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Created November 26, 2021 01:16
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# Example of making predictions
from math import sqrt
# calculate the Euclidean distance between two vectors
def euclidean_distance(row1, row2):
distance = 0.0
for i in range(len(row1)-1):
distance += (row1[i] - row2[i])**2
return sqrt(distance)
# Locate the most similar neighbors
def get_neighbors(train, test_row, num_neighbors):
distances = list()
for train_row in train:
dist = euclidean_distance(test_row, train_row)
distances.append((train_row, dist))
distances.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])
neighbors = list()
for i in range(num_neighbors):
return neighbors
# Make a classification prediction with neighbors
def predict_classification(train, test_row, num_neighbors):
neighbors = get_neighbors(train, test_row, num_neighbors)
output_values = [row[-1] for row in neighbors]
prediction = max(set(output_values), key=output_values.count)
return prediction
# Test distance function
dataset = [[2.7810836,2.550537003,0],
prediction = predict_classification(dataset, dataset[7], 5)
print('Expected %d, Got %d.' % (dataset[7][-1], prediction))
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