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#include <Ethernet2.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SkaarhojPgmspace.h>
// MAC address and IP address for this *particular* Arduino / Ethernet Shield!
// The MAC address is printed on a label on the shield or on the back of your device
// The IP address should be an available address you choose on your subnet where the switcher is also present
byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x10, 0x0B, 0x68 }; // <= SETUP! MAC address of the Arduino
IPAddress clientIp(192, 168, 10, 99); // <= SETUP! IP address of the Arduino
# Sample script using midi device to control Blackmagic ATEM Upstream Key Chroma settings
# Uses these 2 projects
add-type -path 'documents\windowspowershell\SwitcherLib.dll'
Import-Module ".\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\PeteBrown.PowerShellMidi.dll"
#region ATEM settings
$Global:atem = New-Object SwitcherLib.Switcher("")
I was able to find a VERY QUICK AND DIRTY way to use the media-autobuild suite to compile my own 64-bit static FFmpeg for Windows with the NDI library.
Download it and extract to a place on your computer, and keep note of the path. I put it in "D:\ndi\media-autobuild_suite-master", so for the sake of these instructions when you see "<autobuild>", you need to substitute whatever path you've put it in.
During the initial setup process, request to use the static build and add whatever else you'd like to have in your ffmpeg, then pause what you're doing when the on-screen prompts tell you the ffmpeg_options file has been written, then go into <autobuild>\build\ffmpeg_options.txt and add somewhere a line with