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Hookshot bug report
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User-Agent: GitHub-Hookshot/e4028f5
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Suspected bug in Hookshot - GitHub-Hookshot/e4028f5

We just got a weird bug report from a HuBoard user huboard/huboard#658

I've included the payloads that we received from Hookshot

What I've been able to discover is that when you changed the assignee property from the GitHub API, hookshot sends you two events. 1 assigned and 1 unassigned

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create an issue
  2. Assign issue x user #=> x == "@huboardci"
  3. Change the assignee property through the REST API to y person #=> y == "@discorick"

Expected results:

Should receive two events from Hookshot

the payload of the unassigned event expectations:

  • payload.issue.assignee == @discorick <= the new assignee
  • payload.assignee == @huboardci <= the old assignee

the payload of the assigned event expectations:

  • payload.issue.assignee == @discorick <= the new assignee
  • payload.assignee == @discorick <= the old assignee

My best guess at what's going on

If you look closely at 00489800-13d8-11e6-9328-72619931c800.payload.json

payload.issue.updated_at == "2016-05-06T22:12:55Z"

And then look closely at 00489800-13d8-11e6-92ae-4f265fd8327f.payload.json

payload.issue.updated_at == "2016-05-06T22:15:12Z"

There appears to be an edge case or a slight bug where the unassigned event is sending back the old version of the issue instead of the updated issue

I would expect the updated_at timestamps to be the same for both events.

Can you please revert the behavior back to the previous logic?

NOTE: If I change the assignee property directly from the GitHub interface, the event payloads are as expected. There is inconsistent behavior between mutations from the GitHub UI and the GitHub API

Edit: /s/insteaded/instead

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