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Created August 28, 2012 23:57
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@ operator
// Based on:
//// The at (@) operator
// Intuitively:
// - obj.@foo is syntactic sugar for obj[foo]
// - @foo is syntactic sugar for [foo] (for method definitions, property definitions, etc.)
// Usage: Let propName be a normal variable holding either a symbol or a string.
// - Property access: obj.@propName
// - Property definition (object literal): @propName: propValue
// - Method definition (class, object literal): @propName(...) { ... }
// - Getter definition (class, object literal): get @propName() { ... }
// - Setter definition (class, object literal): set @propName(x) { ... }
// - Generator method definition (class, object literal): *@propName(x) { ... }
//// Declare symbols (e.g.):
public myPublicSymbol; // or `name` or `symbol`
// Equivalent: let myPublicSymbol = new Name(true)
private myPrivateSymbol;
// Equivalent: let myPrivateSymbol = new Name()
// optional: class-internal declarations and other features proposed by Allen
//// Example: object literal
private foo, bar, baz, bam;
let obj = {
@foo: "a data property",
@bar() {return "a concise method property"},
get @baz() {return "a get accessor"},
*@bam(n) {yield 0; return n} //a generator method
console.log(obj.@foo); // a data property
//// Example: classes
private x, y;
public validate;
class Point {
get x() {return this.@x}
set x(v) {this.@x = this.@validate(v)}
get y() {return this.@y}
set y(v) {this.@y = this.@validate(v)}
@validate(value) {
if (typeof value !== "number") throw TypeError("number expected");
return value;
constructor (x,y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
class QIPoint extends Point{
@validate(value) {
if (value<0) throw RangeError("negative values not accepted");
return value;
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