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Created November 16, 2015 10:20
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* @Given /^I select "([^"]*)" from "([^"]*)" chosen\.js select box$/
public function iSelectFromChosenJsSelectBox($option, $select) {
$select = $this->fixStepArgument($select);
$option = $this->fixStepArgument($option);
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$field = $page->findField($select, true);
if (null === $field) {
throw new ElementNotFoundException($this->getDriver(), 'form field', 'id|name|label|value', $select);
$id = $field->getAttribute('id');
$opt = $field->find('named', array('option', $option));
$val = $opt->getValue();
$javascript = "jQuery('#$id').val('$val');
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Thank you so much. Works like a charm even in a headless environment.

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