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Created December 16, 2008 13:22
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Save raul/36451 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Quick & Dirty textmate command to execute only the selected test on the current Rails test file
# Note: It's so quick and so dirty that it doesn't support the new 'test "foo bar baz" do' syntax
# 1) Open Bundles > Bundle Editor > Edit commands
# 2) Select Ruby > Run Focused Unit Test and press "copy" icon (++)
# 3) Rename the new command and select it
# 4) Paste this into Command(s) and customize the activation keys
cd ../..
# Assumes the current file is a unittest file
# Runs with the currently-focused method as the test name
args=$(${TM_RUBY:=ruby} <<"EOF"
n = ENV['TM_LINE_NUMBER'].to_i
spec, context, name = nil, nil, nil['TM_FILEPATH']) do |f|
# test/unit
lines ="\n")[0...n].reverse
name = lines.find { |line| line =~ /^\s*def test[_a-z0-9]*[\?!]?/i}.to_s.sub(/^\s*def (.*?)\s*$/) { $1 }
# test/spec.
spec = $3 || $4 if lines.find { |line| line =~ /^\s*(specify|it)\s+('(.*)'|"(.*)")+\s*(\{|do)/ }
context = $3 || $4 if lines.find { |line| line =~ /^\s*(context|describe)\s+('(.*)'|"(.*)")+\s*(\{|do)/ }
puts [name, spec, context].inspect
if !name.empty?
print "--name=#{name}"
elsif !spec.empty? && !context.empty?
print "--name=\"/test_spec \\{.*#{context}\\} \\d{3} \\[#{spec}\\]/\""
if [[ -z "$args" ]]; then
echo -e "This doesn't appear to be a TestCase class."
export RUBYLIB="test:$RUBYLIB"
"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}" -- "$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/RubyMate/run_script.rb" $args
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