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Last active April 23, 2018 17:54
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Content Aware Cropping Using a Neural Net

Photographers wade through thousands of photos every shoot, and some crops are far from optimal. A smart crop tool can assist these photographers, provide a baseline for them to work from, and automate the crops for many photos.

Reading trained network weights

A good algorithm for finding objects in photos is the YOLO algorithm (You Only Look Once). A pretrained network that works well is the darknet network by Joseph Chet Redmon. This can be imported into Mathematica as a binary file through this code 1:

leayReLU[alpha_] := ElementwiseLayer[Ramp[#] - alpha*Ramp[-#] &]

(* You Only Look Once *)
  NetChain[{ElementwiseLayer[2.*# - 1. &], 
    ConvolutionLayer[16, 3, "PaddingSize" -> 1], leayReLU[0.1], 
    PoolingLayer[2, "Stride" -> 2], 
    ConvolutionLayer[32, 3, "PaddingSize" -> 1], leayReLU[0.1], 
    PoolingLayer[2, "Stride" -> 2], 
    ConvolutionLayer[64, 3, "PaddingSize" -> 1], leayReLU[0.1], 
    PoolingLayer[2, "Stride" -> 2], 
    ConvolutionLayer[128, 3, "PaddingSize" -> 1], leayReLU[0.1], 
    PoolingLayer[2, "Stride" -> 2], 
    ConvolutionLayer[256, 3, "PaddingSize" -> 1], leayReLU[0.1], 
    PoolingLayer[2, "Stride" -> 2], 
    ConvolutionLayer[512, 3, "PaddingSize" -> 1], leayReLU[0.1], 
    PoolingLayer[2, "Stride" -> 2], 
    ConvolutionLayer[1024, 3, "PaddingSize" -> 1], leayReLU[0.1], 
    ConvolutionLayer[1024, 3, "PaddingSize" -> 1], leayReLU[0.1], 
    ConvolutionLayer[1024, 3, "PaddingSize" -> 1], leayReLU[0.1], 
    FlattenLayer[], LinearLayer[256], LinearLayer[4096], 
    leayReLU[0.1], LinearLayer[1470]}, 
   "Input" -> NetEncoder[{"Image", {488, 488}}]]

modelWeights[net_, data_] := 
 Module[{newnet, as, weightPos, rule, layerIndex, linearIndex}, 
  layerIndex = 
     NetExtract[net, All], _ConvolutionLayer | _LinearLayer]];
  linearIndex = 
   Flatten[Position[NetExtract[net, All], _LinearLayer]];
  as = Flatten[
    Table[{{n, "Biases"} -> 
       Dimensions@NetExtract[net, {n, "Biases"}], {n, "Weights"} -> 
       Dimensions@NetExtract[net, {n, "Weights"}]}, {n, layerIndex}], 
  weightPos = # + {1, 0} & /@ 
    Partition[Prepend[Accumulate[Times @@@ as[[All, 2]]], 0], 2, 1];
  rule = Table[
    as[[n, 1]] -> 
     ArrayReshape[Take[data, weightPos[[n]]], as[[n, 2]]], {n, 1, 
  newnet = NetReplacePart[net, rule];
  newnet = 
    Table[{n, "Weights"} -> 
       ArrayReshape[NetExtract[newnet, {n, "Weights"}], 
        Reverse@Dimensions[NetExtract[newnet, {n, "Weights"}]]], {n, 

data = BinaryReadList["tiny-yolo.weights", "Real32"][[5 ;; -1]]; (* darknet weights file *)
YOLO = modelWeights[YOLO, data];

Cropping objects

Now that we have a trained network, we can start to detect objects. However, before we can detect objects, we need a way to crop to the results. Below we have a function to convert coordinates to rectangles, and a function that checks for rectangle overlaps and deletes boxes that are below thresholds.

coordToBox[center_, boxCord_, scaling_: 1] := 
 Module[{bx, by, w, h}, bx = (center[[1]] + boxCord[[1]])/7.;
  by = (center[[2]] + boxCord[[2]])/7.;
  w = boxCord[[3]]*scaling;
  h = boxCord[[4]]*scaling;
  Rectangle[{bx - w/2, by - h/2}, {bx + w/2, by + h/2}]]

nonMaxSuppression[boxes_, overlapThreshold_, confidThreshold_] := 
 Module[{lth = Length@boxes, boxesSorted, boxi, boxj}, 
  boxesSorted = 
   GroupBy[boxes, #class &][All, SortBy[#prob &] /* Reverse];
  Do[Do[boxi = boxesSorted[[c, n]];
    If[boxi["prob"] != 0, Do[boxj = boxesSorted[[c, m]];
           RegionIntersection[boxi["coord"], boxj["coord"]]]/
          RegionMeasure[RegionUnion[boxi["coord"], boxj["coord"]]]] >=
       boxesSorted = 
        ReplacePart[boxesSorted, {c, m, "prob"} -> 0]];, {m, n + 1, 
       Length[boxesSorted[[c]]]}]], {n, 1, 
     Length[boxesSorted[[c]]]}], {c, 1, Length@boxesSorted}];
  boxesSorted[All, Select[#prob > 0 &]]]

Now we can post process our network result and use it to crop.

postProcess[img_, vec_, boxScaling_: 0.7, confidentThreshold_: 0.15, 
  overlapThreshold_: 0.4] := 
 Module[{grid, prob, confid, boxCoord, boxes, boxNonMax}, 
  grid = Flatten[Table[{i, j}, {j, 0, 6}, {i, 0, 6}], 1];
  prob = Partition[vec[[1 ;; 980]], 20];
  confid = Partition[vec[[980 + 1 ;; 980 + 98]], 2];
  boxCoord = ArrayReshape[vec[[980 + 98 + 1 ;; -1]], {49, 2, 4}];
  boxes = 
        "coord" -> 
         coordToBox[grid[[i]], boxCoord[[i, b]], boxScaling], 
        "class" -> c, 
        "prob" -> If[# <= confidentThreshold, 0, #] &@(prob[[i, c]]*
           confid[[i, b]])|>, {c, 1, 20}, {b, 1, 2}, {i, 1, 
        49}], #prob >= confidentThreshold &];
  croppedImage = 
   ImageCrop[ImageResize[img, 2500], {2500, 2500 - s}, Bottom];
  boxNonMax = 
   nonMaxSuppression[boxes, overlapThreshold, confidentThreshold];
   Show[croppedImage, ImageSize -> Large, Axes -> False, 
    Background -> Black], 
      croppedImage, {{List @@ 
           1]]*2500, (1 - 
            List @@ boxNonMax[[1]][n]["coord"][[1, 2]])*2500 - 
         s}, {List @@ 
           1]]*2500, (1 - 
            List @@ boxNonMax[[1]][n]["coord"][[2, 2]])*2500 - s}}], 
     ImageSize -> Medium, Axes -> False], {n, 
     Length[List @@ boxNonMax[[1]]]}]]]


Now we have working code! To try it out, give and image to this function:

ImageSmartCrop[i_] := (
  (* YOLO = CloudEvaluate[With[{n=Import["crop.wlnet"]},n[i]]]; *)

  d = ImageDimensions[i][[1]] - ImageDimensions[i][[2]];
  s = d/ImageDimensions[i][[1]]*2500;
  ip = ImagePad[i, {{0, 0}, {d, 0}}];
  postProcess[ip, YOLO[ip], 0.8])

And run it with any image:

i = Image[

Putting our neural network on the cloud

Mathematica 11.1 failed to put my function on the cloud; after processing for minutes and running the form for longer, the website returned "Unable to evaluate". To fix this, I exported my network to the cloud and imported it inside the code. The gist of the export was this:

file = Export[
   FileNameJoin@{$TemporaryDirectory, CreateUUID[] <> ".wlnet"}, YOLO];
CopyFile[file, CloudObject["crop.wlnet"]]

To run the net against an image, you can simply use

CloudEvaluate[With[{n = Import["crop.wlnet"]}, n[ip]]]

The website

To get the look that I wanted, I wrote the html and js myself. I added a loading animation, full page drag and drop, and inline results. You can find the full website code here.

GIF (sped up version)

Thank you for reading!


  1. Lots of importing code and some box code by xslittlegrass on StackOverflow.

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