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Created March 12, 2017 11:05
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news preprocessing
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
# loading function #
def loading_data(data_path, eng=True, num=True, punc=False):
# data example : "title","content"
# data format : csv, utf-8
corpus = pd.read_table(data_path, sep=",", encoding="utf-8")
corpus = np.array(corpus)
title = []
contents = []
for doc in corpus:
if type(doc[0]) is not str or type(doc[1]) is not str:
if len(doc[0]) > 0 and len(doc[1]) > 0:
tmptitle = normalize(doc[0], english=eng, number=num, punctuation=punc)
tmpcontents = normalize(doc[1], english=eng, number=num, punctuation=punc)
return title, contents
def make_dict_all_cut(contents, minlength, maxlength, jamo_delete=False):
dict = defaultdict(lambda: [])
for doc in contents:
for idx, word in enumerate(doc.split()):
if len(word) > minlength:
normalizedword = word[:maxlength]
if jamo_delete:
tmp = []
for char in normalizedword:
if ord(char) < 12593 or ord(char) > 12643:
normalizedword = ''.join(char for char in tmp)
if word not in dict[normalizedword]:
dict = sorted(dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))[1:]
words = []
for i in range(len(dict)):
word = []
for w in dict[i][1]:
if w not in word:
# word_to_ix, ix_to_word 생성
ix_to_word = {i: ch[0] for i, ch in enumerate(words)}
word_to_ix = {}
for idx, words in enumerate(words):
for word in words:
word_to_ix[word] = idx
print('컨텐츠 갯수 : %s, 단어 갯수 : %s'
% (len(contents), len(ix_to_word)))
return word_to_ix, ix_to_word
# making input function #
def make_inputs(rawinputs, rawtargets, word_to_ix, encoder_size, decoder_size, shuffle=True):
rawinputs = np.array(rawinputs)
rawtargets = np.array(rawtargets)
if shuffle:
shuffle_indices = np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(rawinputs)))
rawinputs = rawinputs[shuffle_indices]
rawtargets = rawtargets[shuffle_indices]
encoder_input = []
decoder_input = []
targets = []
target_weights = []
for rawinput, rawtarget in zip(rawinputs, rawtargets):
tmp_encoder_input = [word_to_ix[v] for idx, v in enumerate(rawinput.split()) if
idx < encoder_size and v in word_to_ix]
encoder_padd_size = max(encoder_size - len(tmp_encoder_input), 0)
encoder_padd = [word_to_ix['<PAD>']] * encoder_padd_size
encoder_input.append(list(reversed(tmp_encoder_input + encoder_padd)))
tmp_decoder_input = [word_to_ix[v] for idx, v in enumerate(rawtarget.split()) if
idx < decoder_size - 1 and v in word_to_ix]
decoder_padd_size = decoder_size - len(tmp_decoder_input) - 1
decoder_padd = [word_to_ix['<PAD>']] * decoder_padd_size
decoder_input.append([word_to_ix['<S>']] + tmp_decoder_input + decoder_padd)
targets.append(tmp_decoder_input + [word_to_ix['<E>']] + decoder_padd)
tmp_targets_weight = np.ones(decoder_size, dtype=np.float32)
tmp_targets_weight[-decoder_padd_size:] = 0
return encoder_input, decoder_input, targets, target_weights
# doclength check function #
def check_doclength(docs, sep=True):
max_document_length = 0
for doc in docs:
if sep:
words = doc.split()
document_length = len(words)
document_length = len(doc)
if document_length > max_document_length:
max_document_length = document_length
return max_document_length
# making batch function #
def make_batch(encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, targets, target_weights):
encoder_size = len(encoder_inputs[0])
decoder_size = len(decoder_inputs[0])
encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, targets, target_weights = \
np.array(encoder_inputs), np.array(decoder_inputs), np.array(targets), np.array(target_weights)
result_encoder_inputs = []
result_decoder_inputs = []
result_targets = []
result_target_weights = []
for i in range(encoder_size):
result_encoder_inputs.append(encoder_inputs[:, i])
for j in range(decoder_size):
result_decoder_inputs.append(decoder_inputs[:, j])
result_targets.append(targets[:, j])
result_target_weights.append(target_weights[:, j])
return result_encoder_inputs, result_decoder_inputs, result_targets, result_target_weights
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