform', type=str, default='ios', help='The targeted platform (i.e. "osx" or "ios").')
parser.add_argument('--prefix', type=str, default='', help='The prefix added at the begining of each image\'s filename.')
parser.add_argument('--format-impl', type=str, default=DEFAULT_IMPL_FORMAT, help='The format string specifying how the implementation file should be written.')
parser.add_argument('--format-header', type=str, default=DEFAULT_HEADER_FORMAT, help='The format string specifying how the header file should be written.')
parser.add_argument('--warn-retina', dest='retina', type=bool, default=True, help='Warn for missing retina images.')
parser.add_argument('--warn-ipad', dest='ipad', type=bool, default=False, help='Warn for missing iPad (~ipad) images.')
parser.add_argument('--warn-iphone', dest='iphone', type=bool, default=False, help='Warn for missing iPhone (~iphone) images')
parser.add_argument('--warn-duplicates', dest='duplicates', type=bool, default=True, help='Warn for duplicate images.')
args = parser.parse_args()
source = path.join(path.expanduser(args.source), '*.png')
iterator = glob.iglob(source)
all_files = {}
for fullpath in iterator:
(leading, filename) = path.split(fullpath)
key = basename(filename)
if key in all_files:
current_file = all_files[key]
current_file = ImageGroup(filename)
all_files[key] = current_file
header_file_path = path.join(path.expanduser('.'), args.destination) + '.h'
impl_file_path = path.join(path.expanduser('.'), args.destination) + '.m'
### Shared file header
output_prefix = '// Created using the script written by Patrick Hughes. He\'s a pretty cool guy.\n'
output_prefix += '// Script then modified by Aron Cedercrantz to output a (NS|UI)Image category.\n'
output_prefix +='//\n// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. \n//\n'
output_prefix +='// This file is automatically generated. Any changes may be overwritten the next time is invoked.\n\n'
### Create the implementation content
header_import_file = path.normpath(header_file_path)
header_import_file = path.basename(header_import_file)
impl_output = output_prefix
impl_output += '#import "%(import)s"\n\n' % {'import':header_import_file}
impl_output += '@implementation %(imageClass)s (%(prefix)sAppImages)\n\n' % {'imageClass':image_class(), 'prefix':args.prefix.upper()}
### Create the header
header_output = output_prefix
header_output += '@interface %(imageClass)s (%(prefix)sAppImages)\n\n' % {'imageClass':image_class(), 'prefix':args.prefix.upper()}
method_prefix = args.prefix.lower() + '_'
for key in all_files:
image_group = all_files[key]
warnings = image_group.warnings(iPhone=args.iphone, iPad=args.ipad, retina=args.retina, duplicates=args.duplicates)
impl_output += warnings
impl_output += image_group.output_impl(key, method_prefix)
header_output += image_group.output_header(key, method_prefix)
header_output += '\n@end\n'
impl_output += '\n@end\n'
output_to_file(header_output, header_file_path)
output_to_file(impl_output, impl_file_path)
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Possibly not the driest of implementations but the script will now produce an Objective-C category on NSImage or UIImage depending on the platform adding a class method for each image found. I personally prefer this compared to a long list of #define statements.

Example output

The target is OS X and the images in the resources directory are:

  • test@2x.png,
  • second-image.png,
  • button-background.png and button-background@2x.png.

The header file:

@interface NSImage (AppImages)

+ (instancetype)myprefix_test;
+ (instancetype)myprefix_secondImage;
+ (instancetype)myprefix_buttonBackground;


The implementation file:

#import "NSImage+AppImages"

@implementation NSImage (AppImages)

+ (instancetype)myprefix_test { id image = [[self class] imageNamed:@"test"]; ZAssert(image, @"Image test not found"); return image; }
+ (instancetype)myprefix_secondImage { id image = [[self class] imageNamed:@"second-image"]; ZAssert(image, @"Image second-image not found"); return image; }
+ (instancetype)myprefix_buttonBackground { id image = [[self class] imageNamed:@"button-background"]; ZAssert(image, @"Image button-background not found"); return image; }


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