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Last active June 24, 2016 10:09
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  • Save rauhs/b93bcf0d676f0335fd483d7c7c77303d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Generate a squuid in nginx (openresty)
-- Datomic SQUUID layout:
-- xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-Vxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
-- ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^
-- | | |^^^ ^
-- | | | | |^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^
-- | | | | | |
-- | | | | | |- random
-- | | | | |- IETF variant {8,9,a,b}
-- | | | |- random
-- | | |- Version 4
-- | |- random
-- |- ms since epoch rounded to seconds
local str = require "resty.string"
local random = require "resty.random"
function squuid(hash)
-- elapsed seconds from the epoch
local t_epoch = ngx.time()
local p1 = bit.tohex(t_epoch, 8)
local p2 = string.sub(hash, 9, 12)
local p3 = "4" .. string.sub(hash, 14, 16)
local variant = "0x" .. string.sub(hash,17,18);
variant = variant , 0x3f) -- clear variant
variant = bit.bor( variant, 0x80) -- set to IETF variant
local p4 = bit.tohex(variant,2) .. string.sub(hash, 19, 20)
local p5 = string.sub(hash, 21)
return p1 .. "-" .. p2 .. "-" .. p3 .. "-" .. p4 .. "-" .. p5
--return p1 .. p2 .. p3 .. p4 .. p5
-- A random filename for upload before renaming:
local rnd_file = str.to_hex( random.bytes(16) )
local md5 = ngx.md5(rnd_file)
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