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Created February 28, 2020 11:30
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React Context Hooks MVVM demo
import { fold, pending, RemoteData } from '@devexperts/remote-data-ts';
import { constNull } from 'fp-ts/lib/function';
import { createElement, memo, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/lib/pipeable';
import { LiveData } from '@devexperts/rx-utils/dist/live-data.utils';
import { newSink, Sink } from '@devexperts/rx-utils/dist/sink2.utils';
import { Context, context } from '@devexperts/rx-utils/dist/context2.utils';
import { observable } from '@devexperts/rx-utils/dist/observable.utils';
import { distinctUntilChanged, share, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
const useObservable = <A>(fa: Observable<A>, initial: A): A => {
const [a, setA] = useState(initial);
const subscription = useMemo(() => fa.subscribe(setA), [fa]); // create subscription immediately
useEffect(() => () => subscription.unsubscribe(), [subscription]);
return a;
const useSink = <A>(factory: () => Sink<A>, dependencies: unknown[]): A => {
const sa = useMemo(factory, dependencies);
const subscription = useMemo(() => sa.effects.subscribe(), [sa]); // create subscription immediately
useEffect(() => () => subscription.unsubscribe(), [subscription]);
return sa.value;
const renderRemoteData = <A>(
onSuccess: (a: A) => JSX.Element | null,
): ((data: RemoteData<Error, A>) => JSX.Element | null) =>
() => createElement('div', null, 'pending'),
() => createElement('div', null, 'failure'),
interface UserProfileProps {
readonly name: RemoteData<Error, string>;
readonly onNameUpdate: (name: string) => void;
const UserProfile = memo((props: UserProfileProps) =>
renderRemoteData(name => createElement('div', null, name)),
interface UserProfileViewModel {
readonly name: LiveData<Error, string>;
readonly updateName: (name: string) => void;
interface UserService {
readonly getAllUserIds: () => LiveData<Error, string[]>;
readonly getUserName: (id: string) => LiveData<Error, string>;
readonly updateUserName: (id: string, name: string) => LiveData<Error, void>;
interface NewUserProfileViewModel {
(id: string): Sink<UserProfileViewModel>;
const newUserProfileViewModel = context.combine(
(userService): NewUserProfileViewModel => id => {
const [updateName, updateNameEvent] = observable.createAdapter<string>();
const updateNameEffect = pipe(
switchMap(name => userService.updateUserName(id, name)),
return newSink(
name: userService.getUserName(id),
interface UserProfileContainerProps {
readonly id: string;
const UserProfileContainer = context.combine(newUserProfileViewModel, newUserProfileViewModel =>
memo((props: UserProfileContainerProps) => {
const vm = useSink(() => newUserProfileViewModel(, []);
const name = useObservable(, pending);
return createElement(UserProfile, { name, onNameUpdate: vm.updateName });
interface AppProps {
readonly userIds: RemoteData<Error, string[]>;
const App = context.combine(UserProfileContainer, UserProfileContainer =>
memo((props: AppProps) =>
renderRemoteData(ids =>
null, => createElement(UserProfileContainer, { key: id, id })),
interface AppViewModel {
readonly userIds: LiveData<Error, string[]>;
interface NewAppViewModel {
(): AppViewModel;
const newAppViewModel = context.combine(
(userService): NewAppViewModel => () => ({
userIds: userService.getAllUserIds(),
const AppContainer = context.combine(App, newAppViewModel, (App, newAppViewModel) =>
memo(() => {
const vm = useMemo(() => newAppViewModel(), []);
const userIds = useObservable(vm.userIds, pending);
return createElement(App, { userIds });
declare const userService: Context<{ apiURL: string }, UserService>;
const Root = context.combine(context.defer(AppContainer, 'userService'), userService, (getAppContainer, userService) =>
memo(() => {
const AppContainer = useSink(() => getAppContainer({ userService }), []);
return createElement(AppContainer, {});
const apiURL = '/api';
const Index = memo(() => {
const Resolved = useSink(() => Root({ apiURL }), []);
return createElement(Resolved, {});
render(createElement(Index), document.getElementById('root'));
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