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Created November 13, 2016 19:00
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A SSCCE for an issue with elm-lang/html. You can paste it to
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Json.Encode
valueAttributes =
[ value ""
, property "value" (Json.Encode.string "")
, attribute "value" ""
selectOptions =
(\x -> option [ value <| toString <| fst x ] [ text <| snd x ])
[ ( 1, "Foo" ), ( 2, "Bar" ), ( 3, "Baz" ) ]
requiredSelect valueAttribute =
[ required True ]
(option [ valueAttribute ] [ text "Please choose an option" ])
:: selectOptions
main =
Html.form []
[ div [] <| requiredSelect valueAttributes
, button [ type' "submit" ] [ text "Submit" ]
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