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Created September 23, 2010 22:33
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Gmail Growl+Sound+Badge (Fluid/Fluidium SSB)
// @namespace
// @description Gmail Growl Notification with Sound Alert and Dock Badge for Fluid
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include https://**
// @author Tom Hensel
// @attribution shellshock (, Nicky Leach (
// @copyright 2010+, Tom Hensel (
// @license (CC) Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike;
// @version 0.0.3
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
if (!window.fluid) {
alert("This script is meant to be run in Fluid! You should disable it.");
// Global vars
var unreadMsgCount = 0;
var firstcheck;
var intervalcheck;
// Script options
var initialDelay = 5; // seconds to wait for the first check
var pollInterval = 7.5; // seconds to wait between checks
var priority = 1; // Growl preference
var sticky = false; // Growl preference
function growlNewMessages() {
var oldCount = unreadMsgCount;
// Locate the DIV containing the Inbox hyperlink
var frame = document.getElementById("canvas_frame");
if( frame ) {
var inboxElement = frame.contentDocument.getElementsByClassName("n0").item(0);
if (inboxElement) {
// Grab the title of the Inbox hyperlink and locate the
// unread message count
var inboxLinkTitle = inboxElement.title;
matches = inboxLinkTitle.match(/\((\d*)\)/);
if (matches) {
unreadMsgCount = matches[1];
} else {
unreadMsgCount = 0;
// If the unread message count is greater than it was the last
// time we checked, we know that we've received one or more new
// messages.
if (unreadMsgCount > oldCount) {
// Play default system alert sound (see OSX "Sound" Preferences Pane)
// Show Growl notification
title: "Gmail",
description: unreadMsgCount + " unread message(s)",
priority: priority,
sticky: sticky
// Show Badge notification
window.fluid.dockBadge = unreadMsgCount;
// If you've read some messages since the last check: Show new Badge
else if (unreadMsgCount < oldCount) {
// There are still some unread messages: Show new number
if (unreadMsgCount > 0) {
window.fluid.dockBadge = unreadMsgCount;
// All messages are read since the last check: Clear Badge
else {
window.fluid.dockBadge = "";
//Run the 1st check after [initialDelay] seconds
firstcheck = window.setTimeout(function(){growlNewMessages();}, initialDelay * 1000);
// Check for new messages every [pollInterval] seconds
intervalcheck = window.setInterval(function(){growlNewMessages();}, pollInterval * 1000);
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