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Created August 8, 2020 17:48
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Backing up Sqlite3 DB to AWS S3
import datetime
import os
import string
import tarfile
import shutil
import boto # you need to install "boto" == 'sudo pip install boto'
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
from boto.s3.key import Key
from datetime import timedelta
# Configuration inlcudes of AWS credentials, db.sqlite3 file and local backup path
# note: first you need to store this script where your db.sqlite3 db is located
# Then you can run the script "python
aws_access_key = 'your aws access-key'
aws_secret_key = 'your aws secret access-key'
aws_bucket = 'sqlite3-db' # s3 bucket name
aws_folder = 'folder-name' # folder name inside bucket
## create directory inside /tmp and backup the database
os.system("mkdir /tmp/backup_db")
cmd= "sqlite3 db.sqlite3 .dump > '"+path+"''"+db+"'"
#configuring filepath and tar file name
today = str(
archieve_name = db
db_path = path + db
archieve_path = path + archieve_name
print('[FILE] Creating archive for ' + db)
shutil.make_archive(archieve_path, 'gztar', path)
print('Completed archiving database')
full_archive_file_path = archieve_path + ".tar.gz"
full_archive_name = archieve_name + ".tar.gz"
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# Establish S3 Connection
s3 = S3Connection(aws_access_key, aws_secret_key)
bucket = s3.get_bucket(aws_bucket)
# Send files to S3
print ('[S3] Uploading file archive ' + full_archive_name + '...')
k = Key(bucket)
k.key = aws_folder + '/' + today + '/' + full_archive_name
# os.system(cmd)
print('[S3] Clearing previous file archive ' + full_archive_name + '...')
print('Removed backup of Local database')
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