In Elixir, the equals sign =
is not an assignment, instead i's like an assertion. It succeeds if Elixir can find a way of making the left-hand side equal the right-hand side. Elixir calls =
a match operator.
a = 1
=> 1
1 = a
=> 1
2 = a
=> ** (MatchError) not match of right hand side value: 1
Elixir lists can be created using square brackets containing a comma-separated values.
[ "Apple", "Banana", "Orange" ]
[ "milk", "soda", [ "test", 123 ] ]
Elixir's pattern matching: A pattern (left-side) is matched if the values (right-side) have the same structure and if each term in the pattern can be matched to the corresponding term in the values. A literal value in the pattern matches that exact value, and a variable in the pattern matches by taking on the corresponding value.
Values needs to be at the right side that being assigned. Variable that to-be-assigned only be on left-side.
list = [1, 2, 3]
=> [1, 2, 3]
[a, b, c] = list
=> [1, 2, 3]
=> 1
=> 2
=> 3
Using _
is like issuing a variable being disposal right after the matching process.
[1, _, _] = [1, 2, 3]
=> [1, 2, 3]
[a, a] = [1, 1]
=> [1, 1]
=> 1
[b, b] = [1, 2]
=> ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: [1, 2]
Using ^
symbol can force Elixir to use existing value of the variable, which also works when the variable is component of the pattern.
a = 1
=> 1
a = 2
=> 2
^a = 1
=> ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: 1
When you write the equation x = a + 1, you are not assigning the value of a + 1 to x. Instead you’re simply asserting that the expressions x and a + 1 have the same value. If you know the value of x, you can work out the value of a, and vice versa.
In Elixir, all values are immutable. The most complex nested list, the database record—these things behave just like the simplest integer. Their values are all immutable. This makes concurrency a lot less frightening.
But what if you need to add 100 to each element in
? Elixir does it by producing a copy of the original, containing the new values. The original remains unchanged, and your operation will not affect any other code holding a reference to that original.
This fits in nicely with the idea that programming is about transforming data. When we update
, we don’t hack it in place. Instead we transform it into something new.
Most modern languages have a garbage collector, and developers have grown to be suspicious of them—they can impact performance quite badly.
But the cool thing about Elixir is that you write your code using lots and lots of processes, and each process has its own heap. The data in your application is divvied up between these processes, so each individual heap is much, much smaller than would have been the case if all the data had been in a single heap. As a result, garbage collection runs faster. If a process terminates before its heap becomes full, all its data is discarded—no garbage collection is required.
name = "elixir"
=> "elixir"
cap_name = String.capitalize name
=> "Elixir"
=> "elixir
The syntax of String.capitalize(name)
helps us to remind that the return value is a new copy of string "Elixir"
instead of the original name
string "elixir"
- Value types:
- Arbitrary-sized integers: can be written as decimal
, hexa-decimal0xcafe
, octal0o765
, and binary0b1010
, decimal numbers may contain underscores that often used to separate groups of three digits when writing large number like1_000_000
. There's no limit on the size of integers. - Floating-point numbers: writtien using a decinal point, must be at least one digit before and after the decimal point.
- Atoms: constants that represent something's name, very much like Ruby's symbol.
:"long name atom"
is a atom that has value"long name atom"
, two atoms with same name will always compare as being equal. - Ranges: represented as
with integers. - Regular expressions: written as
, Elixir regular expression support is provided by PCRE which basically provides a Perl 5-compatible syntax for patterns. Regular expressions is manipulated byRegex
module ~r{[aeiou]}, "caterpillar"
/Regex.scan ~r{[aeiou]}, "caterpillar"
=>[["a"], ["e"], ["i"], ["a"]]
/Regex.split ~r{[aeiou]}, "caterpillar"
=>["c", "t", "rp", "ll", "r"]
/Regex.replace ~r{[aeiou]}, "caterpillar", "*"
- Arbitrary-sized integers: can be written as decimal
- System types:
- PIDs and ports: PID is reference to local or remote process, port is reference to a resource that you'll be reading or writing. A new PID is created when spawn a new process. PID of current process is available by calling
. - References:
function creates a globally unique reference; no other reference will be equal to it. (this book does not use references)
- PIDs and ports: PID is reference to local or remote process, port is reference to a resource that you'll be reading or writing. A new PID is created when spawn a new process. PID of current process is available by calling
- Collection types: Elixir collections can hold values of any type, including other collections.
- Tuples: A tuple is an immutable ordered collection of values, written with curly bracket like
{ 1, 2 }
. Typical tuple has 2~4 elements, more than 4 elements you need then you'll probably want to usemaps
. It is common for functions to return a tuple where the first element is the atom:ok
if there were no errors like{status, file} ="mix.exs")
=>{:ok, #PID<0.39.0>}
, and common idiom to use tuple match assumed success operation. - Lists: Although the syntax
[1, 2, 3]
looks like Array, it is not. Tuples is the closest type compares to Ruby Array in Elixir. A list is effectively a linked data structure, either be empty or consisit of a head and a tail. The head contains a value and the tail is itself a list. List are easy to traverse linearly, and expensive to access in random order. List has some operators like:++
(membership).- Keyword List: Writing
[name: "Ravi", city: "Taipei", likes: "Ruby"]
will converts into a list[{:name, "Ravi"}, {:city, "Taipei"}, {:likes, "Ruby"}]
. Elixir allows to leave off the[]
if keyword list is the last argument in a function call. And can also leave off the brackets if keyword list appears as the last item in any context where a list of values is expected.[1, name: 1, key: 2]
=>[1, {:name, 1}, {:key, 2}]
/{1, name: 1, key: 2}
=>{1, [name: 1, key: 2]}
- Keyword List: Writing
- Maps: a collection of key/value pairs, written like
%{ key => value, key => value }
. Key can be strings, tuples, atoms, expressions, etc. Although typically the keys in a map are same type, that isn't required to be so. If the key is an atom, can use same shortcut in keyword list. Maps allows only one entry for a particular key, whereas keyword lists allow the key to be repeated. Maps are efficient and can be used in patten matching. In general, use keyword lists for things as command-line parameters and for passing around options, and use maps when you want an associative array. Accessing the value in maps with[]
, if the key is a atom, can usea_map[:atom_key]
, if there's no matching key when use dot notation will raiseKeyError
. - Binaries: binary literals are enclosed between
. Binaries are both important and arcane. They’re important because Elixir uses them to represent UTF strings. They’re arcane because, at least initially, you’re unlikely to use them directly.
- Tuples: A tuple is an immutable ordered collection of values, written with curly bracket like
- Dates and Times: There are two date/time types
, the naive version contains just a date and a time,DateTime
adds the ability to associate a timezone.~N[...]
sigil constructsNaiveDateTime
structs. If you are using dates and times in your code, you'll want to augment these build-in types with 3rd party library like Lau Taarnskov’s Calendar library- Date type: holds a year, month, day, and a reference to the ruling calandar., 2, 5)
=>{:ok, ~D[2017-2-5]}
- Time type: contains an hour, minute, second, and fractions of a second. The fraction is stored as a tuple containing microseconds and the number of significant digits.
t =, 34, 56)
=>{:ok, ~T[12:34:56]}
,inpect t, structs: false
=>"{:ok, %{__struct__: Time, hour: 12, microsecond: {780000, 2}, minute: 34, second: 56}}"
- Date type: holds a year, month, day, and a reference to the ruling calandar.
- Function types:
- talk in next chapters
Elixir identifiers consist of upper- and lowercase ASCII characters, digits, and underscores. They may end with a question or an exclamation mark.
Module, record, protocol, and behavior names use CamelCase. All other identifiers use snake_case. If the first character is an underscore, Elixir doesn't report warning if the variable is unused.
Source files are written in UTF-8, but identifiers use only ASCII.
By convention, source file use two space for nesting just like Ruby. Single line comment start with #
like Ruby as well.
Very much like Ruby, Elixir has true
, false
, and nil
values related to boolean operations. All three values are alias for atoms of the same name. In most contexts, any value other than false
or nil
is treated as true
a === b # strict equalty
a !== b # strict inequalty
a == b # value equalty
a != b # value inequalty
a > b # normal comparison
a >= b # normal comparison
a < b # normal comparison
a <= b # normal comparison
The ordering comparisons in Elixir are less strict than in many languages, as you can compare values of different types. If the types are the same or are compatible (for example, 3 > 2
or 3.0 < 5
), the comparison uses natural ordering. Otherwise comparison is based on type according to this rule:
number < atom < reference < function < port < pid < tuple < map < list < binary
# strict operators: expects true or false as their first argument.
a or b
a and b
not a
# relax operators: values apart from false or nil being interpreted as true
a || b
a && b
Integer division yields a floating-point result. Use div(a,b)
to get an integer.
is the remainder operator. It is called as a function rem(11, 3)
=> 2
. It differs from normal modulo operations in that the result will have the same sign as the function’s first argument.
binary1 <> binary2 # concatenates two binaries
list1 ++ list2 # concatenates two lists
list1 -- list2 # removes elements of list2 from a copy of list1
a in enum
tests if a
is included in enum like list, range, or map (for map, a should be a {key, value} tuple), returning boolean as result.
Elixir is lexically scoped. The basic unit of scoping is the function body. Variables defined in a function (including its parameters) are local to that function. In addition, modules define a scope for local variables, but these are only accessible at the top level of that module, and not in functions defined in the module.
Several Elixir structures also define their own scope, like for
and with
expression serves double duty. First, it allows you to define a local scope for variables: if you need a couple of temporary variables when calculating something, and don’t want those variables to leak out into the wider scope, use with. Second, it gives you some control over pattern matching failures.
# /etc/passwd
_installassistant:*:25:25:Install Assistant:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false
_lp:*:26:26:Printing Services:/var/spool/cups:/usr/bin/false
_postfix:*:27:27:Postfix Mail Server:/var/spool/postfix:/usr/bin/false
# basic-types/with-scope.exs
content = "Now is the time"
lp = with {:ok, file} ="/etc/passwd"),
content =, :all),
:ok = File.close(file),
[_, uid, gid] ={_lp:.*?:(\d+):(\d+)}, content)
"Group: #{gid}, User: #{uid}"
IO.puts lp #=> Group: 26, User: 26
IO.puts content #=> Now is the time
The with
expression lets us work with what are effectively temporary variables as we open the file, read its content, close it, and search for the line we want. The value of the with is the value of its do
The content
within with
scope does not affect the content
in the outer scope.
is simple match, if failed will raise MatchError
. When use <-
instead of =
in a with
expression, it performs a match, but returns the value that couldn't be matched.
with [a|_] <- [1, 2, 3], do: a
=> 1
with [a|_] <- nil, do: a
=> nil
# basic-types/use-nonmatch-handle.exs
result = with {:ok, file} ="/etc/passwd"),
content =, :all),
:ok = File.close(file),
[_, uid, gid] <-{xxx:.*?:(\d+):(\d+)}, content)
"Group: #{gid}, User: #{uid}"
IO.puts inspect(result) #=> nil
When we try to match the user xxx
returns nil
. This causes the match to fail, and the nil
becomes the value of the with
is treated by Elixir as if it were a call to a function or macro, correct syntax for with
could be written as:
# put first argument in same line
mean = with count = Enum.count(values),
sum = Enum.cum(values)
# use parentheses
mean = with(
count = Enum.count(values),
sum = Enum.sum(values)
# do can use shortcut like
mean = with count = Enum.count(values),
sum = Enum.cum(values)
do: sum/count
The basis of programming is transforming data. Functions are the little engines that perform that transformation. They are at the very heart of Elixir.
An anonymous function is created using the fn keyword.
parameter-list -> body
parameter-list -> body
sum = fn (a, b) -> a + b end
sum.(1, 2) #=> 3
sum = fn (a, b) -> a + b end
assigns an anonymous function to sum
variable, and sum.(1, 2)
invoke the function with argument 1
and 2
. Noted that we don't use a dot for named function calls.
If functions takes no arguments, still need parentheses to call it
greet = fn -> IO.puts "Hello" end
greet.() #=> Hello
Parentheses can be omitted in function definition
multiple = fn a, b -> a * b end
miltiple.(4, 5) #=> 20
nintynine = fn -> 99 end
nintynine.() #=> 99
A single function definition lets you define different implementations depending on the type and contents of the arguments passed by pattern matching.
handle_open = fn
{:ok, file} -> "Read data: #{, :line)}"
{_, error} -> "Error: #{:file.format_error(error)}"
handle_open.("nonexistent")) #=> "Error: no such file or directory"
We can use elixir handle_open.exs
to run the source file. For files we want to compile and use later, will employ the .ex
fun1 = fn -> fn -> "Hello" end end
fun2 = fn ->
fn ->
fun1.().() #=> "Hello"
fun2.().() #=> "Hello"
greeter = fn name -> (fn -> "Hello, #{name}" end) end
greeter.("Joe").() #=> "Hello, Joe"
ravi_greeter = greeter.("Ravi")
ravi_greeter.() #=> "Hello, Ravi"
Elixir automatically carry with them the bindings of variables in the scope in which they are defined. In our example, the variable
is bound in the scope of the outer function. When the inner function is defined, it inherits this scope and carries the binding ofname
around with it. This is a closure - the scope encloses the bindings of its variables, packaging them into something that can be saved and used later.
add_n = fn n -> fn other -> n + other end end
add_two = add_n.(2)
add_five = add_n.(5)
add_two.(3) #=> 5
add_five.(7) #=> 12
times_2 = fn n -> n * 2 end
apply = fn (function, value) -> function.(value) end
apply.(times_2, 23) #=> 46
The build-in
module has a function calledmap
. It takes two arguments: a collection and a function. It returns a list that is the result of applying that function to each element of the collection.
list = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9], fn ele -> ele * 2 end) #=> [2, 6, 10, 14, 18], fn ele -> ele * ele end) #=> [1, 9, 25, 49, 81], fn ele -> rem(ele, 2) == 0) #=> [false, false, false, false, false]
is_odd? = fn ele -> rem(ele, 2) === 0 end, fn ele -> is_odd?.(ele) end) #=> [false, false, false, false, false]
The pin operator ^
allows us to use the current value of a variable in a pattern.
In below example, Greeter.for
function returns a function with two heads. The first head matches when its first parameter is the value of the name passed to for
defmodule Greeter do
def for(name, greeting) do
(^name) -> "#{greeting} #{name}"
(_) -> "I don't know you"
ms_ravi = Greeter.for("Ravi", "Ola!")
IO.puts ms_ravi.("Ravi") #=> "Ola! Ravi"
IO.puts ms_ravi.("Liwei") #=> "I don't know you"
operator converts the expression that follows into a function. Inside that expression, the placeholders&1
, and so on correspond to the first, second, and subsequent parameters of the function.
add_one = &(&1 + 1) # same as add_one = fn n -> n + 1 end
square = &(&1 * &1) # same as square = fn n -> n * n end
are operators in Elixir, literal lists and tuples can also be turned into functions.
divrem = &{ div(&1, &2), rem(&1, &2) }
divrem.(13, 5) #=> {2, 3}
There’s a second form of the
function capture operator. You can give it the name and arity (number of parameters) of an existing function, and it will return an anonymous function that calls it. The arguments you pass to the anonymous function will in turn be passed to the named function.
l = &length/1
l.([1, 2, 3, 4]) #=> 4
p = &IO.puts/1
p.("Hello, world") #=> "Hello, world"
m = &Kernel.min/2
m.(101, 99) #=> 99
Use &
to shorcut passing function to other functions:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &(&1 + 1)) #=> [2, 3, 4, 5, 6][1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &(&1 * &1)) #=> [1, 4, 9, 16, 25][1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &(&1 < 3)) #=> [true, true, false, false, false][1, 2, 3, 4], &(&1 + 2)) #=> [3, 4, 5, 6][1, 2, 3, 4], &(IO.inspect(&1)))
When the project goes bigger, you can organize the code by breaking lines into named functions and organize these functions into modules.
# mm/times.exs
defmodule Times do
def double(n) do
n * 2
You can then compile the mm/times.exs
within iex with c "mm/times.exs"
c "mm/times.exs"
=> [Times]
=> 12
=> ** (ArithmeticError) bad argument in arithmetic expression
=> mm/times.exs:3: Times.double/1
In Elixir a named function is identified by both its name and its number of parameters (its arity). Our
function takes one parameter, so Elixir knows it asdouble/1
. If we had another version ofdouble
that took three parameters, it would be known asdouble/3
. These two functions are totally separate as far as Elixir is concerned. But from a human perspective, you’d imagine that if two functions have the same name they are somehow related, even if they have a different number of parameters. For that reason, don’t use the same name for two functions that do unrelated things.
The do..end
block is one way of grouping expressions and passing them to other code, however, do..end
is just syntax sugar. The actual syntax looks like this: def double(n), do: n * 2
You can passing multiple lines to do:
by grouping them with parenthesis:
def greet(greeting, name), do: (
IO.puts greeting
IO.puts "How are you doing, #{name}?"
Typically people use do..end
for multiple lines, do: ..
for single line block.
defmodule Times do
def double(n), do: n * 2
def triple(n), do: n * 3
def quadruple(n), do: double(n * 2)
In anonymous function we write the pattern by clause, in named functions, we write the function multiple times, each time with its own parameter list and body. When calling a named function, Elixir tries to match the arguments with the parameter list of the first definition, if it is not matched, Elixir tries the next definition of same function, it continues until it runs out of candidates.
defmodule Factorial do
def of(0), do: 1
def of(n), do: n * of(n - 1)
Above implementation is a simple recursion version of n!
, the desired result is like 3! = 3 * 2 * 1
And the function works like this:
# keep recursing with the second matched clause
=> (3 * Factorial.of(2))
=> (3 * (2 * Factorial.of(1)))
=> (3 * (2 * (1 * Factorial.of(0))))
# until the Factorial.of(0) match the first pattern
=> (3 * (2 * (1 * 1)))
The order of pattern is important, Elixir match the pattern from top to down, so below order won't work:
# mm/broken-factorial.exs
defmodule Factorial do
def of(n), do: n * of(n - 1)
def of(0), do: 1
One more thing: when you have multiple implementations of the same function, they should be adjacent in the source file.
Other examples for the simple recursion implementation:
# mm/sum.exs
defmodule Sum do
def from(1), do: 1
def from(n), do: n + from(n - 1)
# mm/greatest_common_divisor.exs
defmodule GeatestCommonDivisor do
def gcd(x, 0), do: x
def gcd(x, y), do: gcd(y, rem(x, y))
If we need to dintinguish based on parameter's types or on some test involving their values, use guard clauses by using when
keyword that attaching predicates to a function. Elixir first check the conventional parameter-based matching and evaluates any when
predicates, the block only executed when at least one predicate is true.
# mm/guard.exs
defmodule Guard do
def what_is(x) when is_number(x), do: IO.puts "#{x} is a number"
def what_is(x) when is_list(x), do: IO.puts "#{inspect(x)} is a list"
def what_is(x) when is_atom(x), do: IO.puts "#{x} is an atom"
- Comparison operators:
- Boolean and hegation operators:
(Note that||
is not allowed!) - Arithmetic operators:
- Join operators:
as long as the left side is a literal - The
operator - Type-check functions:
- Other functions:
,div(number, number)
,elem(tuple, n)
,rem(number, number)
More functions, check out docs
Similar to the Ruby def function_name(argument = "default_value"); end
feature, Elixit use param \\ value
syntax like def func(arg1, arg2 \\ "default_value"), do: IO.inspect [arg1, arg2]
defmodule DefaultParams1 do
def func(p1, p2 \\ 2, p3 \\ 3), do: IO.inspect [p1, p2, p3]
def func(p1, p2), do: IO.inspect [p1, p2]
# Will get compile Error:
# => ** (CompileError) default_params.exs:7: def func/2 conflicts with
# defaults from def func/4
# Need to add a function head with no body that contains the
# default paramters if you have multiple clause for same function
defmodule DefaultParams2 do
def func(p1, p2 \\ 2)
def func(p1, p2) when is_list(p1), do: "You said #{p2} with a list"
def func(p1, p2), do: "You passed in #{p1} and #{p2}"
# mm/chop.exs
defmodule Chop do
def guess(number, first..last), do: guess_number(number, first..last, get_current_number(first..last))
def guess_number(number, _, current_number) when current_number == number do
IO.puts "#{number}"
def guess_number(number, first..last, current_number) when current_number > number do
IO.puts "It is #{current_number}"
guess_number(number, first..current_number, get_current_number(first..current_number))
def guess_number(number, first..last, current_number) when current_number < number do
IO.puts "It is #{current_number}"
guess_number(number, current_number..last, get_current_number(current_number..last))
def get_current_number(first..last) do: div(last - first, 2) + first
The defp
defines a private function, which can only be called within the module that declares it.
Definition of multiple head should be same, they should all be public or private functio. Below code is not valid:
def fun(a) when is_list(a), do: true
defp fun(a), do: false
# Although we can write
people = DB.find_customers
orders = Orders.for_customers(people)
tax = sales_tax(orders, 2016)
filing = prepare_filing(tax)
# Elixir has better way with |>
filing = DB.find_customers
|> Orders.for_customers
|> sales_tax(2016)
|> prepare_filing
The |>
takes the result of the expression to its left and inserts it as the first parameter of the function invocation to its right.
val |> f(a, b)
is basically the same as calling f(val, a, b)
Let me repeat that—you should always use parentheses around function parameters in pipelines.
Modules provide namespaces for things you define. If you want to reference a function defined in a module from outside that module, will need to prefix the reference with the module's name. Don't need to prefix module name if code references something inside the same module as itself.
Elixir programmeers use nested modules to impose structure for readability and reuse. To access a function in a nested module from the outside scope, prefix it with all the module names. To access it within the containing module, use either the fully qualified name or just the inner module name as a prefix.
defmodule Outer do
defmodule Inner do
def inner_func do
def outer_func do
Module nesting in Elixir is an illusion - all modules are defined at the top level. Elixir simply prepends the outer module name to the inner module name, putting a dot between the two, we can directly define a nested module.
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Doctest do
def run do
There's no particular relationship between the modules Mix
and Mix.Tasks.Doctest
Elixir has three directievs working with modules, they all executed as the programe runs, the effect of all three directives is lexically scoped, it starts at the point the directive is encountered, and stops at the end of the enclosing scope. That means the directive in a module definition takes effect from the place you wrote it until the end of the module; a directive in a function definition runs to the end of that function.
brings a module's functions and/or macros into current scope. For example, if you import the flatten
function from the List
module, you'd be able to call it in your code without having to specify the module name.
# mm/import.exs
defmodule Example do
def func1 do
List.flatten [1, [2, 3], 4]
def func2 do
import List, only: [flatten: 1]
flatten [5, [6, 7], 8]
Full syntax of import
is: import Module [, only:|except: ]
The optional second parameter lets you import a subset of functions or macros from the module. Write only:
or except:
followed by a list of name: arity
pairs, ex: import List, only: [ flatten: 1, duplicate: 2 ]
creates an alias for a module, like:
defmodule Example do
def compile_and_go(source) do
alias My.Other.Module.Parser, as: Parser
alias My.Other.Module.Runner, as: Runner
|> Parser.parse()
|> Runner.execute()
The as:
parameters default to the last part of the module name, we could also write this: alias My.Other.Module.{Parser, Runner}
You require
a module if you want to use any macros it defines.
Elixir modules each have associated metadata, each item of metadata is called an attribute of the module and is identified by a name. Inside a module, you can access these attributes by prefixing the name with an @
sign. Giving an attribute a value by syntax: @name value
Giving value to attribute only works at the top level of a module, you can't set an attribute inside a function definition, only accessing attributes is allowed.
defmodule Example do
@author "Ravi Wu"
def get_author do
Attribute can be set multiple times.
defmodule Example do
@attr "one"
def first, do: @attr
@attr "two"
def second, do: @attr
IO.puts "#{Example.second} #{Example.first}" #=> two one
Module attributes are not variables in the conventional sense, use them only for configuration and metadata. (Many Elixir programmers employ them where Java or Ruby programmers might use as constants.)
Module names are just atoms, when you write a name starting with an uppercase letter, such as IO
, Elixir converts it internally into an atom called Elixir.IO
is_atom IO
#=> true
to_string IO
#=> "Elixir.IO"
:"Elixir.IO" === IO
#=> true
Hence call to a function in a module is really an atom followed by a dot followed by the function name. We can call functions like:
IO.puts 123
#=> 123
:"Elixir.IO".puts 123
#=> 123
Erlang conventions for names are different, variables start with an uppercase letter and atoms are simple lowercase names. For example, the Erlang module timer
is called just timer
, if you want to refer the tc
function in Erlang lib timer
in Elixir, you'd write
Elixir libraries:
Erlang libraries:
We could represent the split between the head and tail using a |
, a list may either be empty or consist of a head and a tail, the head contains a value and the tail is itself a list, recursively.
[ 1 | [ 2 | [ 3 | [] ] ] ]
=> [1, 2, 3]
[ head | tail ] = [1, 2, 3]
=> [1, 2, 3]
=> 1
=> [2, 3]
Understanding the List's recursive structure, we can now construct our own len()
function to count the element amount in a given List:
defmodule MyList do
def len([]), do: 0
def len([_head|tail]), do: 1 + len(tail)
Building a List Iterator function is straight forward under the recursive approach:
defmodule MyList do
def square([]), do: []
def square([ head | tail ]), do: [ head * head | square(tail) ]
defmodule MyList do
def map([], _func), do: []
def map([ head | tail ], func), do: [ func.(head) | map(tail, func) ]
end[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], fn (n) -> n*n end)
#=> [1, 4, 9, 16, 25][1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &(&1 + 1))
#=> [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
If there's any value that should be tracked during recursion, it's possible to achieve by passing the state in function's parameter.
defmodule MyList do
def sum(list), do: _sum(list, 0)
defp _sum([], total), do: total
defp _sum([ head | tail ], total), do: _sum(tail, head + total)
# sum without an accumulator
defmodule MyList do
def sum([]), do: 0
def sum([ head | tail ]), do: head + sum(tail)
defmodule MyList do
def reduce([], value, _func) do
def reduce([ head | tail ], value, func) do
reduce(tail, func.(head, value), func)
# mapsum(list, func)
defmodule MyList do
def mapsum([], _), do: 0
def mapsum([ head | tail ], func), do: func.(head) + mapsum(tail, func)
# max(list)
defmodule MyList do
def max([ head | [] ]), do: head
def max([ head | tail ]) do
[second | remain_tail] = tail
max([_max(head, second) | remain_tail])
defp _max(a, b) when a >= b, do: a
defp _max(a, b) when a < b, do: b
# caesar(list, n)
defmodule MyList do
def caesar([], _), do: []
def caesar([ head | tail ], n), do: [_encrypt(head, n) | caesar(tail, n)]
def _encrypt([char | []], n) when char + n >= 'z', do: [63]
def _encrypt([char | []], n) when char + n < 'z', do: [char]