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Created March 11, 2015 01:54
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Single Variate Hierarchical- PyMC
Bayesian Statistics and Marketing: Rossi, Allenby, McCullough
Section 3.7
This is a remarkably poorly defined model. Almost better off going
straight for the deep wizardry on his code than dicking with the
text. (At least for model definition, because the code is crap too.)
The 'cheese' data set has 5555 observations of 88 retailers.
For each observation there are VOLUME, DISP, PRICE, this is
all weekly and (theoretically) there are 65 weeks for each
VOLUME: Presumable units of volume
DISP: The percentage of units on display
PRICE: The unit price
Y = ln(VOLUME)
Given X, Y
Y[i] = X_i * beta_i + err_i
err_i ~ N( 0, sigma2_i )
sigma2_i = the std_dev of the ith group
I_n_i ~ Uniform(0, 15) (intercept?)
beta_i ~ delta[i]*X[i] + v_i
v_i ~ N( 0, Var( group ) )
delta_i ~ Normal(delta_bar, delta_var)
delta_var ~ Uniform(0, 15) <- NO LOGIC TO THESE PRIORS RIGHT NOW
delta_bar ~ Uniform(0, 15)
In other words: You have a big regression, but each group has its own
unique beta estimate (variance is V).
import pymc as pm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pprint import pprint
import pandas as pd
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
r= robjects.r
import pandas.rpy.common as com
cheese = com.load_data("cheese", package='bayesm')
X_data = np.log(cheese['PRICE'])
Y_data = np.log(cheese['VOLUME'])
stores = list(cheese['RETAILER'].unique())
N = len(cheese['RETAILER'])
fixed_fx = pm.Normal('fixed_fx', mu=0, tau= X_data.var() )
X = pm.Normal('X', mu= X_data.mean(), tau= X_data.var(), value=X_data.values, observed=True )
random_fx = np.empty(N, dtype=object)
local_err = np.empty(N, dtype=object)
for store in stores:
index = (cheese['RETAILER']==store).values
local_var= X_data[index].var()
random_fx[index]= pm.Normal('random_fx_%s' % store, mu= 0, tau= local_var)
local_err[index]= pm.Uniform('local_err_%s' % store, lower= 0, upper=500, value= local_var)
def beta(fixed_fx= fixed_fx, random_fx= random_fx):
return fixed_fx + random_fx
def y_hat(beta= beta, X= X, local_err= local_err):
return beta * X + local_err
err = pm.Uniform('err', lower=0, upper=500)
Y = pm.Normal('Y', mu=y_hat, tau=err, value=Y_data.values, observed=True) #
model = pm.MCMC([Y, beta, local_err, random_fx, X, fixed_fx, err])
plot_data= model.trace('local_err_ROANOKE (NEW) - KROGER CO')[:]
plot_data= model.trace('random_fx_ROANOKE (NEW) - KROGER CO')[:]
plt.hist(plot_data, color='c', bins=np.arange(min(plot_data), max(plot_data) + binwidth, binwidth))
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