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Created January 12, 2018 07:59
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JSP: Sessions - Writing Data
isNew() : boolean - returns true if the session is new
getId() : String - returns the session id
invalidate() : void - invalidates this session and unbinds any object associated with it
setMaxInactiveInterval(long mills) : void - sets the idle time for a session to expire, the value is supplied in milliseconds
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
<!-- Step 1: Create html form -->
<form action="todo-demo.jsp">
Add new item: <input type="text" name="theItem" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<!-- <br>
Item entered: <%= request.getParameter("theItem") %> -->
<!-- Step 2: add new item to "to do" list -->
//get the todo items from the session
List<String> items = (List<String>) session.getAttribute("myTodoList");
//if the to do items doesn't exist, then create a new one
if (items == null) {
items = new ArrayList<String>();
session.setAttribute("myTodoList", items);
//see if there is form data to add
String theItem = request.getParameter("theItem");
if (theItem != null) {
<!-- Step 3: display all "to do" item from session -->
<b>To do List Items:</b> <br>
for (String temp: items ) {
out.println("<li>" + temp + "</li>");
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