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Created October 15, 2013 01:12
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This program prints the nth node from the end of a linked list.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Node definition for a single linked list
class SLLNode
//data member
int data;
//pointer to next node in the linked list
SLLNode *nextPtr;
//Single argument constructor
//initializes data with d, next pointer to NULL
SLLNode(int d):data(d),nextPtr(NULL)
//to initialize both members
SLLNode(int d,SLLNode* next):data(d),nextPtr(next)
//returns the data
int getData()
return data;
//sets the data
void setData(int d)
this->data = d;
//gets the next pointer
SLLNode* getNext()
return this->nextPtr;
//sets the next pointer
void setNext(SLLNode *ptr)
this->nextPtr = ptr;
//defines the actual single linked list
class SinglyLinkedList
//maintain two pointers to the start and the end
//so that we can append at the end easily (constant time complexity)
SLLNode * head;
SLLNode * tail;
head = NULL;
tail = NULL;
//adds the node to the end of the list
void appendNode(SLLNode* ptr)
//check if list is empty
if( head == NULL)
//update both the pointers
head = tail = ptr;
else //simply append at the end, and move the tail pointer
tail = tail->getNext();
//gets the length of the list
int getLength()
int length = 0;
SLLNode* ptr = head;
while ( ptr != NULL )
ptr = ptr->getNext();
return length;
//get Nth node from the end
SLLNode* getNthNodeFromLast(int n)
SLLNode * ptr = head; //result pointer
SLLNode * hPtr = head; //helper pointer
int i = n;
//travel n distance using helper pointer
while ( i > 0 && NULL != hPtr)
hPtr = hPtr->getNext();
//handle the case where n > length of the list; return NULL
if( i > 0)
return NULL;
while( hPtr != NULL )
hPtr = hPtr->getNext();
ptr = ptr->getNext();
return ptr;
int main()
SinglyLinkedList list;
list.appendNode(new SLLNode(1));
list.appendNode(new SLLNode(2));
list.appendNode(new SLLNode(3));
list.appendNode(new SLLNode(4));
list.appendNode(new SLLNode(5));
list.appendNode(new SLLNode(6));
//The answer should be 4
SLLNode * ptr = list.getNthNodeFromLast(3);
if( ptr )
cout << "3rd node from the end is " << ptr->getData()<<endl;
cout << "Invalid index!" <<endl;
// 0 is not a valid index; let's see if our program handles this
ptr = list.getNthNodeFromLast(0);
if( ptr )
cout << "0th node from the end is " << ptr->getData() << endl;
cout << "Invalid index!" << endl;
// 7 is also not a valid index as it is greater than list length
ptr = list.getNthNodeFromLast(7);
if( ptr )
cout << "0th node from the end is " << ptr->getData() << endl;
cout << "Invalid index!" <<endl;
return 0;
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