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Created June 9, 2024 17:34
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Powershell script that lists node_modules and .next folders in a folder/directory. It ignores subfolders within the node_modules or .next folders it finds.
# Lists folders/directories with names matching $ListFolders array elements (currently: node_modules and .next),
# in a user specified folder/directory or current directory. It also provides a total count of the folders it lists.
# It ignores subfolders within the matching $ListFolders array elements (node_modules and .next) it finds.
# It also ignores folders present in $ExcludeFolders array (currently: .git).
# Usage: script-name [optional-path]
# The script uses Get-ChildItem calling it recursively.
# Adapted from Getting files and folders recursively in PowerShell…without using -Recurse!,
Param ([string] $path = $pwd)
$ExcludeFolders = ,".git"
$ListFolderOccurrences = 0
function Usage {
param ($cmdName)
Write-Host "Usage: $cmdName [optional-path]"
function get-folders {
Param ($path)
$items = Get-ChildItem -Force $path
foreach ($item in $items) {
if (($item) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
if ($ListFolders -Contains ($item)) {
Write-Output $path\$item
} else {
if ($ExcludeFolders -Contains ($item)) {
# skip this folder
} else {
$itemname = $item.Name
$fullpath = "$path\$itemname"
get-folders $fullpath #Recurse into directory
$path = $path.trim()
$len = $path.length
if ("\" -eq $path.substring($len-1,1)) {
$path = $path.substring(0, $len-1)
# Write-Output "Input parameter (folder name) had trailing backslash which was stripped"
If ( -not (Test-Path -path $path -PathType Container)) {
If (Test-Path -path $path) {
Write-Error "Parameter specified: '$path' is not a directory. Aborting!"
} Else {
Write-Error "Parameter specified: '$path' does not exist. Aborting!"
Usage $myInvocation.InvocationName
exit 1
get-folders $path
$NmnxFolders = $ListFolders -join ","
"$ListFolderOccurrences folders found matching folder list: $NmnxFolders. " +
"Note that subfolders within matched folders are ignored." | Write-Output
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