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Last active January 15, 2022 19:44
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SH_LIBPATH bootstrap
# shellcheck shell=ksh
# If SH_LIBPATH is not set or null, then we try to build it
if [ -z "${SH_LIBPATH+x}" ] || [ "${#SH_LIBPATH}" -eq "0" ]; then
for _path in /usr/local/lib/sh "${HOME}"/.local/lib/sh; do
[ -d "${_path}" ] && SH_LIBPATH="${SH_LIBPATH}:${_path}"
unset -v _path
# Remove any leading colons from the construction process and export
_is_lib_loaded() {
_lib="${1:?No library defined}"
[ -z "${SH_LIBS_LOADED##*"$_lib"*}" ] && [ -n "${SH_LIBS_LOADED}" ]
unset -v _lib
# Try to convert a relative path to an absolute one
# A slightly adjusted version sourced from
get_absolute_path() {
_parentdir=$(dirname "${_filename}")
# We only act further if the file actually exists
[ -e "${_filename}" ] || return 1
if [ -d "${_filename}" ]; then
printf -- '%s\n' "$(cd "${_filename}" && pwd)"
elif [ -d "${_parentdir}" ]; then
printf -- '%s\n' "$(cd "${_parentdir}" && pwd)/$(basename "${_filename}")"
unset -v _filename _parentdir
# Function to work through a list of commands and/or files
# and fail on any unmet requirements. Example usage:
# requires curl sed awk /etc/someconf.cfg
requires() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2048
for _item in ${*}; do
# First, is this a variable check?
# There has to be a cleaner/safer way to do this
case "${1}" in
_key="${_item%%=*}" # Everything left of the first '='
_val="${_item#*=}" # Everything right of the first '='
eval [ \$"${_key}" = "${_val}" ] && continue
# Next, try to determine if it's a command
command -v "${_item}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue
# Next, see if it's an executable file e.g. a script to call
[ -x ./"${_item}" ] && continue
# Next, let's see if it's a library in SH_LIBPATH
for _lib in ${SH_LIBPATH//://$_item }/${_item}; do
[ -r "${_lib}" ] && continue
# Next, let's see if it's a readable file e.g. a cfg file to load
[ -r "${_item}" ] && continue
# If we get to this point, add it to our list of failures
_failures="${_failures} ${_item}"
# Strip any leading space from the construction of _failures
_failures="${_failures# }"
# If we have no failures, then no news is good news - return quietly
if [ "${#_failures}" -eq "0" ]; then
unset -v _item _failures _lib
return 0
# Otherwise, we error out and exit immediately
printf -- '%s\n' "The following requirements were not met" "${_failures}" >&2
unset -v _item _failures _lib
exit 1
# We want SH_LIBPATH to be expanded for printf
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
import() {
_target="${1:?No target specified}"
# If it's already loaded, then skip
#_is_lib_loaded "${target}" && return 0
for _lib in ${SH_LIBPATH//://$_target }/${_target}; do
if [ -r "${_lib}" ]; then
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
. "${_lib}"
unset -v _target _lib
return 0
unset -v _target _lib
return 1
# Sometimes you might want to load a file only if it exists,
# but otherwise it's not critical and your script can move on.
wants() {
_fstarget="${1:?No target specified}"
if [ -e "${_fstarget}" ]; then
if [ -r "${_fstarget}" ]; then
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
. "${_fstarget}"
unset -v _fstarget
printf -- '%s\n' "${_fstarget} exists but isn't readable" >&2
unset -v _fstarget
return 1
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