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Last active September 6, 2017 01:53
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Elixir is Awesome
defmodule UserService.Http.Endpoints.Login do
@moduledoc """
<Purged for Gist>
use Plug.Builder
use Eidetic.CommandBus, command: UserService.User.Commands.Login
alias UserService.User
def index(connection) do
%{"email" => email, "password" => password} = connection.body_params
message = case run_command(email, password) do
{:logged_in, user = %User{}, jwt}
-> %{success: :true, jwt: jwt}
error when error in [
-> %{success: :false, message: error}
-> %{success: :false, message: "Exceptional Error. No idea what happened :smile:"
send_resp(connection, 200, message)
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