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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
import tensorflow as tf
import random
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict
import operator
# get train idx function #
def get_train_idx(data_length, train_prop=0.9):
idx = np.random.permutation(np.arange(data_length))
train_idx = idx[:round(train_prop * data_length)]
test_idx = idx[-(data_length-round(train_prop * data_length)):]
return train_idx, test_idx
# cut words function #
def cut(contents, cut=2):
results = []
for idx, content in enumerate(contents):
words = content.split()
result = []
for word in words:
results.append(' '.join([token for token in result]))
return results
# divide raw train/test set function #
def divide(x, y, train_prop):
x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(y)
#corpus = np.array(corpus)
tmp = np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(x)))
x_tr = x[tmp][:round(train_prop * len(x))]
#corpus_tr = corpus[tmp][:round(train_prop * len(x))]
y_tr = y[tmp][:round(train_prop * len(x))]
x_te = x[tmp][-(len(x)-round(train_prop * len(x))):]
y_te = y[tmp][-(len(x)-round(train_prop * len(x))):]
return x_tr, x_te, y_tr, y_te, tmp[:round(train_prop * len(x))]
# batch function #
def get_batch(data, batch_size, num_epochs, data_idx, word2vec, max_document_length, word2vec_model):
contents, points = zip(*data)
data_size = len(data)
num_batches_per_epoch = int((len(data) - 1) / batch_size) + 1
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
for batch_num in range(num_batches_per_epoch):
start_index = batch_num * batch_size
end_index = min((batch_num + 1) * batch_size, data_size)
indexes = data_idx[start_index:end_index]
batch_contents = []
batch_points = []
for index in indexes:
if word2vec:
result_contents = make_word2vec_input(np.array(batch_contents), max_document_length, word2vec_model)
result_points = make_output(np.array(batch_points))
yield list(zip(result_contents, result_points))
yield data[start_index:end_index]
# making word2vec input function #
def load_word2vec(word2vec_path):
with open(word2vec_path, 'rb') as f:
[embed_model] = pickle.load(f)
return embed_model
def make_word2vec_input(documents, max_document_length, embed_model):
results = []
for document in documents:
result = np.zeros((max_document_length, embed_model.vector_size))
words = document.split()[:max_document_length]
for word_idx, word in enumerate(words):
if word in embed_model.vocab:
result[word_idx] = embed_model[word]
return results
# making raw input function #
def make_raw_input(documents, max_document_length):
# tensorflow.contrib.learn.preprocessing 내에 VocabularyProcessor라는 클래스를 이용
# 모든 문서에 등장하는 단어들에 인덱스를 할당
# 길이가 다른 문서를 max_document_length로 맞춰주는 역할
vocab_processor = tf.contrib.learn.preprocessing.VocabularyProcessor(max_document_length) # 객체 선언
x = np.array(list(vocab_processor.fit_transform(documents)))
### 텐서플로우 vocabulary processor
# Extract word:id mapping from the object.
# word to ix 와 유사
vocab_dict = vocab_processor.vocabulary_._mapping
# Sort the vocabulary dictionary on the basis of values(id).
sorted_vocab = sorted(vocab_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
# Treat the id's as index into list and create a list of words in the ascending order of id's
# word with id i goes at index i of the list.
vocabulary = list(list(zip(*sorted_vocab))[0])
return x, vocabulary, len(vocab_processor.vocabulary_), vocab_processor
# make output function #
def make_output(points, threshold=2.5):
results = np.zeros((len(points),2))
for idx, point in enumerate(points):
if point > threshold:
results[idx,0] = 1
results[idx,1] = 1
return results
# check maxlength function #
def check_maxlength(contents):
max_document_length = 0
for document in contents:
document_length = len(document.split())
if document_length > max_document_length:
max_document_length = document_length
return max_document_length
# loading function #
def loading_rdata(data_path, minlength=30, eng=True, num=True, punc=False):
# R에서 title과 contents만 csv로 저장한걸 불러와서 제목과 컨텐츠로 분리
# write.csv(corpus, data_path, fileEncoding='utf-8', row.names=F)
corpus = pd.read_table(data_path, sep=",", encoding="utf-8")
corpus = np.array(corpus)
contents = []
points = []
for idx,doc in enumerate(corpus):
if isNumber(doc[0]) is False and len(doc[0].split()) > minlength:
content = normalize(doc[0], english=eng, number=num, punctuation=punc)
if idx % 100000 is 0:
print('%d docs / %d save' % (idx, len(contents)))
return contents, points
def isNumber(s):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
# tokenizing function #
from collections import defaultdict
import math
import sys
class CohesionProbability:
def __init__(self, left_min_length=1, left_max_length=10, right_min_length=1, right_max_length=6):
self.left_min_length = left_min_length
self.left_max_length = left_max_length
self.right_min_length = right_min_length
self.right_max_length = right_max_length
self.L = defaultdict(int)
self.R = defaultdict(int)
def get_cohesion_probability(self, word):
if not word:
return (0, 0, 0, 0)
word_len = len(word)
l_freq = 0 if not word in self.L else self.L[word]
r_freq = 0 if not word in self.R else self.R[word]
if word_len == 1:
return (0, 0, l_freq, r_freq)
l_cohesion = 0
r_cohesion = 0
# forward cohesion probability (L)
if (self.left_min_length <= word_len) and (word_len <= self.left_max_length):
l_sub = word[:self.left_min_length]
l_sub_freq = 0 if not l_sub in self.L else self.L[l_sub]
if l_sub_freq > 0:
l_cohesion = np.power((l_freq / float(l_sub_freq)), (1 / (word_len - len(l_sub) + 1.0)))
# backward cohesion probability (R)
if (self.right_min_length <= word_len) and (word_len <= self.right_max_length):
r_sub = word[-1 * self.right_min_length:]
r_sub_freq = 0 if not r_sub in self.R else self.R[r_sub]
if r_sub_freq > 0:
r_cohesion = np.power((r_freq / float(r_sub_freq)), (1 / (word_len - len(r_sub) + 1.0)))
return (l_cohesion, r_cohesion, l_freq, r_freq)
def get_all_cohesion_probabilities(self):
cp = {}
words = set(self.L.keys())
for word in self.R.keys():
for word in words:
cp[word] = self.get_cohesion_probability(word)
return cp
def counter_size(self):
return (len(self.L), len(self.R))
def prune_extreme_case(self, min_count):
before_size = self.counter_size()
self.L = defaultdict(int, {k: v for k, v in self.L.items() if v > min_count})
self.R = defaultdict(int, {k: v for k, v in self.R.items() if v > min_count})
after_size = self.counter_size()
return (before_size, after_size)
def train(self, sents, num_for_pruning=0, min_count=5):
for num_sent, sent in enumerate(sents):
for word in sent.split():
if not word:
word_len = len(word)
for i in range(self.left_min_length, min(self.left_max_length, word_len) + 1):
self.L[word[:i]] += 1
# for i in range(self.right_min_length, min(self.right_max_length, word_len)+1):
for i in range(self.right_min_length, min(self.right_max_length, word_len)):
self.R[word[-i:]] += 1
if (num_for_pruning > 0) and ((num_sent + 1) % num_for_pruning == 0):
if (num_for_pruning > 0) and ((num_sent + 1) % num_for_pruning == 0):
def extract(self, min_count=5, min_cohesion=(0.05, 0), min_droprate=0.8, remove_subword=True):
word_to_score = self.get_all_cohesion_probabilities()
word_to_score = {word: score for word, score in word_to_score.items()
if (score[0] >= min_cohesion[0])
and (score[1] >= min_cohesion[1])
and (score[2] >= min_count)}
if not remove_subword:
return word_to_score
words = {}
for word, score in sorted(word_to_score.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[0])):
len_word = len(word)
if len_word <= 2:
words[word] = score
subword = word[:-1]
subscore = self.get_cohesion_probability(subword)
droprate = score[2] / subscore[2]
if (droprate >= min_droprate) and (subword in words):
del words[subword]
words[word] = score
print(word, score, subscore)
return words
def transform(self, docs, l_word_set):
def left_match(word):
for i in reversed(range(1, len(word) + 1)):
if word[:i] in l_word_set:
return word[:i]
return ''
return [[left_match(word) for sent in doc.split(' ') for word in sent.split() if left_match(word)] for doc in
def load(self, fname):
with open(fname, encoding='utf-8') as f:
next(f) # SKIP: parameters(left_min_length left_max_length ...
token = next(f).split()
self.left_min_length = int(token[0])
self.left_max_length = int(token[1])
self.right_min_length = int(token[2])
self.right_max_length = int(token[3])
next(f) # SKIP: L count
is_right_side = False
for line in f:
if '# R count' in line:
is_right_side = True
token = line.split('\t')
if is_right_side:
self.R[token[0]] = int(token[1])
self.L[token[0]] = int(token[1])
except Exception as e:
def save(self, fname):
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write('# parameters(left_min_length left_max_length right_min_length right_max_length)\n')
f.write('%d %d %d %d\n' % (
self.left_min_length, self.left_max_length, self.right_min_length, self.right_max_length))
f.write('# L count')
for word, freq in self.L.items():
f.write('%s\t%d\n' % (word, freq))
f.write('# R count')
for word, freq in self.R.items():
f.write('%s\t%d\n' % (word, freq))
except Exception as e:
def words(self):
words = set(self.L.keys())
words = words.union(set(self.R.keys()))
return words
class BranchingEntropy:
def __init__(self, min_length=2, max_length=7):
self.min_length = min_length
self.max_length = max_length
self.encoder = IntegerEncoder()
self.L = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
self.R = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
def get_all_access_variety(self):
av = {}
words = set(self.L.keys())
words += set(self.R.keys())
for word in words:
av[word] = self.get_access_variety(word)
return av
def get_access_variety(self, word, ignore_space=False):
return (len(self.get_left_branch(word, ignore_space)), len(self.get_right_branch(word, ignore_space)))
def get_all_branching_entropies(self, ignore_space=False):
be = {}
words = set(self.L.keys())
for word in self.R.keys():
for word in words:
be[self.encoder.decode(word)] = self.get_branching_entropy(word, ignore_space)
return be
def get_branching_entropy(self, word, ignore_space=False):
be_l = self.entropy(self.get_left_branch(word, ignore_space))
be_r = self.entropy(self.get_right_branch(word, ignore_space))
return (be_l, be_r)
def entropy(self, dic):
if not dic:
return 0.0
sum_count = sum(dic.values())
entropy = 0
for freq in dic.values():
prob = freq / sum_count
entropy += prob * math.log(prob)
return -1 * entropy
def get_left_branch(self, word, ignore_space=False):
if isinstance(word, int):
word_index = word
word_index = self.encoder.encode(word)
if (word_index == -1) or (not word_index in self.L):
return {}
branch = self.L[word_index]
if ignore_space:
return {w: f for w, f in branch.items() if not ' ' in self.encoder.decode(w, unknown=' ')}
return branch
def get_right_branch(self, word, ignore_space=False):
if isinstance(word, int):
word_index = word
word_index = self.encoder.encode(word)
if (word_index == -1) or (not word_index in self.R):
return {}
branch = self.R[word_index]
if ignore_space:
return {w: f for w, f in branch.items() if not ' ' in self.encoder.decode(w, unknown=' ')}
return branch
def counter_size(self):
return (len(self.L), len(self.R))
def prune_extreme_case(self, min_count):
# TODO: encoder remove & compatify
before_size = self.counter_size()
self.L = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int),
{word: dic for word, dic in self.L.items() if sum(dic.values()) > min_count})
self.R = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int),
{word: dic for word, dic in self.R.items() if sum(dic.values()) > min_count})
after_size = self.counter_size()
return (before_size, after_size)
def train(self, sents, min_count=5, num_for_pruning=10000):
for num_sent, sent in enumerate(sents):
sent = sent.strip()
if not sent:
sent = ' ' + sent.strip() + ' '
length = len(sent)
for i in range(1, length - 1):
for window in range(self.min_length, self.max_length + 1):
if i + window - 1 >= length:
word = sent[i:i + window]
if ' ' in word:
word_index =
if sent[i - 1] == ' ':
left_extension = sent[max(0, i - 2):i + window]
left_extension = sent[i - 1:i + window]
if sent[i + window] == ' ':
right_extension = sent[i:min(length, i + window + 2)]
right_extension = sent[i:i + window + 1]
if left_extension == None or right_extension == None:
print(sent, i, window)
left_index =
right_index =
self.L[word_index][left_index] += 1
self.R[word_index][right_index] += 1
if (num_for_pruning > 0) and ((num_sent + 1) % num_for_pruning == 0):
before, after = self.prune_extreme_case(min_count)
sys.stdout.write('\rnum sent = %d: %s --> %s' % (num_sent, str(before), str(after)))
if (num_for_pruning > 0) and ((num_sent + 1) % num_for_pruning == 0):
sys.stdout.write('\rnum_sent = %d: %s --> %s' % (num_sent, str(before), str(after)))
def load(self, model_fname, encoder_fname):
with open(model_fname, encoding='utf-8') as f:
next(f) # SKIP: parameters (min_length, max_length)
token = next(f).split()
self.min_length = int(token[0])
self.max_length = int(token[1])
next(f) # SKIP: left side extension
is_right_side = True
for line in f:
if '# right side extension' in line:
is_right_side = True
token = line.split();
word = int(token[0])
extension = int(token[1])
freq = int(token[2])
if is_right_side:
self.R[word][extension] = freq
self.L[word][extension] = freq
except Exception as e:
def save(self, model_fname, encoder_fname):
with open(model_fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write("# parameters (min_length max_length)\n")
f.write('%d %d\n' % (self.min_length, self.max_length))
f.write('# left side extension\n')
for word, extension_dict in self.L.items():
for extension, freq in extension_dict.items():
f.write('%d %d %d\n' % (word, extension, freq))
f.write('# right side extension\n')
for word, extension_dict in self.R.items():
for extension, freq in extension_dict.items():
f.write('%d %d %d\n' % (word, extension, freq))
except Exception as e:
def words(self):
return set(self.encoder.inverse)
class KR_WordRank:
"""Unsupervised Korean Keyword Extractor
Implementation of Kim, H. J., Cho, S., & Kang, P. (2014). KR-WordRank:
An Unsupervised Korean Word Extraction Method Based on WordRank.
Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 40(1), 18-33.
def __init__(self, min_count=5, max_length=10):
self.min_count = min_count
self.max_length = max_length
self.sum_weight = 1
self.vocabulary = {}
self.index2vocab = []
def scan_vocabs(self, docs, verbose=True):
self.vocabulary = {}
if verbose:
print('scan vocabs ... ')
counter = {}
for doc in docs:
for token in doc.split():
len_token = len(token)
counter[(token, 'L')] = counter.get((token, 'L'), 0) + 1
for e in range(1, min(len(token), self.max_length)):
if (len_token - e) > self.max_length:
l_sub = (token[:e], 'L')
r_sub = (token[e:], 'R')
counter[l_sub] = counter.get(l_sub, 0) + 1
counter[r_sub] = counter.get(r_sub, 0) + 1
counter = {token: freq for token, freq in counter.items() if freq >= self.min_count}
for token, _ in sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
self.vocabulary[token] = len(self.vocabulary)
if verbose:
print('num vocabs = %d' % len(counter))
return counter
def _build_index2vocab(self):
self.index2vocab = [vocab for vocab, index in sorted(self.vocabulary.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])]
self.sum_weight = len(self.index2vocab)
def extract(self, docs, beta=0.85, max_iter=10, verbose=True, vocabulary={}, bias={}, rset={}):
rank, graph = self.train(docs, beta, max_iter, verbose, vocabulary, bias)
lset = {self.int2token(idx)[0]: r for idx, r in rank.items() if self.int2token(idx)[1] == 'L'}
if not rset:
rset = {self.int2token(idx)[0]: r for idx, r in rank.items() if self.int2token(idx)[1] == 'R'}
keywords = self._select_keywords(lset, rset)
keywords = self._filter_compounds(keywords)
keywords = self._filter_subtokens(keywords)
return keywords, rank, graph
def _select_keywords(self, lset, rset):
keywords = {}
for word, r in sorted(lset.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
len_word = len(word)
if len_word == 1:
is_compound = False
for e in range(2, len_word):
if (word[:e] in keywords) and (word[:e] in rset):
is_compound = True
if not is_compound:
keywords[word] = r
return keywords
def _filter_compounds(self, keywords):
keywords_ = {}
for word, r in sorted(keywords.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
len_word = len(word)
if len_word <= 2:
keywords_[word] = r
if len_word == 3:
if word[:2] in keywords_:
is_compound = False
for e in range(2, len_word - 1):
if (word[:e] in keywords) and (word[:e] in keywords):
is_compound = True
if not is_compound:
keywords_[word] = r
return keywords_
def _filter_subtokens(self, keywords):
subtokens = set()
keywords_ = {}
for word, r in sorted(keywords.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
subs = {word[:e] for e in range(2, len(word) + 1)}
is_subtoken = False
for sub in subs:
if sub in subtokens:
is_subtoken = True
if not is_subtoken:
keywords_[word] = r
return keywords_
def train(self, docs, beta=0.85, max_iter=10, verbose=True, vocabulary={}, bias={}):
if (not vocabulary) and (not self.vocabulary):
self.scan_vocabs(docs, verbose)
elif (not vocabulary):
self.vocabulary = vocabulary
graph = self._construct_word_graph(docs)
dw = self.sum_weight / len(self.vocabulary)
rank = {node: dw for node in graph.keys()}
for num_iter in range(1, max_iter + 1):
rank = self._update(rank, graph, bias, dw, beta)
sys.stdout.write('\riter = %d' % num_iter)
return rank, graph
def token2int(self, token):
return self.vocabulary.get(token, -1)
def int2token(self, index):
return self.index2vocab[index] if (0 <= index < len(self.index2vocab)) else None
def _construct_word_graph(self, docs):
def normalize(graph):
graph_ = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0))
for from_, to_dict in graph.items():
sum_ = sum(to_dict.values())
for to_, w in to_dict.items():
graph_[to_][from_] = w / sum_
return graph_
graph = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0))
for doc in docs:
tokens = doc.split()
if not tokens:
links = []
for token in tokens:
links += self._intra_link(token)
if len(tokens) > 1:
tokens = [tokens[-1]] + tokens + [tokens[0]]
links += self._inter_link(tokens)
links = self._check_token(links)
if not links:
links = self._encode_token(links)
for l_node, r_node in links:
graph[l_node][r_node] += 1
graph[r_node][l_node] += 1
graph = normalize(graph)
return graph
def _intra_link(self, token):
links = []
len_token = len(token)
for e in range(1, min(len_token, 10)):
if (len_token - e) > self.max_length:
links.append(((token[:e], 'L'), (token[e:], 'R')))
return links
def _inter_link(self, tokens):
def rsub_to_token(t_left, t_curr):
return [((t_left[-b:], 'R'), (t_curr, 'L')) for b in range(1, min(10, len(t_left)))]
def token_to_lsub(t_curr, t_rigt):
return [((t_curr, 'L'), (t_rigt[:e], 'L')) for e in range(1, min(10, len(t_rigt)))]
links = []
for i in range(1, len(tokens) - 1):
links += rsub_to_token(tokens[i - 1], tokens[i])
links += token_to_lsub(tokens[i], tokens[i + 1])
return links
def _check_token(self, token_list):
return [(token[0], token[1]) for token in token_list if
(token[0] in self.vocabulary and token[1] in self.vocabulary)]
def _encode_token(self, token_list):
return [(self.vocabulary[token[0]], self.vocabulary[token[1]]) for token in token_list]
def _update(self, rank, graph, bias, dw, beta):
rank_new = {}
for to_node, from_dict in graph.items():
rank_new[to_node] = sum([w * rank[from_node] for from_node, w in from_dict.items()])
rank_new[to_node] = beta * rank_new[to_node] + (1 - beta) * bias.get(to_node, dw)
return rank_new
class IntegerEncoder:
def __init__(self):
self.mapper = {}
self.inverse = []
self.num_object = 0
def compatify(self):
fixer = {}
pull_index = 0
none_index = []
for i, x in enumerate(self.inverse):
if x == None:
pull_index += 1
elif pull_index > 0:
fixed = i - pull_index
fixer[i] = fixed
self.mapper[x] = fixed
for i in reversed(none_index):
del self.inverse[i]
return fixer
def __getitem__(self, x):
if type(x) == int:
if x < self.num_object:
return self.inverse[x]
return None
if x in self.mapper:
return self.mapper[x]
return -1
def decode(self, i, unknown=None):
if i >= 0 and i < self.num_object:
return self.inverse[i]
return unknown
def encode(self, x, unknown=-1):
if x in self.mapper:
return self.mapper[x]
return unknown
def fit(self, x):
if x in self.mapper:
return self.mapper[x]
self.mapper[x] = self.num_object
self.num_object += 1
return (self.num_object - 1)
def keys(self):
return self.inverse
def remove(self, x):
if x in self.mapper:
i = self.mapper[x]
del self.mapper[x]
self.inverse[i] = None
self.num_object -= 1
def save(self, fname, to_str=lambda x: str(x)):
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for x in self.inverse:
f.write('%s\n' % to_str(x))
except Exception as e:
def load(self, fname, parse=lambda x: x.replace('\n', '')):
with open(fname, encoding='utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
x = parse(line)
self.mapper[x] = self.num_object
self.num_object += 1
except Exception as e:
print('line number = %d' % self.num_object)
def __len__(self):
return self.num_object
class RegexTokenizer:
def __init__(self):
self.patterns = [
('number', re.compile('[-+]?\d*[\.]?[\d]+|[-+]?\d+')),
('korean', re.compile('[가-힣]+')),
('jaum', re.compile('[ㄱ-ㅎ]+')),
('moum', re.compile('[ㅏ-ㅣ]+')),
('english & latin', re.compile("[a-zA-ZÀ-ÿ]+[[`']?s]*|[a-zA-ZÀ-ÿ]+"))
self.doublewhite_pattern = re.compile('\s+')
def tokenize(self, s, debug=False):
s = "이거에서+3.12같은34숫자나-1.2like float해해 같은aÀÿfafAis`s-1찾아서3.1.2.1해ㅋㅋㅜㅠ봐 Bob`s job.1"
tokenizer = RegularTokenizer()
[['이거에서', '+3.12', '같은', '34', '숫자나', '-1.2', 'like'],
['float', '해해'],
['같은', 'aÀÿfafAis`s', '-1', '찾아서', '3.1', '.2', '.1', '해', 'ㅋㅋ', 'ㅜㅠ', '봐'],
['job', '.1']]
return [self._tokenize(t, debug) for t in s.split()]
def _tokenize(self, s, debug=False):
for name, pattern in self.patterns:
founds = pattern.findall(s)
if not founds:
if debug:
print('\n%s' % name)
found = founds.pop(0)
len_found = len(found)
s_ = ''
b = 0
for i, c in enumerate(s):
if b > i:
if s[i:i + len_found] == found:
s_ += ' %s ' % s[i:i + len_found]
b = i + len_found
if not founds:
s_ += s[b:]
found = founds.pop(0)
len_found = len(found)
s_ += c
s = s_
s = self.doublewhite_pattern.sub(' ', s).strip().split()
# TODO: handle
return s
class LTokenizer:
def __init__(self, scores={}, default_score=0.0):
self.scores = scores
self.ds = default_score
def tokenize(self, sentence):
def token_to_lr(token):
length = len(token)
if length <= 2: return (token, '')
candidates = [(token[:e], token[e:]) for e in range(2, length + 1)]
candidates = [(self.scores.get(t[0], self.ds), t[0], t[1]) for t in candidates]
best = sorted(candidates, key=lambda x: (x[0], len(x[1])), reverse=True)[0]
return (best[1], best[2])
return [token_to_lr(token) for token in sentence.split()]
class MaxScoreTokenizer:
def __init__(self, max_length=10, scores={}, default_score=0.0):
self.max_length = max_length
self.scores = scores
self.ds = default_score
def tokenize(self, sentence):
return [self._recursive_tokenize(token) for token in sentence.split()]
def _recursive_tokenize(self, token, range_l=0, debug=False):
length = len(token)
if length <= 2:
return [(token, 0, length, self.ds, length)]
if range_l == 0:
range_l = min(self.max_length, length)
scores = self._initialize(token, range_l, length)
if debug:
result = self._find(scores)
adds = self._add_inter_subtokens(token, result)
if result[-1][2] != length:
adds += self._add_first_subtoken(token, result)
if result[0][1] != 0:
adds += self._add_last_subtoken(token, result)
return sorted(result + adds, key=lambda x: x[1])
def _initialize(self, token, range_l, length):
scores = []
for b in range(0, length - 1):
for r in range(2, range_l + 1):
e = b + r
if e > length:
subtoken = token[b:e]
score = self.scores.get(subtoken, self.ds)
scores.append((subtoken, b, e, score, r))
#return sorted(scores, key=lambda x: (x[3], x[4]), reverse=True)
return sorted(scores, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), reverse=True)
def _find(self, scores):
result = []
num_iter = 0
while scores:
word, b, e, score, r = scores.pop(0)
result.append((word, b, e, score, r))
if not scores:
removals = []
for i, (_1, b_, e_, _2, _3) in enumerate(scores):
if (b_ < e and b < e_) or (b_ < e and e_ > b):
for i in reversed(removals):
del scores[i]
num_iter += 1
if num_iter > 100: break
return sorted(result, key=lambda x: x[1])
def _add_inter_subtokens(self, token, result):
adds = []
for i, base in enumerate(result[:-1]):
if base[2] == result[i + 1][1]:
b = base[2]
e = result[i + 1][1]
subtoken = token[b:e]
adds.append((subtoken, b, e, self.ds, e - b))
return adds
def _add_first_subtoken(self, token, result):
b = result[-1][2]
subtoken = token[b:]
score = self.scores.get(subtoken, self.ds)
return [(subtoken, b, len(token), score, len(subtoken))]
def _add_last_subtoken(self, token, result):
e = result[0][1]
subtoken = token[0:e]
score = self.scores.get(subtoken, self.ds)
return [(subtoken, 0, e, score, e)]
class CohesionTokenizer:
def __init__(self, cohesion):
self.cohesion = cohesion
self.range_l = cohesion.left_max_length
def tokenize(self, sentence, max_ngram=4, length_penalty=-0.05, ngram=False, debug=False):
def flatten(tokens):
return [word for token in tokens for word in token]
tokens = [self._recursive_tokenize(token, max_ngram, length_penalty, ngram, debug) for token in
words = flatten(tokens)
if not debug:
tokens = [word if type(word) == str else word[0] for word in words]
return tokens
def _recursive_tokenize(self, token, max_ngram=4, length_penalty=-0.05, ngram=False, debug=False):
length = len(token)
if length <= 2:
return [token]
range_l = min(self.range_l, length)
scores = self._initialize(token, range_l, length)
if debug:
result = self._find(scores)
adds = self._add_inter_subtokens(token, result)
if result[-1][2] != length:
adds += self._add_first_subtoken(token, result)
if result[0][1] != 0:
adds += self._add_last_subtoken(token, result)
result = sorted(result + adds, key=lambda x: x[1])
if ngram:
result = self._extract_ngram(result, max_ngram, length_penalty)
return result
def _initialize(self, token, range_l, length):
scores = []
for b in range(0, length - 1):
for r in range(2, range_l + 1):
e = b + r
if e > length:
subtoken = token[b:e]
score = self.cohesion.get_cohesion_probability(subtoken)
# (subtoken, begin, end, cohesion_l, frequency_l, range)
scores.append((subtoken, b, e, score[0], score[2], r))
return sorted(scores, key=lambda x: (x[3], x[5]), reverse=True)
def _find(self, scores):
result = []
num_iter = 0
while scores:
word, b, e, cp_l, freq_l, r = scores.pop(0)
result.append((word, b, e, cp_l, freq_l, r))
if not scores:
removals = []
for i, (_1, b_, e_, _2, _3, _4) in enumerate(scores):
if (b_ < e and b < e_) or (b_ < e and e_ > b):
for i in reversed(removals):
del scores[i]
num_iter += 1
if num_iter > 100: break
return sorted(result, key=lambda x: x[1])
def _add_inter_subtokens(self, token, result):
adds = []
for i, base in enumerate(result[:-1]):
if base[2] == result[i + 1][1]:
b = base[2]
e = result[i + 1][1]
subtoken = token[b:e]
adds.append((subtoken, b, e, 0, self.cohesion.L.get(subtoken, 0), e - b))
return adds
def _add_first_subtoken(self, token, result):
b = result[-1][2]
subtoken = token[b:]
score = self.cohesion.get_cohesion_probability(subtoken)
return [(subtoken, b, len(token), score[0], score[2], len(subtoken))]
def _add_last_subtoken(self, token, result):
e = result[0][1]
subtoken = token[0:e]
score = self.cohesion.get_cohesion_probability(subtoken)
return [(subtoken, 0, e, score[0], score[2], e)]
def _extract_ngram(self, words, max_ngram=4, length_penalty=-0.05):
def ngram_average_score(words):
words = [word for word in words if len(word) > 1]
scores = [word[3] for word in words]
return max(0, np.mean(scores) + length_penalty * len(scores))
length = len(words)
scores = []
if length <= 1:
return words
for word in words:
for b in range(0, length - 1):
for r in range(2, max_ngram + 1):
e = b + r
if e > length:
ngram = words[b:e]
ngram_str = ''.join([word[0] for word in ngram])
ngram_str_ = '-'.join([word[0] for word in ngram])
ngram_freq = self.cohesion.L.get(ngram_str, 0)
if ngram_freq == 0:
base_freq = min([word[4] for word in ngram])
ngram_score = np.power(ngram_freq / base_freq, 1 / (r - 1)) if base_freq > 0 else 0
ngram_score -= r * length_penalty
scores.append((ngram_str_, words[b][1], words[e - 1][2], ngram_score, ngram_freq, 0))
scores = sorted(scores, key=lambda x: x[3], reverse=True)
return self._find(scores)
# text normalizing function #
# normalize index
kor_begin = 44032
kor_end = 55199
jaum_begin = 12593
jaum_end = 12622
moum_begin = 12623
moum_end = 12643
doublespace_pattern = re.compile('\s+')
repeatchars_pattern = re.compile('(\w)\\1{3,}')
#title_pattern = re.compile('\[\D+\]|\[\S+\]')
#def normalize(doc, english=False, number=False, punctuation=False, title=True, remove_repeat=0):
def normalize(doc, english=False, number=False, punctuation=False, remove_repeat=0):
if remove_repeat > 0:
doc = repeatchars_pattern.sub('\\1' * remove_repeat, doc)
#if title:
# doc = title_pattern.sub('', doc)
f = ''
for c in doc:
i = ord(c)
if (c == ' ') or (is_korean(i)) or (is_jaum(i)) or (is_moum(i)) or (english and is_english(i)) or (
number and is_number(i)) or (punctuation and is_punctuation(i)):
f += c
f += ' '
return doublespace_pattern.sub(' ', f).strip()
def is_korean(i):
i = to_base(i)
return (kor_begin <= i <= kor_end) or (jaum_begin <= i <= jaum_end) or (moum_begin <= i <= moum_end)
def is_number(i):
i = to_base(i)
return (i >= 48 and i <= 57)
def is_english(i):
i = to_base(i)
return (i >= 97 and i <= 122) or (i >= 65 and i <= 90)
def is_punctuation(i):
i = to_base(i)
return (i == 33 or i == 34 or i == 39 or i == 44 or i == 46 or i == 63 or i == 96)
def is_jaum(i):
i = to_base(i)
return (jaum_begin <= i <= jaum_end)
def is_moum(i):
i = to_base(i)
return (moum_begin <= i <= moum_end)
def to_base(c):
if type(c) == str:
return ord(c)
elif type(c) == int:
return c
raise TypeError
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