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Created October 13, 2022 17:01
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Actor events
Raúl Kripalani (@raulk), Steven Allen (@stebalien)
Technical Core

Simple Summary

This FIP adds the ability for actors to emit externally observable events during execution. Events are fire-and-forget, and can be thought of as a side effect from execution. The payload of events are self-describing objects signalling that some important circumstance, action or transition has ocurred. Actor events enable external agents to observe the activity on chain, and may eventually become the source of internal message triggers.


This FIP introduces a minimal design for actor events, including their schema, a new syscall, a new field in the MessageReceipt structure, and mechanics to commit these execution side effects on the chain. By minimal we mean that the protocol stays largely unopinionated and unprescriptive around higher level concerns like event indexing, traversal, and proofs (e.g. inclusion proofs for light clients), and other future higher-level features.

Change Motivation

Two main motivations warrant the introduction of actor events at this time.

  1. They have been long missing from the protocol, complicating observability and forcing Filecoin network monitoring or accounting tools resort to creative approaches to obtain the data they needed, e.g. forking and instrumenting built-in actors code, or replaying messages and performing state tree diffs.

    While this may have been tolerable for a limited number of actors, it will no longer scale for a world of user-defined actors.

    A future FIP could enhance built-in actors to emit events when power changes, sectors are onboarded, deals are made, sectors are terminated, penalties are incurred, etc.

  2. The upcoming introduction of the Filecoin EVM runtime necessitates an event mechanism at the protocol layer to handle the LOG{0..4} opcodes, and the corresponding Ethereum JSON-RPC methods.


New chain types

We introduce a DAG-CBOR encoded Event type to represent an actor event.

/// Represents an event emitted throughout message execution.
struct Event {
    /// Carries the ID of the actor that emitted this event.
    emitter: ActorID,
    /// Key values making up this event.
    entries: Vec<Entry>,

struct Entry {
    /// A bitmap conveying metadata or hints about this entry.
    flags: u8,
    /// The key of this event.
    key: String,
    /// Any DAG-CBOR encodeable type.
    value: any,

Its main constituent is a list of ordered key-value entries. This approach is inspired by structured logging concepts. Keys are strings, while values can be any DAG-CBOR encodeable type.

Every entry contains a single-byte flags bitmap, which conveys metadata or hints about the entry. These are the currently supported flags:

hex binary meaning
0x01 b00000001 indexed

Flag 0x80 is currently only used as a client hint. In the future, this flag and others may lead to consensus-relevant outcomes, such as populating (adaptable) bloom filters, committing block-level indices, supporting on-chain event subscriptions, and more.

Future flags may include:

  • specialized indexing strategies
  • bloom inclusion
  • special type indicators (e.g. "this is an address")

TODO: make flags a varint for extensibility? Can also retype later, if we overflow.

Choosing a list of tuples instead of a map representation is deliberate, as it enables repeatable keys, and, thus, array-like entries, e.g. signers in a multisig transaction.

Over time, we expect the community to standardise on a set of keys through FRC proposals.


  • Define maximum lengths for entries, key size, value size?
  • Do we want to introduce standard keys now, e.g. type?

Event examples

The following examples demonstrate how to use these structures in practice.

Fungible token transfer

Event {
    emitter: 1260,
    entries: [ // type, sender, receiver indexed
        (0x01, "type", "transfer"),
        (0x01, "sender", <id address>),
        (0x01, "receiver", <id address>),
        (0x00, "amount", <token amount>),

Non-fungible token transfer

Event {
    emitter: 101,
    entries: [  // all entries indexed
        (0x01, "type", "transfer"),
        (0x01, "sender", <id address>),
        (0x01, "receiver", <id address>),
        (0x01, "token_id", <identifier>),

Multisig approval

Event {
    emitter: 1678,
    entries: [  // type and signers indexed
        (0x01, "type", "approval"),
        (0x01, "signer", <id address>),
        (0x01, "signer", <id address>),
        (0x01, "signer", <id address>),
        (0x00, "callee", <id address>),
        (0x00, "amount", <token amount>),
        (0x00, "msg_cid", <message cid>),

Chain commitment

The existing MessageReceipt chain data structure is augmented with a new events field:

struct MessageReceipt {
    exit_code: ExitCode,
    return_data: RawBytes,
    gas_used: i64,
    events: Cid, // new field; root of AMT<Event>

During message execution, DAG-CBOR encoded Events are accumulated inside the FVM inside an AMT, preserving the order. At the end of message execution, the AMT is flushed into the FVM's (buffered) blockstore, and the root CID of the AMT is returned in the above events field.

Because the network agrees on the content of the receipts through the ParentMessageReceipts on the BlockHeader, the events are implicitly committed to the chain state with no futher structural changes needed.

Client handling

Honouring indexing hints is optional but highly encouraged at this stage. Clients may offer new JSON-RPC operations to subscribe to and query events.

Clients may prefer to store and track event data in a dedicated store, segregated from the chain store, potentially backed by a different database engine more suited to the expected write, query, and indexing patterns for this data.

Note that there's a timing difference between the moment the client receives the events AMT root CID (after message execution), and the moment that the event data (IPLD blocks) is effectively made available in the client's blockstore (at Machine flush time). Consequently, events cannot be viewed/logged/inspected until the Machine is flushed.

FVM implementations may accept a separate events store, and offer an "early events flush" Machine option to instruct the FVM to flush events on every message execution.

New vm::emit_event syscall

We define a new syscall under the vm namespace so that actors can emit events.

/// Emits a block as an actor event. It takes the block ID of a block created via
/// ipld::block_create. The block must be a DAG-CBOR encoded Vec<Entry>.
/// The FVM will validate the structural, syntatic, and semantic correctness of the
/// supplied payload, and will error with `IllegalArgument` if the payload was invalid.
/// Calling this syscall may immediately halt execution with an out of gas error, if
/// such condition arises.
fn emit_event(entries_id: u32) -> Result<()>;

This syscall will create an Event object, stamp it with the current ActorID, and store it in the events accumulator.

We expect FVM SDKs to offer utilities, macros, and sugar to ergonomically construct event payloads and handle the IPLD block creation task.

Gas costs

In addition to the syscall gas cost, emitting an event carries the following dynamic costs:

  • Per non-indexed entry: <> gas per <>.
  • Per indexed entry: <> gas per <>.

TODO need to make syscall gas dynamic based on param length

The following limits apply. Exceeding these limits will result in the event not being emitted, and the call failing with IllegalArgument:

  • Total event payload size: <<TODO, if any; may be bound by gas, once syscall gas varies based on param length?>>
  • Maximum number of keys: <<TODO, if any; may be bound by gas>>
  • Maximum number of indexed keys: <<TODO, if any; may be bound by gas>>

Mapping to EVM logs

This is defined here for convenience, and will be moved to the upcoming Filecoin EVM FIP once submitted.

Logs in the Ethereum Virtual Machine are emitted through LOG{0..4} opcodes. Each variant takes the specified number of topics (indexed). All variants take a single memory slice referring to the data (non indexed).

We define LOG{0..4} opcodes to emit events conforming to the following template:

Event {
    emitter: <actor id>,
    entries: [
        (0x01, "topic1", <first topic word>),   // when LOG1, LOG2, LOG3, LOG4
        (0x01, "topic2", <second topic word>),  // when LOG2, LOG3, LOG4
        (0x01, "topic3", <third topic word>),   // when LOG3, LOG4
        (0x01, "topic4", <fourth topic word>),  // when LOG4
        (0x00, "data", <data>),

Design Rationale

A large part of the architectural discussion has been documented in issue filecoin-project/ref-fvm#728. Some ideas we considered along the way included:

  • Keeping events away from the protocol and in actor land, by tracking them in an Events actor.
  • Populating event indices and committing them on the block header.
  • Adaptable bloom filters, advertised on the block header.
  • Wrapping events in a broader concept of "execution artifacts", which in the future could be extended to include callbacks, futures, and more.

We shelved these ideas and kept this initial proposal simple, yet extensible, focusing only on the fundamentals. A particular area to conduct further research into is Filecoin light clients and the kinds of proofs that could endorse queries for events, including inclusion, non-inclusion, and completeness proofs.

In terms of the technical design, we considered making the event payload an opaque IPLD blob accompanied by some form of a type discriminator. However, that would require an IDL upfront to interpret the payload. We posit that the unwrapped data model we've proposed enables straightforward introspection and comprehension by chain explorers, developer tools, and monitoring tools.

Concerning the concept of flags, we had initially considered a top-level indexed bitmap, but later generalised it to a flags field for extensibility. We consider the consequent size tradeoff to be acceptable.

Backwards Compatibility

We are adding a new field to the MessageReceipt type. While this type is not serialized over the wire nor gossiped, it is returned from JSON-RPC calls. Hence, users of Filecoin clients may notice a new field, which could in turn break some of their code.

Test Cases


Security Considerations


Incentive Considerations


Product Considerations





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