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Created March 3, 2016 08:43
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(ns srs-c.utils.keyboard
[klang.macros :refer [log! debg! trac! info! warn! erro! crit! fata! env!]]
[srs-c.macros :refer [onlydev onlyprod]])
(:require [])
(:import [goog.ui KeyboardShortcutHandler]))
(defn install-shortcut!
"Installs a Keyboard Shortcut handler.
The key is a string the trigger is a function that will receive the keyboard event as the
first argument. If once? is true the keyboard shortcut is only fired once.
The unregister handler is returned and can be called to unregister the listener."
([key trigger] (install-shortcut! key trigger true))
([key trigger once?]
(let [handler (new KeyboardShortcutHandler js/window)]
(.registerShortcut handler (str key once?) key)
(fn [e]
(trigger e)
(when once?
(trac! "Keyboard shortcut triggered for key" key "and unregistered.")
(.unregisterShortcut handler keys))))
(trac! "Keyboard shortcut installed " key)
(fn [] (.unregisterShortcut handler keys)))))
;; Shows the login screen
(componentDidMount [this]
(om/set-state! this {:esc-handler (keyboard/install-shortcut! "esc" #(goto % (route-home)))}))
(componentWillUnmount [this]
((om/get-state this :esc-handler)))
(render [this]
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