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Created July 30, 2021 15:14
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mkdir catalyst-devnet && cd catalyst-devnet

git clone && cd go-ethereum go build -o ./build/bin/catalyst ./cmd/geth cd ../

mkdir -p data/catalyst ./build/bin/catalyst --datadir "./data/catalyst" init "./eth1_config.json"

block proposal rewards/fees go to the below 'etherbase', change it if you like to spend them

./clients/catalyst/build/bin/catalyst --catalyst --rpc --rpcapi net,eth,consensus --nodiscover
--miner.etherbase 0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --datadir "./$TESTNET_NAME/nodes/catalyst0/chaindata"

git clone -b merge && cd prysm bazel build //beacon-chain:beacon-chain bazel build //validator:validator

Run the beacon node

bazel run //beacon-chain --define=ssz=minimal -- \
 --datadir="./data/prysm" \
 --min-sync-peers=0 \
 --http-web3provider= \
 --bootstrap-node= \
 --chain-config-file="./eth2_config.yaml" \
 --genesis-state="./genesis.ssz" \

The bootstrap node option is empty to disable any type of networking.

Run the validator

bazel run //validator --define=ssz=minimal -- \
 --wallet-dir="./wallet/prysm" \
 --chain-config-file="./eth2_config.yaml" \
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