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Last active February 21, 2024 09:38
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Tests out programmatic copying of Local Storage (LS) item to JSON BIN io and the reverse. Uses axios get and put
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<script src=""></script>
button {
margin: 0.25rem;
<h2>Test JSON bin ( using Local Storage JSON items</h2>
<!-- <p id="JSONbinurlId"></p> -->
<label for="itemNameId">Item name:</label>
<div style="border: 1px solid">
<span style="margin-left: 0.25rem">Actions:</span>
<button onclick="handleShowLSClick()">Show LS item</button>
<button onclick="handleCopyToBinClick()">LS =></button>
<button onclick="handleShowJSONBinClick()">Show</button>
<button onclick="handleCopyFromBinClick()"> => LS</button>
<br />
<span style="margin-left: 0.25rem"
>Action status: <span id="statusId"></span
<button onclick="clearJSONDataDisplay()">Clear Data Display</button>
<button onclick="showJSONBinURLs()">Show URLs</button>
<!-- <h3>Data Display:</h3> -->
<div id="showDataId"></div>
// ""
const showDataId = document.getElementById("showDataId");
const itemNameId = document.getElementById("itemNameId");
const JSONbinurlId = document.getElementById("JSONbinurlId");
const statusId = document.getElementById("statusId");
// JSONbinurlId.innerHTML = `JSON Bin (API) get and put urls:<br/>${JSONBIN_GET_URL}<br/>${JSONBIN_PUT_URL}`;
function getItemAndShow(item) {
const textJSON = localStorage.getItem(item);
if (textJSON) {
const items = JSON.parse(textJSON);
showDataId.innerHTML = `<h3>Local Storage: ${item}</h3>`;
// showDataId.appendChild(renderjson(items));
return textJSON;
} else {
showDataId.innerHTML = `Local Storage Item: '${item}' not found`;
return null;
function copyItemToJSONBin(item) {
// const textJSON = getItemAndShow(item);
const textJSON = localStorage.getItem(item);
textJSON && writeToJSONBin(textJSON);
async function writeToJSONBin(textJSON) {
try {
const items = JSON.parse(textJSON);
const res = await axios.put(JSONBIN_PUT_URL, items);
statusId.innerHTML = " (data) written";
} catch (error) {
statusId.innerHTML = error;
// alert(error);
async function copyFromJSONBinToItem(item) {
try {
const res = await axios.get(JSONBIN_GET_URL);
const msg = `Are you sure you want to copy data into Local Storage Item: ${item}?`;
if (!window.confirm(msg)) return;
localStorage.setItem(item, JSON.stringify(;
statusId.innerHTML = " (data) copied to LS item";
} catch (error) {
statusId.innerHTML = error;
// alert(error);
// See comment note towards end of file about showJSONBin() and copyFromJSONBinToItem() using same
// axios.get statement and some common try catch block statements
async function showJSONBin() {
try {
const res = await axios.get(JSONBIN_GET_URL);
showDataId.innerHTML = "<h3></h3>";
statusId.innerHTML = " (data) shown";
// showDataId.appendChild(renderjson(;
} catch (error) {
statusId.innerHTML = error;
// alert(error);
function clearJSONDataDisplay() {
showDataId.innerHTML = "";
statusId.innerHTML = "";
function showJSONBinURLs() {
showDataId.innerHTML = ` (API) URLs <br/>get: ${JSONBIN_GET_URL}<br/>put: ${JSONBIN_PUT_URL}`;
const handleShowJSONBinClick = () => {
statusId.innerHTML =
"Initiating request to and waiting for response ...";
const handleShowLSClick = () => {
statusId.innerHTML = "LS item shown";
const handleCopyToBinClick = () => {
statusId.innerHTML =
"Initiating request to and waiting for response ...";
const handleCopyFromBinClick = () => {
statusId.innerHTML =
"Initiating request to and waiting for response ...";
// showJSONBin() uses same axios.get as copyFromJSONBinToItem(). But I could not figure out a simple
// way to encapsulate the common axios.get in a function which is called by both these functions.
// The issue is that the await axios.get statement will cause the function execution to suspend and the
// function will return a (pending) promise. But both showJSONBin() and copyFromJSONBinToItem() have
// code to be executed (only) after axios.get returns (promise is fulfilled) and these codes/logic are
// different.
// There must be some standard way such cases are handled without repeating the same await axios.get
// statement like I have done (once in each of the two functions) with associated try catch block with
// some common statements.
// Perhaps firing a custom event after axios.get completes is one way with the event to be fired
// passed as a parameter, and these two functions have two different event handlers (associated with
// two different custom events).
// Another way could be specifying a callback function as a parameter in the common function with
// await axios.get which is executed after axios.get completes. These two functions could pass
// different callback functions as parameter to the common function having await axios.get.
// But I felt that for this test program, I should not make it complex using one of the above two
// suggestions. ... Perhaps once I come to know of a standard code pattern to handle such situations
// I will modify this test program to use that. Till that time I will go in for simply repeating
// the same await axios.get statement some common try catch block statements in these two functions.
// Of course, the same URL can be shared via a const, which is what I have done.
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