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Last active December 29, 2015 10:09
A technique for injecting a UINavigationController created by UIStoryboard into a Typhoon-managed object

We had the need to expose a UINavigationController created by UIStoryboard to a class that was managed by Typhoon. We were already using a technique to inject a ViewController's properties with Typhoon-managed objects, but we wanted to go the other way around and get the UINavigationController that was created by UIStoryboard into the Typhoon universe.

Because the UIStoryboard (and therefore UINavigationController) doesn't actually exist when Typhoon is doing its thing, we had to create a NavigationControllerProxy that would look it up and return it when it was asked. This could then be injected by Typhoon into any object which neede the UINavigationController:

// NavigationControllerProxy.m

- (UINavigationController *)navigationController {
    return (UINavigationController *)[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController;

I'm not 100% satisfied by this, it feels a bit "hacky" but it's working for us for the moment.

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Looks good. . . . the normal "lazy" components didn't work?

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