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Created November 27, 2017 18:40
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Trying Cordova with Barcode Scanner Plugin and Karax
# <Araq> I don't know what to say, callbacks are not special. a Nim proc is mapped to a JS function, just pass it around
# <Araq> proc takesCallback(x: proc()) {.importc.}
# <Araq> takesCallback proc =
# <Araq> echo "my code here"
include karax / prelude
from future import `=>`
import karax / errors
CordovaGlobal* {.importc.} = ref object of RootObj
plugins*: Plugins
Plugins* {.importc.} = ref object of RootObj
barcodeScanner*: BarcodeScanner
BarcodeScanner* {.importc.} = ref object of RootObj
BarcodeScannerScanResult* {.importc, nodecl.} = ref object of RootObj
cancelled*: bool
format*: kstring
resultText*: kstring
BarcodeScannerScanOptions* {.importc.} = ref object of RootObj
preferFrontCamera*, showFlipCameraButton*, showTorchButton*, torchOn*,
disableAnimations*, disableSuccessBeep*: bool
prompt*, formats*, orientation*, : kstring
resultDisplayDuration*: int
barcodeScanOptions* = BarcodeScannerScanOptions(
preferFrontCamera: false,
showFlipCameraButton: false,
showTorchButton: false,
torchOn: false,
prompt: "Coloque una imagen QR dentro del recuadro de escaneo",
resultDisplayDuration: 0,
formats: "QR_CODE",
orientation: "portrait",
disableAnimations: true,
disableSuccessBeep: false
cordova* {.importc, nodecl.}: CordovaGlobal
proc scan*(barcode:BarcodeScanner,
success: proc(result:BarcodeScannerScanResult): void,
error: proc(error:kstring): void,
options:BarcodeScannerScanOptions): void {. importcpp: "#.scan(@)" .}
# some consts in order to prevent typos:
username = kstring"username"
password = kstring"password"
proc barcodeScanSuccessHandler(success:BarcodeScannerScanResult): void =
echo success.format
proc barcodeScanErrorHandler(error:kstring): void =
echo error
proc loginField(desc, field, class: kstring;
validator: proc (field: kstring): proc ()): VNode =
result = buildHtml(tdiv):
label(`for` = field):
text desc
input(class = class, id = field, onchange = validator(field))
proc validateNotEmpty(field: kstring): proc () =
result = proc () =
let x = getVNodeById(field)
if x.text.isNil or x.text == "":
errors.setError(field, field & " must not be empty")
errors.setError(field, "")
var loggedIn: bool
proc loginDialog(): VNode =
result = buildHtml(tdiv):
if not loggedIn:
loginField("Name :", username, "input", validateNotEmpty)
loginField("Password: ", password, "password", validateNotEmpty)
button(onclick = () => (
barcodeScanSuccessHandler, barcodeScanErrorHandler, barcodeScanOptions )
), disabled = errors.disableOnError()):
text "Login"
text errors.getError(username)
text errors.getError(password)
text "You are now logged in."
setError username, username & " must not be empty"
setError password, password & " must not be empty"
setRenderer loginDialog
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