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Created November 28, 2016 23:54
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My yabar config (.config/yabar/yabar.conf)
bar-list = ["topbar"];
topbar: {
// List of all blocks
block-list: ["workspaces", "space", "title", "cpu", "memory", "network", "date"];
font: "Droid Sans Mono 8"
// set monitor if you wish:
// monitor: "HDMI-1";
position: "bottom";
height: 25;
background-color-argb: 0x80000000;
// background-color-nowindow-argb: 0x00000000;
underline-size: 5;
overline-size: 0;
slack-size: 0;
workspaces: {
internal-option1: "web term 3 4"
align: "left";
justify: "center";
type: "persist";
fixed-size: 100;
background-color-rgb: 0x303030;
underline-color-rgb: 0x242424;
// underline-color-rgb: 0xC62828;
space: {
exec: "echo";
align: "left";
fixed-size: 30;
type: "once";
background-color-argb: 0x80000000;
title: {
exec: "YABAR_TITLE";
align: "left";
justify: "left";
fixed-size: 1210;
type: "persist";
variable-size: false; // Save some space...;
background-color-argb: 0x80000000;
battery: {
internal-option1: "BAT0";
internal-option2: "";
internal-suffix: "%";
internal-spacing: true;
align: "right";
fixed-size: 180;
type: "periodic";
interval: 3;
background-color-rgb: 0x689F38;
underline-color-rgb: 0x33691E;
// underline-color-rgb: 0x689F38;
cpu: {
exec: "YABAR_CPU";
internal-prefix: " ";
internal-suffix: "%";
internal-spacing: false;
align: "right";
fixed-size: 100;
type: "periodic";
interval: 2;
background-color-rgb: 0x303030;
underline-color-rgb: 0x242424;
// underline-color-rgb: 0xF57C00;
memory: {
internal-prefix: " ";
internal-spacing: true;
align: "right";
fixed-size: 100;
type: "periodic";
interval: 1;
background-color-rgb: 0x242424;
underline-color-rgb: 0x202020;
// underline-color-rgb: 0xEF6C00;
network: {
internal-prefix: "";
internal-spacing: true;
internal-option1: "enp2s0";
internal-option2: " ";
align: "right";
fixed-size: 180;
type: "periodic";
interval: 2;
background-color-rgb: 0x202020;
underline-color-rgb: 0x161616;
// underline-color-rgb: 0x0097A7;
date: {
exec: "YABAR_DATE";
internal-option1: "%a %d %b, %I:%M";
internal-prefix: "";
align: "right";
fixed-size: 200;
type: "periodic";
interval: 1;
background-color-rgb: 0x161616;
underline-color-rgb: 0x121212;
// underline-color-rgb: 0x00838F;
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