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Last active December 27, 2019 20:35
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Setup the glow markdown viewer
# Functionalise 'command -v' to allow 'if get_command [command]' idiom
get_command() { command -v "${1}" &>/dev/null; }
# TO-DO: Update environment to ensure a sane $ARCH variable
# This will allow us to make this portable to various arm implementations
setup_glow() {
# If it's already present, there's nothing to do here
if get_command glow; then
printf -- '%s\n' "'glow' already exists in PATH"
return 0
# Otherwise, check for our required commands
for command in curl jq; do
if ! get_command "${command}"; then
printf -- '%s\n' "setup_glow(): '${command}' required but not found in PATH"
return 1
case "$(uname -s)" in
# OSX without 'brew'? I don't need that kind of negativity in my life.
if ! get_command brew; then
printf -- '%s\n' "setup_glow(): 'brew' is required but not found in PATH"
return 1
brew install charmbracelet/homebrew-tap/glow
# Setup this helper function
get_glow_target() {
curl -s |
jq -r --arg url_test "${1:?No target specified}" '
| select(.browser_download_url | test($url_test))
| .browser_download_url'
cd /tmp || return 1
if get_command dpkg; then
target_url="$(get_glow_target linux_amd64.deb)"
printf -- '%s\n' "Downloading ${target_url}..."
curl -sLO "${target_url}"
sudo dpkg -i glow_*_linux_amd64.deb
elif get_command rpm; then
target_url="$(get_glow_target linux_amd64.rpm)"
printf -- '%s\n' "Downloading ${target_url}..."
curl -sLO "${target_url}"
sudo rpm -ivh glow_*_linux_amd64.rpm
target_url="$(get_glow_target linux_x86_64.tar.gz)"
printf -- '%s\n' "Downloading ${target_url}..."
curl -sLO "${target_url}"
tar xzf glow_*_x86_64.tar.gz glow
sudo install -g root -o root -m 755 glow /usr/local/bin
rm -f glow
rm -f glow_*_linux_*
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