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Created October 2, 2019 21:57
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percentage helper. calculate amount, total, percentage from 2 of these
* @param initOptions object {percentage:0.16,decimals_amount:2,decimals_percent:2} defaults
* @returns {{calcTotal: *, calcAmount: *, options: *, calcPercent: *, option: *}}
* @example
* var percer = new iaPercenter( {percentage:0.16,decimals_amount:2,decimals_percent:2} );
* percer.calcPercent(100,116) => 0.16
* percer.calcTotal(100) => 116
* percer.calcTotal(100, 0.2) => 120
* percer.calcAmount(116) => 116
* percer.calcAmount(120, 0.2) => 120
* percer.options() => {percentage:0.16,decimals_amount:2,decimals_percent:2}
* percer.options('decimals_amount', 4) => sets deciamls_amount to 4, returns this
* percer.options({decimals_percent:3}) => sets decimals_percent to 3 returns this
* @author Raúl José Santos
* @author Informática Asociada
* @copyright 2017
* @license MIT
* @version 1.0.0
function iaPercenter(initOptions) {
if (!(this instanceof iaPercenter))
return new iaPercenter(initOptions);
var settings = {percentage:0.16, decimals_amount:2, decimals_percent:2};
if(typeof initOptions === 'object' && initOptions !== null)
for(var o in initOptions)
settings[o] = initOptions[o];
// functionality ________________________________________
function percentage(amount, total) {
return eq0(total) || eq0(amount) ? 0.00 : round(total/amount-1.00, settings.decimals_percent);
function total(amount, percentage) {
if(typeof percentage === 'undefined')
percentage = settings.percentage;
return round(amount*(1+percentage), settings.decimals_amount);
function amount(total, percentage) {
if(typeof percentage === 'undefined')
percentage = settings.percentage;
return eqMinus1(percentage) === -1 ? 0.00 : round(total/(1+percentage), settings.decimals_amount);
function opt(key,value) {
if(typeof key === 'undefined' || key === null)
return settings;
if(typeof key === 'object')
for(var o in initOptions)
settings[o] = initOptions[o];
if(typeof value === 'undefined')
return settings[key];
settings[key] = value;
return this;
// helpers ___________________________________________
function eq0(n) {return round(n, settings.decimals_amount) === 0;}
function eqMinus1(n) {return round(n, settings.decimals_percent) === -1;}
function round(n, decimals) {
var r=parseFloat('1E'+decimals);
return Math.round(n*r)/r;
var exportThis = {
calcPercent: percentage,
calcTotal: total,
calcAmount: amount,
option: opt,
options: opt
for(var e in exportThis)
Object.defineProperty(exportThis, e, { writable: false,configurable:false });
return exportThis;
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