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Created October 1, 2020 14:32
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postscript gore
% basic combinators
/dip { 2 dict begin
/___f exch def /___a exch def
___f /___a load end } def
/2dip { 3 dict begin
/___f exch def /___a exch def /___b exch def
___f /___b load /___a load end } def
/3dip { 4 dict begin
/___f exch def /___a exch def /___b exch def /___c exch def
___f /___c load /___b load /___a load end } def
/4dip { 5 dict begin
/___f exch def /___a exch def /___b exch def /___c exch def /___d exch def
___f /___d load /___c load /___b load /___a load end } def
/5dip { 6 dict begin
/___f exch def /___a exch def /___b exch def /___c exch def /___d exch def /___e exch def
___f /___e load /___d load /___c load /___b load /___a load end } def
/6dip { 7 dict begin
/___f exch def /___a exch def /___b exch def /___c exch def /___d exch def /___e exch def /___g exch def
___f /___g load /___e load /___d load /___c load /___b load /___a load end } def
/keep { 2 dict begin
/___f exch def /___a exch def
/___a load ___f /___a load end } def
/2keep { 3 dict begin
/___f exch def /___a exch def /___b exch def
/___b load /___a load ___f /___b load /___a load end } def
/3keep { 4 dict begin
/___f exch def /___a exch def /___b exch def /___c exch def
/___c load /___b load /___a load ___f /___c load /___b load /___a load end } def
( run
%% flags
/debug false def
%% debugging functions
/stack?? {
(--- stack: \n) print
(---\n) print
} def
/curdictdump { currentdict dictdump } def
/alldictdump { (dumping:\n) print
20 array dictstack
dup length 3 exch 3 sub getinterval
{ dictdump (\n--------\n) print } forall } def
/dictcountdump { length 20 string cvs print ( ) print } def
/thisdictdump { { == == } forall } def
/dictdump { { countdictstack == exch ==only ( ) print == } forall } def
%% stack operations
% (a b c -- b c a)
/rot { 3 2 roll } def
% (a b c -- b c a)
/-rot { 3 1 roll } def
/shove /-rot load def % i find this a more mnemonic name
% (a b -- a b a)
/over { 1 index } def
% (a b -- a b a b)
/2dup { over over } def
%% array functions
% get last element of an array (array -- elem)
/last { dup length 1 sub get } def
% get everything but the last element of an array (array -- elems)
/abl { dup 0 exch length 1 sub getinterval } def
% concatenate all elements of an array of arrays (arrays -- array)
/acat { [ exch { aload pop } forall ] } def
/is-space? { % (char -- bool)
32 eq
} def
% break a string into words
/words { % (string -- words)
/instring exch def
/prev 0 def
/i 0 def
0 1 instring length 1 sub {
/i exch store
instring i get is-space?
{ instring prev i prev sub getinterval
/prev i 1+ store } if
} for
instring prev i prev sub 1+ getinterval
} def
% checks if this word indicates the end of a sentence
/ends-sentence? { % (word -- bool)
dup length 1 sub get 46 eq
} def
% swap two elements of an array
/swap { % (arr i1 i2 -- arr)
/i2 exch def
/i1 exch def
/arrr exch def
arrr i1 get
arrr i2 get
arrr exch i1 exch put
arrr exch i2 exch put
} def
% shuffle an array
/shuffle { % (arr -- arr)
/arr exch def
1000 {
rand arr length 1 sub mod
rand arr length 1 sub mod
swap pop
} repeat
} def
%% dictionary functions
% use function to update symbol in current dictionary (symbol f --)
/update { over load exch exec store } def
% increment val in current dict (amt symbol --)
/inc { dup load rot add store } def
% increment val in current dict by 1 (symbol --)
/inc1 { 1 exch inc} def
% decrement val in current dict (amt symbol --)
/dec { dup load rot sub store } def
% decrement val in current dict by 1 (symbol --)
/dec1 { 1 exch dec } def
%% path operations
% run a function, extract the generated path without changing the graphics state (f -- upath)
/extracting-path { gsave exec false upath grestore } def
% extract the charpath without changing the graphics state (string -- upath)
/extract-charpath { { false charpath } extracting-path } def
%% page geometry functions
/pdims { currentpagedevice /PageSize get } def
% (-- page_width)
/pwidth { currentpagedevice /PageSize get 0 get } def
% (-- page_height)
/pheight { currentpagedevice /PageSize get 1 get } def
%% math functions
% (x -- x^2)
/sq { dup mul } def
% (x -- x+1)
/1+ { 1 add } def
/point-mul { % (x y n -- x*n y*n)
rot over mul
shove mul
} def
/point-add { % (x0 y0 x1 y1 -- (x0+x1) (y0+y1))
{ add } 2dip
} def
/squared { dup mul } def
/cubed { dup dup mul mul } def
%% rendering fun functions
% converting a curveto to a series of lineto instructions
/curve-to-lines { % (x0 y0 x1 y2 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 -- instructions)
/t 0 def
/y3 exch def /x3 exch def
/y2 exch def /x2 exch def
/y1 exch def /x1 exch def
/y0 exch def /x0 exch def
0 0.1 1 {
/t exch store
1 t sub cubed x0 exch y0 exch point-mul
1 t sub squared 3 mul t mul x1 exch y1 exch point-mul point-add
1 t sub 3 mul t squared mul x2 exch y2 exch point-mul point-add
t cubed x3 exch y3 exch point-mul point-add
[ shove /lineto ]
} for
} def
% convert upath into an instructions format we use internally (upath -- insts)
/to-instructions {
2 dict
dup /realtype { } put
dup /nametype { ] [ } put
/_fd exch def
/f { dup type _fd exch get exec } def
[ exch [ exch /f load forall ] pop ]
/instruction-filter hook-func-exec
} def
% reposition printing on next line
/carriage-return { % (height --)
stringwidth exch pop line-height add % get height of string, w/ padding
currentpoint exch pop exch sub % add to current y position
lm exch moveto % return to left margin with calculated y position
/line-width lm store
} def
/paragraph-return { % (--)
currentpoint exch pop lm exch moveto
0 -20 rmoveto
/line-width lm store
} def
% indenting for paragraphs
/paragraph-indent { % (--)
currentpoint exch pop lm exch moveto
paragraph-indent-width 0 rmoveto
/line-width line-width paragraph-indent-width add store
} def
% will printing word in current position take us past right margin?
/word-beyond-margin? { % (word -- bool)
stringwidth pop line-width add rm gt
} def
% determins proper positioning for word
/place-word { % (word --)
dup word-beyond-margin?
{ carriage-return } { pop } ifelse
} def
% keep track of current word with
/update-width { % (word --)
debug { (update-width ) print } if
dup stringwidth pop line-width add
/line-width exch store
stringwidth pop word-width add
/word-width exch store
} def
% clear tracking of current word with
/reset-word-width { /word-width 0 store } def % (--)
% given an array of instructions, perform all the rendering actions
/upathforall { % (instructions --)
debug { (upathforall ) print } if
{ aload pop path-func exch get exec } forall
debug { (upathforall (done) ) print } if
} def
% places and renders a list of words
/typeout { % (words -- instructions)
debug { (typeout ) print } if
/es false def
[ exch {
dup ==
/before-word hook-func-exec
dup place-word
dup ends-sentence? { /es true store } if
dup update-width
{ false charpath
/es load
{ /after-sentence hook-func-exec
/before-sentence hook-func-exec }
{ ( ) dup update-width
false charpath }
/es false store
ifelse } extracting-path
word-width 0 rmoveto
/after-word hook-func-exec
} forall ]
} def
% call a hook function
/hook-func-exec { % (symbol --)
debug { (h-f-e ) print dup == } if
% (??0 ) print
/hook-func load
% (??1 ) print
% stack??
get exec
% (??2 ) print
debug { (h-f-e (done) ) print } if
% (??3 ) print
} def
% takes a string renders it on the page
/out { % (string --)
debug { (out ) print } if
/before-paragraph hook-func-exec
/before-sentence hook-func-exec
words typeout upathforall
0.2 setlinewidth
currentpoint % for the later 'moveto'
/after-paragraph hook-func-exec
} def
% (--)
/font-setup { font findfont font-size scalefont setfont } def
% break a new page. make sure to do this after drawing has been committed
% (after-paragraph should be ok)
/page-break {
debug { (pb ) print } if
/after-page hook-func-exec
/before-page hook-func-exec
debug { (pb (done) ) print } if
} def
% common setup for rendering functions
/render-setup { % (customization-block --)
100 dict begin
% config parameters
% margins
/lm 50 def % left
/rm pwidth 100 sub def % right
/tm pheight 100 sub def % top
/bm 100 def % bottom
/paragraph-indent-width 100 def
/font /Times def
/font-size 12 def
/line-height 20 def
% rendering functions
/path-func 5 dict def
path-func /setbbox { pop pop pop pop } put
path-func /moveto { moveto } put
path-func /lineto { lineto } put
path-func /curveto { curveto } put
path-func /closepath { closepath } put
% hook functions
/hook-func 20 dict def
hook-func /before-paragraph { paragraph-indent } put
hook-func /after-paragraph { paragraph-return } put
hook-func /before-sentence { } put
hook-func /after-sentence { ( ) dup update-width false charpath } put
hook-func /before-page { lm tm moveto } put
hook-func /after-page { } put
hook-func /before-word { } put
hook-func /after-word { } put
hook-func /before-file { } put
hook-func /after-file { } put
hook-func /between-file { } put
hook-func /after-all { } put
hook-func /instruction-filter { } put
% local variables used
/scr 30000 string def
/line-width lm def
/word-width 0 def
} def
% execute a function for each line in a file
/forall-lines { % (file block --)
/blk exch def
/infile exch def
{ infile bytesavailable 0 gt not { exit } if % are we at end of file?
infile scr readline pop % read line into string
/blk load exec % run block
} loop
} def
% render file, takes block for setup
/render-file { % (filename block --)
} def
/render-file-helper { % (filename --)
/before-page hook-func-exec
(r) file
{ dup == out } forall-lines
} def
% is the current page blank?
/is-blank-page? { % (-- bool)
false upath length 0 gt
} def
% get the instructions for the drawn thing in the block
/instructions-for { % (block -- instructions)
} def
% allows you to draw figures subject to the same upathforall hooks
/draw { % (block --)
debug { (draw ) print } if
} def
% draw, but put point where it was when finished drawing
/draw-keep-point { % (block --)
debug { (draw ) print } if
} def
% draw, but put point back to starting point after
/draw-restore-point { % (block --)
currentpoint /oy exch def /ox exch def
debug { (draw ) print } if
ox oy moveto
} def
% like render, but accepts a list of text files to render,
/render-files { % (filenames block --)
/ii 0 def
dup /len exch length def
{ render-files-helper } forall
/after-all hook-func-exec
} def
/render-files-helper {
/before-file hook-func-exec
ii len 1 sub lt { /between-file hook-func-exec } if
/ii { 1 add } update
/after-file hook-func-exec
} def
% renders a random number of files from a directory
/render-directory-randomly { % (directory count config-block --)
/count exch def
/path exch def
/ii 0 def
/len count def
[ path {100 string copy} 100 string filenameforall ]
shuffle 0 count getinterval
{ dup == render-files-helper } forall
/after-all hook-func-exec
} def
% renders the contents of a block, as opposed to file or whatever
/render-free { % (config-block block --)
} def
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