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Created June 9, 2024 16:33
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Powershell script that copies contents of a folder/directory excluding node_modules and .next folders. It uses robocopy command to do the main work.
# Copies contents of a folder/directory excluding node_modules and .next folders.
# It uses robocopy command to do the main work.
# Usage: script-name Source-Folder-Name
# Output folder name is generated by concatenating script defined suffix (currently: -wo-nmnx) to
# Source-Folder-Name. The script checks if file/folder of this generated name exists and if so
# gives a suitable error message and then aborts.
# The script also strips trailing backslash from Source-Folder-Name if present before generating
# output folder name. Note that Powershell adds trailing backslash by default to folder names when
# tab is used to step through files and folders being specified in a command on console.
param ($InputFolder="")
$OutputFolder = ""
$OutputSuffix ="-wo-nmnx"
function Usage {
param ($cmdName)
Write-Host Usage: $cmdName Source-Folder-Name
if ( "" -eq $InputFolder ) {
write-host "Input folder not specified."
Usage $myInvocation.InvocationName
exit 1
$InputFolder = $InputFolder.trim()
$len = $InputFolder.length
if ("\" -eq $InputFolder.substring($len-1,1)) {
$InputFolder = $InputFolder.substring(0, $len-1)
Write-Host "Input parameter (folder name) had trailing backslash which was stripped"
# Write-Host "Input parameter (folder name) is: '$InputFolder'"
# Write-Host "Note that Powershell strips enclosing quote characters of parameters when passing them to script."
If ( -not (Test-Path -path $InputFolder -PathType Container)) {
If (Test-Path -path $InputFolder) {
Write-Host "Parameter specified: '$InputFolder' is not a directory. Aborting!"
} Else {
Write-Host "Parameter specified: '$InputFolder' does not exist. Aborting!"
Usage $myInvocation.InvocationName
exit 1
$OutputFolder = $InputFolder + $OutputSuffix
If (Test-Path -path $OutputFolder) {
Write-Host "Output folder/directory name with auto suffix: '$OutputFolder' already exists. Aborting!"
exit 1
Write-Host "Command to be executed (for readability of below output, single quotes are added around folder names ..."
Write-Host "but these added single quotes are not passed to robocopy command):", `n
Write-Host "robocopy '$InputFolder' '$OutputFolder' /E /XD node_modules .next", `n
$Choices = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]] @("&yes", "&no")
$Choice = $host.UI.PromptForChoice("", "Proceed?", $Choices, 1)
if (1 -eq $Choice)
Write-Host "Aborted!"
exit 1
robocopy $InputFolder $OutputFolder /E /XD node_modules .next
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