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Last active October 12, 2023 19:23
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spatial partition in O(n) on update and only 2 int arrays extra memory
import java.util.*;
* spatial partitioning based on sebastian Lague's video:
* but using cycle sort instead of regular sorting algorithm because I can
public class SpatialPartition<P> {
public static interface hash<P> {
int GetPositionHash(P p);
public default int getKey(P p, int length) {
// note(ratchetfreak): put nulls at the end,
return p == null ? length - 1
: SpatialPartition.getKey((GetPositionHash(p)), length);
public SpatialPartition(int size, hash<P> hcb) {
this.hcb = hcb;
starts = new int[size];
ends = new int[size];
parts = new ArrayList<P>(size);
parts.addAll(Collections.nCopies(size, null));
hash<P> hcb;
int[] starts;
int[] ends;
List<P> parts;
public static int getKey(int hash, int length) {
int result = Integer.remainderUnsigned(hash, length);
// note(ratchetfreak) negative module is a bitch
return result;
public List<P> getParts() {
return parts;
public void setSize(int size) {
if(parts.size() < size) {
parts.addAll(Collections.nCopies(size - parts.size(), null));
Arrays.copyOf(starts, size);
Arrays.copyOf(ends, size);
if(parts.size() > size) {
parts.subList(size, parts.size()).clear();
Arrays.copyOf(starts, size);
Arrays.copyOf(ends, size);
public static boolean logtimings = true;
public void positionsChanged() {
hash<P> lhcb = hcb;
{// accumulate
Arrays.fill(starts, 0);
// Arrays.fill(ends, 0);
for(P particle : parts) {
starts[lhcb.getKey(particle, starts.length)]++;
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < starts.length; i++) {
int el = starts[i];
starts[i] = sum;
// ends[i] = sum;
sum += el;
System.arraycopy(starts, 0, ends, 0, starts.length);
{// rearrange
// note(ratchetfreak): variation of cycle sort based on countingsort
// because we don't care about stability
// invariant: p = part[i] is sorted <=> starts[key(p)] <= i <
// ends[key(p)]
// after every iteration some end gets incremented or curr advances
// the total amount skipped in the second branch will be equal to
// the number of times the loop in the third branch is iterated
// getKey is called exactly once per element after which it gets put
// in its sorted position
int curr = 0;
int key = lhcb.getKey(parts.get(curr), starts.length);
while(curr < parts.size()) {
int start = starts[key];
int end = ends[key];
if(curr == end) {
if(curr >= parts.size())
key = lhcb.getKey(parts.get(curr), starts.length);
} else if(curr >= start && curr < end) {
curr = end;
if(curr >= parts.size())
key = lhcb.getKey(parts.get(curr), starts.length);
} else {
P t = parts.get(curr);
P element = parts.get(end);
int elKey = lhcb.getKey(element, parts.size());
// note(ratchetfreak): don't copy elements needlessly
while(elKey == key) {
end = ends[key];
element = parts.get(end);
elKey = lhcb.getKey(element, parts.size());
parts.set(curr, element);
parts.set(end, t);
key = elKey;
public Iterator<P> getParticles(int hash) {
int key = getKey(hash, parts.size());
return Collections
.unmodifiableList(parts.subList(starts[key], ends[key]))
public int getFirstNull() {
int key = parts.size() - 1;
for(int i = starts[key]; i < parts.size(); i++) {
if(parts.get(i) == null)
return i;
return -1;
public Spliterator<P> getParticlesSpliterIterator(int hash) {
int key = getKey(hash, parts.size());
return Collections
.unmodifiableList(parts.subList(starts[key], ends[key]))
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