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Created December 28, 2018 20:07
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Load TSV files into a memory-only or on-disk SQLite database, optionally indexing specified columns
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# The goal here is a script that can be called like this:
# sqlite-now-mem users.tsv,users,id,login,email products.tsv,products,id,name
# For each comma-separated tuple passed are arguments, the input file
# will be loaded into the table, and any following values are the
# names of columns for which indexes will be created.
# The --file=FILE flag can also be specified. If FILE doesn't exist it
# will be created. If it does, data will be imported into it,
# including if when the table already exists, rows will be appended.
# sqlite-now-mem --file=website.sqlite users.tsv,users,id,login,email products.tsv,products,id,name
require "optimist"
opts = Optimist::options do
opt :file, "SQLite database filename. Optional. If not specified, db is in memory.", :type => :string
p opts
sqlite_cmds = [
".timer on",
".mode tab",
ARGV.each do |definition|
file, table, *index_cols = definition.split(",")
p [file, table, index_cols]
sqlite_cmds << ".import #{file} #{table}"
index_cols.each do |index_col|
sqlite_cmds << "create index index_#{table}_#{index_col} on #{table} (#{index_col});"
# final_command = "sqlite3 -header" + " " + { |cmd| %[-cmd "#{cmd}"] }.join(" ") + " " + %{-cmd ".mode column"}
final_system_cmd_elements = [
* { |cmd| %[-cmd "#{cmd}"] },
%{-cmd ".mode column"},
puts final_system_cmd_elements.join(" \\\n ")
system final_system_cmd_elements.join(" \\\n ")
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