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Created March 5, 2010 00:48
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(ns shoutbox
(:use compojure
(mongo! :db "shoutbox")
(defn save-shout [s]
(insert! :shouts
{:text s}))
(defn shout-div [s]
[:div (s :text)])
(defn new-shout [s]
(do (save-shout s)
(redirect-to "/")))
(defn shouts-page []
(doctype :html4)
[:title "shoutbox"]]
(form-to [:post "/"]
(text-field :shout)
(submit-button "shout it"))
(map shout-div (fetch :shouts))]]]]))
(defroutes webservice
(GET "/"
(POST "/"
(new-shout (:shout params))))
(run-server {:port 8080}
"/*" (servlet webservice))
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