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Recursively outputs Get-ChildItem returned object for files and directories but excludes folders present in $ExcludeFolders variable in script
# Recursively outputs Get-ChildItem returned object for files and directories of current working directory
# OR user specified directory but excludes folders and their contents present in $ExcludeFolders variable
# in script
# Usage: script-name [optional-path] | next-cmd
# Usage Examples:
# Lists last modified time followed by full path for each folder & file in current directory
# excluding folders whose names are in $ExcludeFolders and such folders' contents
# script-name | ForEach-Object {"$($_.LastWriteTime) $($_.FullName)"}
# Lists last modified time followed by full path for each folder & file in Test1 directory
# excluding folders whose names are in $ExcludeFolders and such folders' contents
# script-name Test1 | ForEach-Object {"$($_.LastWriteTime) $($_.FullName)"}
# Lists last modified time followed by full path for each folder & file in current directory
# that was last modifed on 4.05.2024 (4th May) or 5.05.2024
# excluding folders whose names are in $ExcludeFolders and such folders' contents
# script-name | where { ((get-date('5.05.2024'))-$_.LastWriteTime).days -lt 1 } |
# ForEach-Object {"$($_.LastWriteTime) $($_.FullName)"}
# Lists last modified time followed by full path for each folder & file in current directory
# that was last modifed in past 1 day i.e. 24 hours
# excluding folders whose names are in $ExcludeFolders and such folders' contents
# script-name | where { ((get-date)-$_.LastWriteTime).days -lt 1 } |
# ForEach-Object {"$($_.LastWriteTime) $($_.FullName)"}
# Adapted from Getting files and folders recursively in PowerShell…without using -Recurse!,
Param ($path = $pwd)
$ExcludeFolders = ".git","node_modules",".next"
function get-folders {
Param ($path)
$items = Get-ChildItem -Force $path
foreach ($item in $items) {
if (($item) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
if ($ExcludeFolders -Contains ($item)) {
# Use write-host below insead write-output to write only to console and not to piped output
# This will prevent below line from tripping up next command in pipeline that expects an
# object returned by Get-ChildItem for a specific file or folder
# write-host "***write-host*** Skipping excluded folder and its contents: $path\$item"
} else {
write-output $item
$itemname = $item.Name
$fullpath = "$path\$itemname"
get-folders $fullpath #Recursively list if it is a directory
if (($item) -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) {
write-output $item
get-folders $path
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