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Last active December 19, 2021 00:27
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Apache Airflow in local K8s cluster
brew install helm
helm repo add stable
helm repo update
kubectl create ns airflow
helm install airflow stable/airflow -f values.yaml --version 7.2.0 -n airflow
# Airflow - Common Configs
extraVolumeMounts: # this will get the volume and mount it to that path in the container
- name: dags
mountPath: /usr/local/airflow/dags # location in the container it will put the directory mentioned below.
extraVolumes: # this will create the volume from the directory
- name: dags
emptyDir: {}
# path: "/home/ubuntu/powerhouse/etl-series/dags" # For you this is something like /<absolute-path>/etl-series/dags
# Airflow - DAGs Configs
## the airflow dags folder
path: /opt/airflow/dags
## whether to disable pickling dags from the scheduler to workers
## NOTE:
doNotPickle: false
## install any Python `requirements.txt` at the root of `dags.path` automatically
## - if set to true, and you are using `dags.git.gitSync`, you must also enable
## `dags.initContainer` to ensure the requirements.txt is available at Pod start
installRequirements: false
## configs for the dags PVC
## if a persistent volume is mounted at `dags.path`
enabled: true
## the name of an existing PVC to use
existingClaim: ""
## sub-path under `dags.persistence.existingClaim` to use
subPath: ""
## the name of the StorageClass used by the PVC
## NOTE:
## - if set to "", then `PersistentVolumeClaim/spec.storageClassName` is omitted
## - if set to "-", then `PersistentVolumeClaim/spec.storageClassName` is set to ""
storageClass: ""
## the access mode of the PVC
## - must be one of: `ReadOnlyMany` or `ReadWriteMany`
## NOTE:
## - different StorageClass support different access modes:
accessMode: ReadOnlyMany
## the size of PVC to request
size: 200M
## configs for the DAG git repository & sync container
## url of the git repository
## url: ""
## url: "ssh://"
url: ""
## the branch/tag/sha1 which we clone
ref: master
## the name of a pre-created secret containing files for ~/.ssh/
## NOTE:
## - this is ONLY RELEVANT for SSH git repos
## - the secret commonly includes files: id_rsa,, known_hosts
## - known_hosts is NOT NEEDED if `git.sshKeyscan` is true
secret: ""
## if we should implicitly trust [git.repoHost]:git.repoPort, by auto creating a ~/.ssh/known_hosts
## - setting true will increase your vulnerability ot a repo spoofing attack
## NOTE:
## - this is ONLY RELEVANT for SSH git repos
## - this is not needed if known_hosts is provided in `git.secret`
## - git.repoHost and git.repoPort ARE REQUIRED for this to work
sshKeyscan: false
## the name of the private key file in your `git.secret`
## NOTE:
## - this is ONLY RELEVANT for PRIVATE SSH git repos
privateKeyName: id_rsa
## the host name of the git repo
## NOTE:
## - this is ONLY REQUIRED for SSH git repos
## repoHost: ""
repoHost: ""
## the port of the git repo
## NOTE:
## - this is ONLY REQUIRED for SSH git repos
repoPort: 22
## configs for the git-sync container
## enable the git-sync sidecar container
enabled: false
## resource requests/limits for the git-sync container
## NOTE:
## - when `workers.autoscaling` is true, YOU MUST SPECIFY a resource request
## resources:
## requests:
## cpu: "50m"
## memory: "64Mi"
resources: {}
## the docker image for the git-sync container
repository: alpine/git
tag: latest
## values: Always or IfNotPresent
pullPolicy: Always
## the git sync interval in seconds
refreshTime: 60
## configs for the git-clone container
## NOTE:
## - use this container if you want to only clone the external git repo
## at Pod start-time, and not keep it synchronised afterwards
## enable the git-clone sidecar container
## NOTE:
## - this is NOT required for the git-sync sidecar to work
## - this is mostly used for when `dags.installRequirements` is true to ensure that
## requirements.txt is available at Pod start
enabled: false
## resource requests/limits for the git-clone container
## resources:
## requests:
## cpu: "50m"
## memory: "64Mi"
resources: {}
## the docker image for the git-clone container
repository: alpine/git
tag: latest
## values: Always or IfNotPresent
pullPolicy: Always
## path to mount dags-data volume to
## - this path is also used by the git-sync container
mountPath: "/dags"
## sub-path under `dags.initContainer.mountPath` to sync dags to
## - this path is also used by the git-sync container
## - this MUST INCLUDE the leading /
## syncSubPath: "/subdirWithDags"
syncSubPath: ""
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