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Created March 8, 2012 06:23
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(ns foo.views.image
(:use [noir.core :only (defpartial defpage)])
(:require [hiccup.core :as hc]
[foo.views.imagemodel :as im])
(:import [foo.views.imagemodel ImageRecord]))
(defpartial image-item [{:keys [alt src width height]}]
[:img {:src src :width width :height height}])
(defpartial image-list [images]
(map image-item images)])
(defn test-foo []
(let [a (ImageRecord. "a" "b" "c" "d" "e") ;; this works in browser
b (read-string "#foo.views.imagemodel.ImageRecord{}")] ;; this breaks in browser
(str "foo[a]=>" a " foo[b]=>" b)))
(defpage "/photo/:area" {:keys [area]}
[:h1 "Test!"]
(image-list (im/find-all))))) ;; this breaks in browser
(defpage "/photo" []
(ns foo.views.imagemodel)
(defrecord ImageRecord [area src width height caption])
(defn new-image [data]
(map->ImageRecord data))
(defn find-all []
(map read-string
["#foo.views.imagemodel.ImageRecord{:area \"test\", :src \"/img/photos/test1_640.jpg\", :width 640, :height 427, :caption \"Test Caption #1\"}"
"#foo.views.imagemodel.ImageRecord{:area \"test\", :src \"/img/photos/test2_640.jpg\", :width 640, :height 427, :caption \"Test Caption #2\"}"
"#foo.views.imagemodel.ImageRecord{:area \"test\", :src \"/img/photos/test3_640.jpg\", :width 640, :height 427, :caption \"Test Caption #3\"}"])))
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