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Created August 10, 2011 21:39
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(ns noir.server
"A collection of functions to handle Noir's server and add middleware to the stack."
(:use compojure.core
(:use [ :only (file resource)]
[ :only (find-namespaces-in-dir)])
(:require [compojure.handler :as handler]
[compojure.route :as c-route]
[noir.core :as noir]
[noir.content.defaults :as defaults]
[noir.cookies :as cookie]
[noir.exception :as exception]
[noir.statuses :as statuses]
[noir.options :as options]
[noir.session :as session]
[noir.validation :as validation]
[ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]))
(defonce *middleware* (atom #{}))
(defn- wrap-route-updating [handler]
(if (options/dev-mode?)
(wrap-reload-modified handler ["src"])
(defn- wrap-custom-middleware [handler]
(loop [cur handler
mware (seq @*middleware*)]
(if-not mware
(let [[func args] (first mware)
neue (apply func cur args)]
(recur neue (next mware))))))
(defn- pack-routes []
(apply routes (concat (vals @noir/*pre-routes*) (vals @noir/*noir-routes*) noir/*spec-routes*)))
(defn- init-routes [opts]
(binding [options/*options* (options/compile-options opts)]
(if (options/dev-mode?)
(fn [request]
;; by doing this as a function we can ensure that any routes added as the
;; result of a modification are evaluated on the first reload.
((pack-routes) request))
(options/wrap-options opts))))
(defn gen-handler
"Get a full Noir request handler for use with plugins like lein-ring or lein-beanstalk.
If used in a definition, this must come after views have been loaded to ensure that the
routes have already been added to the route table."
[& [opts]]
(init-routes opts))
(defn load-views
"Require all the namespaces in the given dir so that the pages are loaded
by the server."
(let [nss (find-namespaces-in-dir (file dir))]
(doseq [n nss]
(require n))))
(defn add-middleware
"Add a middleware function to the noir server. Func is a standard ring middleware
function, which will be passed the handler. Any extra args to be applied should be
supplied along with the function."
[func & args]
(swap! *middleware* conj [func args]))
(defn start
"Create a noir server bound to the specified port with a map of options and return it.
The available options are:
:mode - either :dev or :prod
:ns - the root namepace of your project
:session-store - an alternate store for session handling"
[port & [opts]]
(println "Starting server...")
(let [server (jetty/run-jetty (init-routes opts) {:port port :join? false})]
(println (str "Server started on port [" port "]."))
(println (str "You can view the site at http://localhost:" port))
(defn stop
"Stop a noir server"
(.stop server))
(defn restart
"Restart a noir server"
(stop server)
(.start server))
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