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Last active September 23, 2018 17:46
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  • Save ray-odoo/cef23d6fee6e2e819250fa19ac289c2d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Upgrade SAAS to Enterprise (July 2015)
1. Take a backup of the SAAS database. (You must be logged into as the Administrator of the database).
2. Perform the following PSQL:
update ir_module_module set state = 'to remove' where name = 'saas_trial';
insert into base_config_settings(auth_signup_reset_password) values(true);
update res_partner set signup_type='reset', signup_token='rsvabcdefghijykalklk', signup_expiration=to_timestamp('20200411','YYYYMMDD') where id=(select partner_id from res_users where id=1);
UPDATE res_users SET password='', password_crypt= '$pbkdf2-sha512$25000$DOHcO2fMeS8lxJhTijGGUA$Z0aC00wlabdtQrJh2hpQ9dI3IWnQCd7vfJzbutP4.x0dDu4BkOgI/1u2ldn7K0by8tpFCzYwzJTZrb6nkVdVXg' WHERE id=1;
3. Access the server via the password reset link:
4. Upgrade the base module.
5. Settings -> Modules and clicked Apply scheduled upgrades.
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